Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

If it's not too much to ask, keep us updated man.

Are you offering alternatives to sex for him? Hard to ignore the physical wants completely...You remember 13 bruh...wind blows and you're horny.
Yeah I I'll keep yall updated.
Yeah I remember 13 and I'm not upset he wants to get him some
I'm pissed that he isn't following my instructions
This is the volcano erupting so to speak
He's been testing the limits of my discipline lately so its time to hit him with the real
Plus it will be a good lesson that he can't get anything past me
If it's not too much to ask, keep us updated man.

Are you offering alternatives to sex for him? Hard to ignore the physical wants completely...You remember 13 bruh...wind blows and you're horny.

Maaaaaaaaan teenagers. Im not there yet but im scared.

From Personal experience, the more you pressure them the more you drive them away.

Don't take him off the team, show him that you trust him with the phone. Hes a kid he doesnt know any better. You just gotta lrt him know the deal and let him figure it out on his own.

If he approaches you for advice, thats a huge plus
Son will be 1 on November 6th but we took his cake smash pics over the weekend.

Maaaaaaaaan teenagers. Im not there yet but im scared.

From Personal experience, the more you pressure them the more you drive them away.

Don't take him off the team, show him that you trust him with the phone. Hes a kid he doesnt know any better. You just gotta lrt him know the deal and let him figure it out on his own.

If he approaches you for advice, thats a huge plus
Yeah I'm going to give him his phone and iPad back
Going to make him be responsible for his actions
I'm going to make him apologize to his mom and siblings for letting them down
He's also going to apologize to the girl he was messaging back and forth with
the other day at the mall, we were going up a steep escalator and my 5 year old son takes a tumble backwards. i'm mortified and take off after him. he does about 3 rolls and slows so i grab him. he starts crying and i'm expecting blood to come pouring down but he looks ok except for two scraped knees bleeding a little. i tell him to shake it off and we finish shopping. we get home and he says that he's still hurt and cannot walk. i tell him if he runs to the end of the hallway and back i'll buy him some hotwheels later. dude rips it up and down the hall and i tell him i was going to buy him a car but since he lied about being unable to walk, he ain't getting a damn thing :lol:

after his shower, i band aid one knee and notice he has a long scrape on his shoulder and back from the escalator so we talk about elevator safety: focus, hold the rail, and don't put one foot on the stationary side part and drag his foot and how it's a good thing to learn your lesson and don't repeat mistakes....then i took him to the store and bought him a hot wheel :blush:
the other day at the mall, we were going up a steep escalator and my 5 year old son takes a tumble backwards. i'm mortified and take off after him. he does about 3 rolls and slows so i grab him. he starts crying and i'm expecting blood to come pouring down but he looks ok except for two scraped knees bleeding a little. i tell him to shake it off and we finish shopping. we get home and he says that he's still hurt and cannot walk. i tell him if he runs to the end of the hallway and back i'll buy him some hotwheels later. dude rips it up and down the hall and i tell him i was going to buy him a car but since he lied about being unable to walk, he ain't getting a damn thing :lol:

after his shower, i band aid one knee and notice he has a long scrape on his shoulder and back from the escalator so we talk about elevator safety: focus, hold the rail, and don't put one foot on the stationary side part and drag his foot and how it's a good thing to learn your lesson and don't repeat mistakes....then i took him to the store and bought him a hot wheel :blush:

lol i love this story. Great lesson pops.
I did it a few weeks ago

Except it was just in the couch

But I prefer to do the real thing with my oldest

Started her on real roller coasters ate age 4 (she’s tall)

Here’s a couple that she has slayed

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Breast milk isnt coming inwell. Does anyone do formula from the beginnig

My son had a tounge tie (I think hats whqt it was called :lol:) anyway...he wasn't doing well with breast feeding so we used formula pretty much the whole time he was a baby.
Is it ok to say i may be more exhausted than my wife.
(While we have a newborn)
Cooking. Cleaning, being the shield that guards the realm of men.
Letting her sleep at night while i feed baby and watch for diaper duty.
Waking up going to work in 90 minute traffic. Trying to be upbeat teaching. Another hour back home driving. Grocery shopping dinner

