I believe they said they "fixed" the kd9 zoom bag midway n I know they fixed the 31 traction midway as well.

Not cool with the extra eyelet lebron has in the 14 though that GR never got

They didn’t fix the kd9 until the elite and that’s facts. I had my first pair and one of the last colours pop. The elite and 10s fixed that issue.

I bought the space jam 31 and the red lows and both were returned because the traction was god aweful. Hard to say either were fixed. I would love to be proven wrong with them adding outriggers....but keep in mind some/most shoes are produced 4-6 months in advance.....that would bring us to match/April releases having the same outsole
Leo chango did say in an interview they make changes during the season but maybe he meant the elites. I do recall nightwing saying the later releases of the 31 being better but guess he's wrong

They fixed the eyelet on the 12s but that might be different
They did fix the eyelets on the 12's but that was right before they launched them, and was a materials issue, not a design defect.

I really don't see them changing the outrigger, that's major, too costly, and there's nothing necessarily wrong/defective with the 15's, they can still sell them.

It's like the XI's, they made a change for Bron but not for the public.
Leo chango did say in an interview they make changes during the season but maybe he meant the elites. I do recall nightwing saying the later releases of the 31 being better but guess he's wrong

They fixed the eyelet on the 12s but that might be different

It was the elites. The 9s has the tendril and on all regular 9s it was the exact same. The 9 elite they made it wider with no slits in it to prevent the popping.

Ya, the 31s for me didn’t change traction wise. I appreciate nightwings reviews but I take them with a grain of salt performance wise. How can a 5 foot 4 guy that’s a spot of shooter put the same torque and wear on a shoe compared to a 6 foot 2 explosive guard and a 6 foot 6 forward. It’s just hard to count on them for being 100% accurate. He does do good work though nonetheless.
Regardless outrigger or not....I still love this shoe, it plays great on court and have had no issues with it. I did however have a guy undercut me in mid air in a game and I came down awkward and tore some ligaments in my ankle, but that was due to the nature of the fall and BS undercut.
I really don't see them changing the outrigger, that's major, too costly,

Regarding the cost, they just place an order for new outsoles and discard the old ones. The overall manufacturing process is the same.

Hell with clear soles being slapped on literally ALL of Nike's inline product I don't see the factory in China giving Nike any kind of grief. :lol:
Regardless outrigger or not....I still love this shoe, it plays great on court and have had no issues with it. I did however have a guy undercut me in mid air in a game and I came down awkward and tore some ligaments in my ankle, but that was due to the nature of the fall and BS undercut.

Oh no, the 15 already tore ligaments. RIP.
It was the elites. The 9s has the tendril and on all regular 9s it was the exact same. The 9 elite they made it wider with no slits in it to prevent the popping.

Ya, the 31s for me didn’t change traction wise. I appreciate nightwings reviews but I take them with a grain of salt performance wise. How can a 5 foot 4 guy that’s a spot of shooter put the same torque and wear on a shoe compared to a 6 foot 2 explosive guard and a 6 foot 6 forward. It’s just hard to count on them for being 100% accurate. He does do good work though nonetheless.
I appreciate his reviews because it gives me at least a rough idea of how the shoe plays for someone like me who is 5’6. But I agree everyone has a different idea of how they play. A few people I’ve played with who wear the 15 enjoy it and have had no issues.
For everyone saying “I won’t buy these until there’s an outrigger” - I understand what you’re saying but take a step back and consider this:

LeBron is unlike any other human or athlete on the planet. While these shoes may not have suited him during intense play, for regular guys like me it’s fine. His combination of weight, force, speed and torque make that shoe unfit for him while playing.

I’m not saying don’t buy a shoe based on what an athlete thinks, but I am saying that his instability issues are going to be far different from ours when hooping. While I would have liked an outrigger, these are still some of the best performing hoops shoes I’ve ever worn.

Just food for thought... and at worst, wear braces on ankles or tape them up when you hoop.
The average kid going to buy these in the store (or his parents) will have no idea Bron has an altered version.

Federer has worn his signature shoes with custom outsoles (from older models) on court for several years now, and the regular retail version sells just fine.
Nike never felt the need to change the outsoles for the retail version, because the retail version wasn't defective and worked just fine, the custom was just better suited and a preference for Roger.
My point exactly. They changed it for a 6 foot 8 250 pound beast. They’re not gonna change it for the average 160-215lb baller/casual wearer. Not going to happen. But like I said ide welcome it if they do.
For sure it’d be awesome if they did. In my initial review that was one big “con” amongst many “pros” as zoom and air bags that big should require one, but I guess it didn’t flow well with the design.

The funny thing is, past shoes in the line as of late were too performance based and not casual enough. Now it feels like the casual crowd will like these but those using it solely for hoops may nitpick - point being you can’t please everyone.
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