Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love a result of your good parenting I'm sure.

I really admire how you, through the raising of your son, address the unfair cards that are dealt in life [like unwarranted social stereotypes]. Some people acquiesce to these pressures (and I completely understand why), when instead they should be proud of where they came from and accepting of the challenge to reeducate the ignorant others of society.

To a better future without such superficial labeling and preconceived notions. :nthat:
Thank you. He's dealt with the ignorance already about his hair. One morning I woke up and he had 2 missing dreads in the front that he cut. He said the kids were teasing him and he didnt want it anymore :smh: . It broke my heart, but I went online and showed him a bunch of pictures of other people with dreads and educated him on the topic. I have a few uncles that are literally rasta so I showed him pictures of them too. I just had to show him he's not alone, and had him embrace it as you stated.

Props for the hair growth on your little man..
Grew my eldest boys out til he was 8. Separated with the wife and next time I saw him his hair was short :-/. You growing it regarding strength?
I had no intentions of growing it for any reason. It just came to be that way if that makes any sense..
That last month went painfully slow after the first 9 went quick :smh: she was tired of carrying him in her belly and we just wanted to see him :lol: it dragged but well worth the wait. Enjoy the sleep now.
:lol: You right. I have been anxious to see dude, but once I say "Hi" to him, its "bye" to sleep.
i have mad respect for you guys. i can feel the love you have for your children. they're all beautiful. :smile:

i definitely can't wait to be a mom in a few years.

hubby doesn't want the little ones in jordans until they can walk, however. :lol:  i can't wait for them to match with their pops. :wow:

Dont do it to urself. 50 A pop plus outgrown every month haha jus wait till theyre like 18 months. Ive only bought y daughter a few pairs. Her and her mom are girly girls. When i have a son doe he gunna have js and jumpman jumpsuits for dayss

Last one. stumbled across this old flic of Metta lurkin tough. She used to be so tinyy... the time flies man :smh:

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i have mad respect for you guys. i can feel the love you have for your children. they're all beautiful. :smile:

i definitely can't wait to be a mom in a few years.

hubby doesn't want the little ones in jordans until they can walk, however. :lol:  i can't wait for them to match with their pops. :wow:

Buying J's for any kid under 4/5 is pointless..Their feet grow so fast and weird..One minute they'll be regular feet and the next they'll be big and fat..Then they seem to shrink and are skinny again..My son wore his first pair of Jordans exactly 2 times before his foot was too fat to wear them..Soft sole J's are fine, but once they are starting to walk you shouldn't put them in Jordans..Can't nothing beat a pair of Stride Rite Walking Shoes to get them started..

My son is 6 next month and he's starting to get the shoe bug..I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do when he starts hitting me up for shoes every month..And let's be real, there's no way I can tell that boy "no you can't have new shoes cause you just got a new pair"..
I'm a damn sucker for my kid
my son has ran multiple jordans into the damn ground... was walking in the rain once.. he told me his feet is wet.. checked the bottom of his cement 3s.. and there was a damn whole...
Waited close to two hours in line for this lololol
She wasn't having none of that 

NT ain't letting me upload photos was gonna post the one we took at the Mall of America.. waited about 2 damb hours ourselves.

Taking the pic was fast.. waiting in line for the actually pictures 
i have mad respect for you guys. i can feel the love you have for your children. they're all beautiful. 

i definitely can't wait to be a mom in a few years.

hubby doesn't want the little ones in jordans until they can walk, however. 
 i can't wait for them to match with their pops. 
Dont do it to urself. 50 A pop plus outgrown every month haha jus wait till theyre like 18 months. Ive only bought y daughter a few pairs. Her and her mom are girly girls. When i have a son doe he gunna have js and jumpman jumpsuits for dayss

Last one. stumbled across this old flic of Metta lurkin tough. She used to be so tinyy... the time flies man
@ ron ron lurkin....

props guys..... amazing thread
She wasn't having none of that :lol:

NT ain't letting me upload photos was gonna post the one we took at the Mall of America.. waited about 2 damb hours ourselves.

Taking the pic was fast.. waiting in line for the actually pictures :x :smh:

:lol: Funniest **** ever.

*To upload the pics (From your phone), switch over to the desktop version. That's the only way it's been working for me as of late.
She wasn't having none of that :lol:

NT ain't letting me upload photos was gonna post the one we took at the Mall of America.. waited about 2 damb hours ourselves.

Taking the pic was fast.. waiting in line for the actually pictures :x :smh:

:lol: Funniest **** ever.

*To upload the pics (From your phone), switch over to the desktop version. That's the only way it's been working for me as of late.
never mind ... i think i got it...
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She wasn't having none of that 

NT ain't letting me upload photos was gonna post the one we took at the Mall of America.. waited about 2 damb hours ourselves.

