Official NLDS Atlanta Braves vs. San Francisco Giants Thread (3-1 SF) Giants Advance (TBS)

Blackbeards delight.

Suicide watch on Conrad. Halfway kidding.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Game link please

kinda too late, but check atdhe . net

Sanchez's 11 k 2 hit performance tonight was amazing....I don't know what I'd do if we didn't come away with the win, thank goodness we came back....
I have to give it up to Ishikawa for that great AB. Now that he doesn't start...I don't hate him as much. Great walk, though.
that was such a roller coaster ride.

Great comeback by the Giants.

3 errors by Brooks, SMHHHHH

Way to go Giants, yall deserve it.

Sanchez piched greaaat

Bochey is a moron
Along with Ishikawa putting up a great at bat, Sanchez fighting through an 0-2 hole and hitting one up the middle was clutch too.
This would've been a tougher loss than the game 2 one haha

Big ups to Aubrey Huff

shoutout to Conrad too lol

the life of a giants fan
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

This would've been a tougher loss than the game 2 one haha

Big ups to Aubrey Huff

shoutout to Conrad too lol

the life of a giants fan
Congrats to your Raiders. I was switching channels to NFL Redzone and saw Tom Cable celebrating after the fumble and TD.
so whats the deal with Wilsons there a story?

it's clearly there a reason why?

Brooks Conrad can F himself that POS I know he won us some games in the season, but this is the playoffs he needs to step his game up.

3 MF errors. I thought for sure the game was ours after Hinske hit the HR cause Kimbrel was coming in.
Originally Posted by MFr3shM

Brooks Conrad can F himself that POS I know he won us some games in the season, but this is the playoffs he needs to step his game up.

3 MF errors. I thought for sure the game was ours after Hinske hit the HR cause Kimbrel was coming in.

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