Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Same reason they went at him for dancing when kelce was looking like he was at the club
That moment you realize that the source of arguements is yourself and knowing you need to change is an amazing epiphany. I remember when my wife and I were dating and we were arguing about something and it hit me that maybe who I was, was flawed and needs to improve. SMH

That's why when people say stuff like "That's just who I am" I think to myself, "Yea, and that's the problem!"
I'm going to start using that when people use that excuse as if there's not hope for them changing.
That moment you realize that the source of arguements is yourself and knowing you need to change is an amazing epiphany. I remember when my wife and I were dating and we were arguing about something and it hit me that maybe who I was, was flawed and needs to improve. SMH

That's why when people say stuff like "That's just who I am" I think to myself, "Yea, and that's the problem!"

Bro the truth i feel like ive reached my ultimate rock bottom and it sucks it had to get this low to realize i really need to change.

As my wife says , "youre an amazing father but a ****** up husband."
Put my daughter to sleep at 8:45PM last night and woke up at 6:15AM.

First time she slept through the entire night...But I had to rush and iron my clothes for work.

3 more days till I go on paternal leave. I CANNOT WAIT.
It's a weird feeling at first when your sleep isn't broken, isn't?

thought we had 4-mo sleep regression beginning on Sunday but I think dude was so extremely overtired he was fighting the good fight. Went to sleep at 9:15p (we began at 6) and slept straight till 7:30-8a. Unfortunately for me, I'm in season so I was still up at 5
Put my daughter to sleep at 8:45PM last night and woke up at 6:15AM.

First time she slept through the entire night...But I had to rush and iron my clothes for work.

3 more days till I go on paternal leave. I CANNOT WAIT.
3 more months for me. Ain't nothin' better than being paid to sit at home and raise my kids. Realized also that I'll be on leave on my birthday and pretty much the whole summer. Wife is already talkin' about spending some weeks in Atlanta
Mine does not sleep through the night. Even when she's tired, she just cries and fights rather than go to sleep. She sleeps more during the day. Her talking is starting to get better. I mean she's barely 2 months so it's still baby gibberish, but it's so cute and sounds closer to words. You can even tell when she calls herself trying to yell or talk back
It's a weird feeling at first when your sleep isn't broken, isn't?

thought we had 4-mo sleep regression beginning on Sunday but I think dude was so extremely overtired he was fighting the good fight. Went to sleep at 9:15p (we began at 6) and slept straight till 7:30-8a. Unfortunately for me, I'm in season so I was still up at 5
Yeah, it is a weird feeling. I work up around 3 to check on her and she was knocked out.

Hopefully she continues this trend of sleeping more through the night. Lately, we've been on this schedule where we put her to sleep around 9 and then she'd wake up around 2-3AM to eat.
My son is 4 months old.

He does not sleep enough. Dude sleeps maybe 10 hours a day. He's not angry or crying dude just doesn't want to sleep. Me and my wife wake up and dude is looking us laughing.

Only reason I'm concerned is he's underweight. He's in the 90th percentile height wise but the 38th weight wise.

He's exclusively breast fed and I know breast fed babies typically weigh less but I'm worried his sleeping is negativity impacting is weight.

Anyone have any recommendations?

I forgot about my kids birthday balloon s being in the living room. Welp they are losing air and i was half sleep and it floated by our room ........ almost fought a balloon

Not my proudest moment
My son is 4 months old.

He does not sleep enough. Dude sleeps maybe 10 hours a day. He's not angry or crying dude just doesn't want to sleep. Me and my wife wake up and dude is looking us laughing.

Only reason I'm concerned is he's underweight. He's in the 90th percentile height wise but the 38th weight wise.

He's exclusively breast fed and I know breast fed babies typically weigh less but I'm worried his sleeping is negativity impacting is weight.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Have your girl pump. You don't have to buy the $260 Madela electric, the manual one is $26 on Amazon and works amazing. Even some off brand electrics are like $40. My girl wanted vehemently to be breastfeed only, and that's why we were in the hospital an extra 3-4 days with the baby dangerously losing weight. Turns out she wasn't producing as much as she thought so baby was actually starving. Pumping also will help her produce more.

In the meantime also maybe try introducing some formula, Similac Advanced. All the babies I know on that are big, but my daughter couldn't do it because of her reflux she spits it right back up.
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My son is 4 months old.

He does not sleep enough. Dude sleeps maybe 10 hours a day. He's not angry or crying dude just doesn't want to sleep. Me and my wife wake up and dude is looking us laughing.

Only reason I'm concerned is he's underweight. He's in the 90th percentile height wise but the 38th weight wise.

He's exclusively breast fed and I know breast fed babies typically weigh less but I'm worried his sleeping is negativity impacting is weight.

Anyone have any recommendations?

Similar boat....though our son who will be 4-months in 3 days isn't in a high percentile weight wise...but sleeps well at night (most part). Our son is breastfed exclusively too - so assuming your wife's milk supply is adequate, our Doc said offer him food before naps too. Our Doc wants at least 8-9 feedings per 24 hours whereas because of his long night sleep we were around 6.

If your wife has been sick or had a change in diet, that could impact wife had been sick for a month and is just getting better and it's clearly noticeable in terms of milk.
I thought kids who aren't breastfed weigh less? My wife suddenly stopped producing milk, so we had to transition to Gerber Good Start formula. 

Daughter is slowly gaining weight, but comparing her to our friends 3-month old baby, she looks small 
My son is 4 months old.

He does not sleep enough. Dude sleeps maybe 10 hours a day. He's not angry or crying dude just doesn't want to sleep. Me and my wife wake up and dude is looking us laughing.

Only reason I'm concerned is he's underweight. He's in the 90th percentile height wise but the 38th weight wise.

He's exclusively breast fed and I know breast fed babies typically weigh less but I'm worried his sleeping is negativity impacting is weight.

Anyone have any recommendations?
I personally wouldn't be concerned.  Some babies just are active and don't want to sleep.  I personally do not see his sleeping routine negatively impacting his weight.  You could maybe try a teaspoon of oatmeal cereal per ounce of breast milk (not rice because breast milk can break down the rice and this only will apply if he bottle feeds pumped milk).  The oatmeal may hold him over a little longer so hopefully he would sleep longer.  May also give him some extra calories and chunk him up a bit.  
Babies sleep like the were in the womb my oldest was aftive mid day but slept at night

My youngest was active in the early 4am time

And it was the same their first year..... until they discover cartoon come.on early

Lion guard looks like it got potential

I have watched home everyday since my mom bout it for my son for christmas
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