Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love


It's funny, I've heard so many times that women like cleaning and doing a bunch of stuff randomly near birth.

From what I've heard it's the mother instincts kicking in.
^^I sometimes wish I had a cool "labor story"..We decided to choose our delivery date so that way both of our parents could be there for sure..And she was starting to be in pain so we just said screw it..
 @ getting lost twice on the way to the hospital thats 10 mins away

the doctor sent us from the office straight to the hospital cause her blood pressure was kinda high.....we had already passed the due date by a day or two I think
Lol!! So, due to your experiences fellas, what would you say the REQUIRED MUST HAVE ITEMS that I would need? I gotta install the carseat ASAP! It's still in the box -- I have a change or bag of clothes, phone chargers, etc. What are some essential items you may have forgotten that would have made things easier?
Headphones... jkjkjk
Jus be ready to stay for a long time, sleep over. Take anything u would take to stay the night over somebody's house. Charger, cash, bball shorts, her stuff, books if u read. And dress comfortable
View media item 698460When my son was born I so nervous
My girl was having contractions all night so we decide to go to the hospital
But they said she wasn't far enough and that that she needed to be such and such cinimeters or something. So we go home and she in pain the whole time crying
I'm just sittin there not knowing what to do feeling useless
Finally we just said **** it and went back
It was me her brother her mom her dad my mom my sister and a few friends we straight bum rushed the hospital making sure she was admitted.
I watched the whole birth thing I had it recorded on a old *** phone
View media item 698462
Lol!! So, due to your experiences fellas, what would you say the REQUIRED MUST HAVE ITEMS that I would need? I gotta install the carseat ASAP! It's still in the box -- I have a change or bag of clothes, phone chargers, etc. What are some essential items you may have forgotten that would have made things easier?

Phone charger is an absolute must. Also, the stay at the hospital won't be too comfortable. I slept on a vinyl lazy boy that turned into a tiny (probably 1/2 the size) twin "bed." I'm 6'1 195 and my shoulders when I was on my back, were touching both arms of the chair when it was reclined in the bed position. Woke up each day with most of my body on the floor. The sheets I brought kept sliding...and so did I. :lol:
Lol!! So, due to your experiences fellas, what would you say the REQUIRED MUST HAVE ITEMS that I would need? I gotta install the carseat ASAP! It's still in the box -- I have a change or bag of clothes, phone chargers, etc. What are some essential items you may have forgotten that would have made things easier?

Phone charger is an absolute must. Also, the stay at the hospital won't be too comfortable. I slept on a vinyl lazy boy that turned into a tiny (probably 1/2 the size) twin "bed." I'm 6'1 195 and my shoulders when I was on my back, were touching both arms of the chair when it was reclined in the bed position. Woke up each day with most of my body on the floor. The sheets I brought kept sliding...and so did I. :lol:
yes make sure u install that car seat hospital wont let u leave without one installed
bring a 3ds or vita if u have one
also some snacks
i hated running next door to jack in the box and other fast food spots while in the hospital. dont really like hospital food
tooth brush and tooth paste
ask the cna or nurse for a bed sheet so you can put it over the recliner you're sleeping on.......think about how many people have sat/slept on that thing 
 and you can't trust housekeeping w/ cleaning it on the regular 
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Def getting closer to getting snipped. . Wifey getting baby fever or whatever is called here and there.... I ain't got time to be messing with diapers, strollers, car seats... I enjoy naps, sleeping, and smashing without having to worry about waking up the baby..
Def getting closer to getting snipped. . Wifey getting baby fever or whatever is called here and there.... I ain't got time to be messing with diapers, strollers, car seats... I enjoy naps, sleeping, and smashing without having to worry about waking up the baby..
Hopefully I'll be able to say this in a few years 
Def getting closer to getting snipped. . Wifey getting baby fever or whatever is called here and there.... I ain't got time to be messing with diapers, strollers, car seats... I enjoy naps, sleeping, and smashing without having to worry about waking up the baby..
i feel you ONE BILLION PERCENT dawg....
Def getting closer to getting snipped. . Wifey getting baby fever or whatever is called here and there.... I ain't got time to be messing with diapers, strollers, car seats... I enjoy naps, sleeping, and smashing without having to worry about waking up the baby..
Been plotting that as well. Too many stories of lady's getting preggo after getting their tubes tied.
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