If Gloria had her way it would have been Da Real Lambo (google him).

“King James kicks rocks the hardest”. - DRL

“King James kicks rocks the hardest”. - DRL

One of the oddest human beings I've ever seen. I'll never forget on Faith & Family Night in Canton 2 seasons ago, they were honoring the LeBron James family foundation, Savannah, the boys, and the Brinson's were there and Da Real Lambo had to carry an intoxicated Gloria out to the limo during halftime ceremonies. Really sad to see a grandmother in that condition around her grandkids.
One of the oddest human beings I've ever seen. I'll never forget on Faith & Family Night in Canton 2 seasons ago, they were honoring the LeBron James family foundation, Savannah, the boys, and the Brinson's were there and Da Real Lambo had to carry an intoxicated Gloria out to the limo during halftime ceremonies. Really sad to see a grandmother in that condition around her grandkids.

She’s very young actin’. She’s 50 years old.

You’d think LeBron James is the parent and she is the child. Amazing.
One of the oddest human beings I've ever seen. I'll never forget on Faith & Family Night in Canton 2 seasons ago, they were honoring the LeBron James family foundation, Savannah, the boys, and the Brinson's were there and Da Real Lambo had to carry an intoxicated Gloria out to the limo during halftime ceremonies. Really sad to see a grandmother in that condition around her grandkids.

Wats the Craziest LeBron story u know
Wats the Craziest LeBron story u know

Hmmmm. So there's a place called Ken Stewart's in Akron(they may have another location). Fancy joint. My college girlfriend worked there in college as a waitress. LeBron would pop in with his wife and whomever else was around because it was super private. They have a back room with windows you can't see into but can see out of. Anyway, my ex was LeBron's favorite waitress because she A. was always respectful and B. had an insane ability to remember orders without writing it down. Mind you this place has a zillion different wines and prices higher than JR Smith gets. The food is also very good. LeBron, his wife, his mother, the guy she dated before Da Real Lambo, and a bunch of LRMR people came for dinner. The room was full, I believe capacity was 20 or 30. Anyway the bill was around 11 grand give or take a few hundred dollars(this was 2012), and LeBron paid. He left a $50 tip on a bill north of 11K. Still blows my mind.
James Brown, Miles Davis, Muhammad Ali, all heroes of mine, all incredibly flawed. Two were even ridiculously abusive toward women, then unforgiving of men as well. However, there is nobody on this planet earth who can deny the contributions that all three have made in regard to their art forms, then helping to make the Black experience in America a bit easier to handle. LeBron James while flawed, is still a Black man trying to make a difference. There are others who may have been more talented, even more loyal to their teams, and even selling more shoes. However, talent and loyalty, selling shoes is not what people will remember when you are in your twilight years. The legacy you leave behind is about how many lives you've changed, while having the platform to do so. This is the bigger picture, and it seems that LeBron gets that. So yeah, he may have done this and that, but there is no Blueprint to being you in this world, especially for Black women and Men in America. When one of us makes it, all of us do. This is especially true when Madison avenue will surely try and lighten the skin of the hero, then darken the skin of the so called villain.

Do your thing LeBron.
But yet seem to be all up in his **** lol

Im just saying, you got so much dirt on the guy might as well be handing him the toilet paper.

Is it 1-ply or 2-ply tissue paper?

You guys don't know how it works around here, clearly. This is a relatively small community and info travels fast. Thinly veiled insults from two people who come off as celebrity worshippers vs. me, someone who has been around LeBron since he we were 12 years old, over half my life. Dude is not perfect, nobody is, he just happens to be rich enough to cover up a lot of his poor choices.
Celebrity worshipper lol. Chill no one is saying he’s perfect but you coming in here throwing dirt the way you are again seems like you have an agenda. But please move on.
Celebrity worshipper lol. Chill no one is saying he’s perfect but you coming in here throwing dirt the way you are again seems like you have an agenda. But please move on.

No agenda, I buy his shoes just like everyone else does. Just providing a different perspective dating back to everyone assuming people will come running to play with the self glossing "King" James.
Let me see, from what I remember. Jordan grew up with his family. Had both his mother and father, siblings, correct? He went to High School, had the support of his family, played ball, then got a scholarship to UNC, right? He had guidance, responsible parents, big brother, sisters and when he went to college, he went to a program that taught discipline through coach Dean Smith, am I correct? He learned the rudiments of the game, had a campus life, grew into an adult having the sole responsibility of playing ball, then going to class, at least I assume so. When Jordan got to the pros, he was prepared mentally, physically, and spiritually. He was an adult.

When did LeBron have a chance to do any of this, or live with such advantages or support?

Considering what he has become, even with the instability that surrounded him as a child, teen and now as an adult, I am shocked that he has become the success that he has become. Not only that, but to maintain what he has gained. He deserves major props for not winding up like those who came out, then never making it.
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