Taking the pic was fast.. waiting in line for the actually pictures 
Funniest **** ever.

*To upload the pics (From your phone), switch over to the desktop version. That's the only way it's been working for me as of late.
never mind ... i think i got it...
what did you do to fix it Triz?

I been having issues getting them to upload too
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like JJs said use the desktop version on your phone.. go to the pic icon, click, and at the top on the left of the pop up it says upload files next to "how to add multiple photos".. click then scroll though and add
I thought getting jordans in december was tough, finding all these guys is nearly impossible! Resellers on eBay/Amazon selling these $4.99 toys for $40.00 a pop!

:lol: :x :smh:

You ain't lyin'... My son was off it for a good portion of this year but then got into Dragonball Z again. The only toys he wanted this year was DBZ action figures which are expensive as ****... We were able to get a few but his rich uncle hooked him up...

Good luck... Happy Holidays...
I posted about this a few months ago. I have my phone on HIGH-VOLUME while I'm at work. I'm in the final 4 week stretch of my son's arrival. I'm so psyched and nervous at the same time. I feel like I'm going to flip out once I get the call :lol:

Pray for me on my new fatherly journey, NT Fam! Peace up to all the great fathers out there!
I posted about this a few months ago. I have my phone on HIGH-VOLUME while I'm at work. I'm in the final 4 week stretch of my son's arrival. I'm so psyched and nervous at the same time. I feel like I'm going to flip out once I get the call

Pray for me on my new fatherly journey, NT Fam! Peace up to all the great fathers out there!
I miss this feel.. kinda 
 not really

I remember being nervous like I can get this call anytime while I'm at work.. come the day of the due date, I didn't see my girl in bed when I got up.. I got ready for work anyway.. went into the kitchen, heard the TV on downstairs and there she is laying on the couch looking like she's in the worst pain ever. I asked her if she was having dat muddbutt cause she had a bad case the day before 
 but I think it's the body preparing itself, she threw up a lot the day before too.. but she said no she's having painful contractions I was 
 we timed it for like an hour and they were 5-10 minutes apart so we got da bags and went in.

When we get there this nurse who seems in a rush 
 hooks her up to a bunch of crap to monitor her.. apparently she wasn't having consistent enough contractions to be in labor and she was only effaced(sp?) like 50% or some ****. The doctor that time of day was in surgery doing an emergency c-section. So that biatch sent us home 
 we were kind of pissed to say the least.. she was like oh you know you're a first time mother I'm sure you're just nervous and those contractions were normal. My girl said she felt normal contractions these were a lot stronger. We get home first thing she does is hurl all over the damb place.. I cleaned it up. Not 10 minutes later she rushes to the bathroom to throwup in toilet only to miss again cause she can't bend over so I clean it up some more.. we call hospital to talk to a doctor we're on hold for a bit then doctor asks what's going on blah blah tell them she's still having contractions and just threw up twice.. the doctor tells us to come back in. We get a new nurse and she hooks us up my girl is hooked up walking around back and forth and throws up two more times in there 
 thankfully I didn't have to clean it up since the nurses did that. They finally omit us or whatever and get us a room.. it was the biggeset relief ever.. and not long after he comes out and a day or so later when we're getting wheeled to our new room we see the nurse that sent us home and I flipped her off.. in my mind.

That's how our labor went 
 share yours.. grammar errors up the ying yang... whatever judge me.
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NT Dads >

I seriously love this thread.

I'll sum up our labor story. Saying we were unprepared was an understatement.

1/31, my girl has a 5pm doctor's appointment. Doctor said everything looked great and the baby should be here on time. The due date was Feb 23rd (I think). I'm thinking " time to get some **** done in those next 3 weeks." We didn't take a birthing class, car seat wasn't installed, etc. All we did was a hospital visit and had an overnight bag packed. Anyways, skip ahead to 2am on 2/1, my girl wakes up in a panic and says she thinks her water broke. Oh ****. :lol: She's panicking and between the two of us, SOMEONE (aka, me) had to be calm. She's trying to clean the house, make the bed, etc...I'm looking at her like she's crazy. Anyways, I get everything we need for the hospital in the car and say we have to go.

Hospital is literally 10 minutes from the house. Like I said before, I was the calm one. We get in the car, and my mind goes blank. I went the wrong way TWICE trying to get to the hospital. Took about 30 minutes for me to get there due to me not thinking :lol:

She ended up delivering around 4:15pm later on in the day.

Everything was honestly a blur. I'm happy things happened the way they did. I didn't have time to process anything due to the surprise of the baby coming 3 weeks early. Had it been closer to the actual due date, I'm sure I would have been on pins and needles and a nervous wreck.

We always crack up when thinking of the chain of events between 1/31 and 2/1...
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