Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love


My lil boy is gona be 1 already in a few weeks. Man time flys, i wana go all out but ill save that for when he can remember.
You'll be aight bruh. Time will go by hella fast then next thing you know their 15 yrs old and your left looking at old bby pics of them

Wifey say she want another one (#6)

HEO nah
 i don't even think i could handle that on my best days 
 i know I'm seeing that with my niece, i feel like it was just yesterday she was being born 

Think I remember you posting when I did a few months ago...wife is due on 12/20 I can't wait
yessir, Dr. is saying we're due 12/5 give or take, so we'll see! 
In the home stretch now. My baby girl is due next month lord willin [emoji]128563[/emoji]

Same here. My wife had her sprinkle for the twins yesterday and it looks like Luke's gonna be hooked up nicely. Leia's good too. I wasn't too worried about her though since my first daughter still has about 50% of her baby clothes, still DS.

Just had the gender reveal party, we having a boy :pimp:

Gave the IG vid a like already yesterday but congrats again, bro :nthat:

My lil boy is gona be 1 already in a few weeks. Man time flys, i wana go all out but ill save that for when he can remember.

We're planning the party as we speak, be 1 in 4 days. She's walking, running, kind of talking, still not peeing on the toilet yet. We just sit her on there and yell "pee pee! pee pee! pee pee!" and she just looks at us until she's ready to get up and go running around terrorizing some more ****
What did yall do for the first birthday?

My daughters gonna be one in 3 months and not really lookong forward to spending close to a thounsand dollars on a big *** party.
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What did yall do for the first birthday?

My daughters gonna be one in 3 months and not really lookong forward to spending close to a thounsand dollars on a big *** party.
Jumping in but just did my daughters party over the summer and if there will be other kids there I advise a clown or two. Kept them all engaged for over an hour. WELL worth the money. Plus a piñata was good too.
What did yall do for the first birthday?

My daughters gonna be one in 3 months and not really lookong forward to spending close to a thounsand dollars on a big *** party.
House party, spent prob 3-400. Cake, bbq, and soda with some lil games in the backyard. Don't feel pressured to do it real big unless you really want to. It ain't that deep
What did yall do for the first birthday?

My daughters gonna be one in 3 months and not really lookong forward to spending close to a thounsand dollars on a big *** party.
Well, since we moved across the country, we weren't able to have a big 1st birthday party for our daughter.

Instead, my parents and in-laws came to town last week and celebrated with us. Spoiled her with so much and spoiled us with food and things we still needed for our home.

Would have been cool to have our close friends and other family with us...But it was nice to celebrate and spend time with them.

I loved how much my daughter enjoyed waking up in the morning and seeing the in the family room. We got bummed when she woke up looking for them after we left.

We're planning on flying back to CA to celebrate her 2nd birthday and my nephew's 1st birthday.
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i've been to some pretty big first bday parties. most recently, a carnival themed one at a country club with a horrifying clown on stilts shooting a bubble gun at the kids. not sure who thought that was a good idea. most of the kids were scared of it. everything on and in the treat bags was personalized. they had face paint, tattoo, popcorn, balloon animal maker, a candy animal maker, photo booth, dj, emcee, slide show etc. was in excess of 150 people. don't even want to estimate the cost.

on the flip side of that, we used my aunt's pavilion rec center for my son's first and invited pretty much only really close friends and family, catered it with good local food, and made it into a nice little get together. my co-worker's daughter made a really nice cake. kids swam in the pool. everything came out to less than $400 and we had a great time.
We decided that were gona keep it simple. First bday, nobody is gona care about the food cuz we aint boujie like that, my kid for sure wont remember it, just everyone commin together and havin a good time is all that matters, my kid will be happy.

Was gona grill but it would take to much time and i want to enjoy as much as i can for his first bday.

We agreed its best to not overspend since holidays are commin up plus bdays and our wedding and honeymoon all within the next 3 months.

But once it statts gettin dark the real party gona start :lol:
We've been pretty extravagant with my daughter, but for her first bday, we decided to keep it pretty chill since we had just moved into our new house a couple weeks prior. We only worried about paying for catering, entertainment, photographer and a two woman staff to do everything we needed. Nothing too crazy and I got to enjoy the whole day with my Princess.
And another thing is, he already has everything he needs, between us and his grandparents the kid is good on anything he needs we buy him everything.

So we just gona wait on our gift to him(besides the party) to see what gifts he gets and then buy what we feel he needs.
For my sons first birthday we combined it with his baptism. My parents payed for the taco guy so it didn't cost us too much. We had it at the park since it was in the summer
A taco truck was one thing we considered, or a taco cart but the ones we found were to expensive for some tacos :lol:
Man! Some of you guys go all out!

We just had a cake & brought the close family together on Skype. Since he won't remember it and we don't really like to plan parties we decided to keep it pretty simple overall.
The first one we kept it pretty simple with a small cake for my son and had our close friends and family over. His second birthday we went all out with a themed party at home. This third one we are probably going to have it somewhere else.

For my daughter we will probably do the same for her first and second birthday. 
Congrats to all the first time dads out there. And to everyone else expecting their 2nd, or 3rd.... or beyond. :wow:

This IS a life changer. But a positive one. (It's positive only when your in the right mindset, imo)

Cherish every minute. Even when you had 3 hours of sleep in a day, and your straight loosing your mind.... They're only small once. :tongue:
Just had our daughters baptism Saturday. It was the first party we planned and threw and man it's a lot of work. We are beat Sunday but it was a great experience. Now we know more or less what to expect for the first bday party. I told my girl I don't want to go all out because she won't remember it. I rather go all out when she can remember it and she can always have that good memory, just like how my parents did for my siblings and I. My favorite party is when my dad rented the black ranger outfit and my sisters godfather wore it and did a rolling jump off our roof. My friends and I were hyped when that happened. I felt like the man when we went back to school. :lol:
Trump :smh: gotta raise our kids better man...not speaking to anyone individually, but as a whole we gotta do better than what we're dealing with...
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