I think that with the LeBron 16 BHM Equality shoe, it makes more of a statement than the others do. It does stand out from the rest of the line, albeit a retread. With the current state of affairs regarding race relations, sexism and child abuse at the borders, all exacerbated by the current President of the United States, perhaps LBJ made the right decision with this color make up. That is, if he made that decision.
As a Black/African-American and someone with a Masters in Africana Studies, please shut up if you know nothing about Black or African history. And you probably know nothing other than the little bit you've been fed. The idea of you telling Nike what their BHM shoes should look like as if you (or Nike) cares about BHM is laughable at best. What ive noticed on here is that the more African influence the shoe has, the less it is liked. Which, by all mean is TYPICAL.
The **** does this even mean? :lol: put your shirt back on
Threw these on today for all the 11 haters lol
Perhaps if there was an option to either buy all white or all black but mismatch shoes aren’t something that I’d be interested in wearing. To each his own I guess
Equality’s seem easy to get so far...

I walked in to Foot Locker and Foot Action and they both had them with no real buzz around them. I like the 16s, like the concept, but I do think they could have done a little more with them. Foot Action let me use my coupon that was about to expire.
Any reason why 1 combo is selling more than the other??....seems the black right white left are selling more than the other
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