Official Nike Zoom Revis 1 CAMO EXT Friday!

i guess we should believe his manager!

Yeah, AT STOP BELIEVING NDC! Who calls same day and they swear they have NO info on a shoe then HOURS later it's on the calader. This girl was like "if this shoe was releasing Friday it would have been on the calamder for atleast a week now, blah blah blah..." Lesson learned, don't call NDC for info on future releases. I already knew that tho, I'm pretty sure we all did, lol.
Yeah, AT STOP BELIEVING NDC! Who calls same day and they swear they have NO info on a shoe then HOURS later it's on the calader. This girl was like "if this shoe was releasing Friday it would have been on the calamder for atleast a week now, blah blah blah..." Lesson learned, don't call NDC for info on future releases. I already knew that tho, I'm pretty sure we all did, lol.
It's the same crap when you walk or call a store.. It's funny how people that work at these places 99/100 are clueless it's all the people in the community who has the information or in this case revis manager! So sick!
Why the conspiracy? Nikestore didn't make a big deal about any of the other Zoom Revis'. Its Area 72 weekend. Any other release from today Saturday is not a priority for any of the blogs. Area 72 content is driving up their page views, not a Red/Black Revis that may garner a couple thousand clicks if that. Relax.


Because this is the zoom Revis page not the area 72 page and everyone has been thirsty for these for months. So I'm gonna let everyone know what I think, generally 90% of the time I'm right. It was extremely strange for them to put out NOTHING, ASW or takes ten minutes to type up a paragraph and post some photos. Nobody that's not searching for this release is gonna know about it, it's extremely under the radar, for now...
i guess we should believe his manager!
Yeah, AT STOP BELIEVING NDC! Who calls same day and they swear they have NO info on a shoe then HOURS later it's on the calader. This girl was like "if this shoe was releasing Friday it would have been on the calamder for atleast a week now, blah blah blah..." Lesson learned, don't call NDC for info on future releases. I already knew that tho, I'm pretty sure we all did, lol.
Seriously dude, relax. They alter the calendar regularly. Just yesterday, there was Area 72 apparel listed with product numbers as well as release dates and it was removed before this morning.
Because this is the zoom Revis page not the area 72 page and everyone has been thirsty for these for months. So I'm gonna let everyone know what I think, generally 90% of the time I'm right. It was extremely strange for them to put out NOTHING, ASW or takes ten minutes to type up a paragraph and post some photos. Nobody that's not searching for this release is gonna know about it, it's extremely under the radar, for now...
Who is everyone? Its about 20 regulars in this thread if that. Just like the Roshe Run, it has the eyes of a niche market. Most retailers haven't even ordered the shoe.
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Who is everyone? Its about 20 regulars in this thread if that. Just like the Roshe Run, it has the eyes of a niche market. Most retailers haven't even ordered the shoe.
Funny you should say that, because those are the only 2 threads I subscribe to on here.

And now that I've taken us off topic..are there any threads on here specifically for buying/selling? (sorry if thats a stupid question, but I'm new here). I got a bunch of air max's and some other stuff I'm looking to get rid of. Or am i better of just selling it on ebay?
For all swoosh members I just spoke with a nike representative and the red/black zoom revis's will not be discounted tomorrow :smh:
Seriously dude, relax. They alter the calendar regularly. Just yesterday, there was Area 72 apparel listed with product numbers as well as release dates and it was removed before this morning.

Who is everyone? Its about 20 regulars in this thread if that. Just like the Roshe Run, it has the eyes of a niche market. Most retailers haven't even ordered the shoe.
My friend, I do what I do for this thread and I'm going to continue doing it, I've been helping helping these guys secure pairs since the ZR dropped, specially limited pairs. Everyone else in here seems to greatly appreciate the Info. With all due respect if you don't like what I'm posting, just don't say anything- and I don't mean to sound like a jerk saying that. I know you just started posting here and welcome to the thread, it's actually the chillest thread on NT, but nobody needs to "relax" or argue about anything. I'm really not trying to sound like a **** or start an argument...
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SNEAKERWORLD HAS VOLTS!!! SIZES 8.5-11!!! They are not in-stock but they will be in SHOP of WEDNESDAY of next week!

HE IS TAKING ORDERS NOW and they will ship out Wednesday!!!! FCFS! Don't sleep on these, HE has only 20 pairs coming so some sizes are limited to 2 pairs!!

I know alot of you have been waiting for these for a long time, and it's ASW and all...but if you've wanted a pair, DON'T sleep on them. They will BE gone, and I'm doubtful of another restock! 

ya'll know the DRILL! Shane coming through again with the hook up.

845 791 4440 and tell him JOEYD sent you! $140 shipped-good luck
:nthat: :nthat: :nthat:  LISTEN UP MO-FO'S SHANE JUST CALLED!!!:nthat: :nthat: :nthat:

SNEAKERWORLD HAS VOLTS!!! SIZES 8.5-11!!! They are not in-stock but they will be in SHOP of WEDNESDAY of next week!

HE IS TAKING ORDERS NOW and they will ship out Wednesday!!!! FCFS! Don't sleep on these, HE has only 20 pairs coming so some sizes are limited to 2 pairs!!

I know alot of you have been waiting for these for a long time, and it's ASW and all...but if you've wanted a pair, DON'T sleep on them. They will BE gone, and I'm doubtful of another restock! 

ya'll know the DRILL! Shane coming through again with the hook up.
845 791 4440 and tell him JOEYD sent you! $140 shipped-good luck
I hope everyone that wants them can get theirs!
This might be a double post my bad if it is, thanks joeyd but I wear a size 12 which sucks for me :-(
use the sku # and try to stock locate them through a local champs store. It's been done a few times. I wear a 9 usually and I've tried on an 8 in the ZR, it was tight but not unbareable. If you can't find a 12 try to locate an 11.5, I'm sure it will fit.
For all swoosh members I just spoke with a nike representative and the red/black zoom revis's will not be discounted tomorrow :smh:

Sometimes they are wrong and i hope they are this time, was planing on snatching these tomorrow and royal 1 sat.
Not feeling any of ASG release, would only cop for trades.
Seriously dude, relax. They alter the calendar regularly. Just yesterday, there was Area 72 apparel listed with product numbers as well as release dates and it was removed before this morning.

Who is everyone? Its about 20 regulars in this thread if that. Just like the Roshe Run, it has the eyes of a niche market. Most retailers haven't even ordered the shoe.
My friend, I do what I do for this thread and I'm going to continue doing it, I've been helping helping these guys secure pairs since the ZR dropped, specially limited pairs. Everyone else in here seems to greatly appreciate the Info. With all due respect if you don't like what I'm posting, just don't say anything- and I don't mean to sound like a jerk saying that. I know you just started posting here and welcome to the thread, it's actually the chillest thread on NT, but nobody needs to "relax" or argue about anything. I'm really not trying to sound like a **** or start an argument...
I've been posting in this thread before you so stop it. I was just commenting on your rant. Everyone is not in tune what is being released even if they work at Nike. This is a very important weekend for Nike and everything not All-Star related is not going to receive attention especially after what happened in Orlando last year.
Reevis got his his own shoe OMG so excited very happy 2 C more Football players get their own kick it heir sweet instant classic I'll always remember the Dions and the Bo jacks
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