I know it will get harder for my wife as the baby gets more active but as of right now im stretched so thin.
It also doesnt help that our cat has seperation anxiety and we've been gone for 6 days. So she literally meowed from 4 pm when we got home til 5 am when i finally decided to sleep down stairs with her near so shed shut up...this was all after letting my wife nap for a good 3 hours so she can rest ...which has been amazing for her since now that breast milk finally coming in!!!
We've been doing formula since the baby was under weight and she wasnt producing.
Its just wild.
^it's never ok for me to say i'm more exhausted than my wife

you may be able to though

when co sleeping, my wife does the feeding, while I sleep like a baby
^it's never ok for me to say i'm more exhausted than my wife
you may be able to though
when co sleeping, my wife does the feeding, while I sleep like a baby

I think it has just been the first 5 days for me since her breast milk wasn't in yet (C-section sometimes it takes longer) So I was able to do feedings (which is what really helped me bond with our girl because after the craziness of the birth and not being able to see my baby come out and cut the cord i wasn't emotionally attached immediately. )
Doing the feedings and burping and changing the diapers while my wife sleep has been the most wonderful experience and bonding with my baby girl.
She looks up at me from that bottle and I melt.
My wife and I joke about this, but she says wait til she's running around and you are playing with her. I told her as cute as my baby girl is her feet will never touch the floor I just want to hold her.

We don't do co sleeping (been hearing too many nightmare stories about it. Also since my wife had c section its harder for her to get up and out to get to the babys bassinnet, so she'll wake me up to do it. wake me up to to take the baby after she breast feeds and has the snuggle time.

So my sleep has been super spotty. I may get like 45-minutes to an hour every 4/5 hours.
It was already difficult for me to sleep with my insomnia, now this is just a huge huge difference in tired. broken up sleep.
Breast milk isnt coming inwell. Does anyone do formula from the beginnig
My wife had a hard time breast-feeding our first born and due to the stress that caused, she stopped producing milk. So we transitioned to formula, specifically, Gerber Good Start Gentle formula. It was pricey, since Wal-Mart/Sam's Club was the only retailer that sold it at the time. From then on, our daughter had that until she began transitioning to whole milk.

I know how you feel, my lord. I will be restarting that journey come winter.
I think it has just been the first 5 days for me since her breast milk wasn't in yet (C-section sometimes it takes longer) So I was able to do feedings (which is what really helped me bond with our girl because after the craziness of the birth and not being able to see my baby come out and cut the cord i wasn't emotionally attached immediately. )
Doing the feedings and burping and changing the diapers while my wife sleep has been the most wonderful experience and bonding with my baby girl.
She looks up at me from that bottle and I melt.
My wife and I joke about this, but she says wait til she's running around and you are playing with her. I told her as cute as my baby girl is her feet will never touch the floor I just want to hold her.

We don't do co sleeping (been hearing too many nightmare stories about it. Also since my wife had c section its harder for her to get up and out to get to the babys bassinnet, so she'll wake me up to do it. wake me up to to take the baby after she breast feeds and has the snuggle time.

So my sleep has been super spotty. I may get like 45-minutes to an hour every 4/5 hours.
It was already difficult for me to sleep with my insomnia, now this is just a huge huge difference in tired. broken up sleep.

Hey bro, you prob right being more tired and doing more but you gotta understand her body is mushed right now. They legit opened her stomach so shes uncomfortable and in pain...hence why you are doing more.

My first two were vaginal, but all of this is just what im gathering from what you posted.
Breast milk isnt coming inwell. Does anyone do formula from the beginnig

My wife had a hard time breast-feeding our first born and due to the stress that caused, she stopped producing milk. So we transitioned to formula, specifically, Gerber Good Start Gentle formula. It was pricey, since Wal-Mart/Sam's Club was the only retailer that sold it at the time. From then on, our daughter had that until she began transitioning to whole milk.

I know how you feel, my lord. I will be restarting that journey come winter.

My son about 2.5 months old and we have done formula only since about 3 days old. He wasnt having as many bm's as we wanted so we tried a bunch of similacs and then about 2 weeks ago switched to the gerber gentle and it has been great.

Imo with a formula fed baby, dad can spend as much if not more time with the baby (so i think its ok to say you think youre more tired than your wife).
It seems that Gerber Gentle is really good.

What sucks is that Costco doesn't sell it and it's expensive lol.

Has anyone tried the Costco brand formula?
It seems that Gerber Gentle is really good.

What sucks is that Costco doesn't sell it and it's expensive lol.

Has anyone tried the Costco brand formula?
I haven't but i read great things about it on the internet. It is funny because i read and post on these 'motherhood' message boards and i feel like i am the only dad, its all moms talking about feeding and this and that. My wife never spends the time to research like i do :lol:
hey tdogg2k tdogg2k it'll get better eventually. i felt like a zombie for the first 3 months. even though my son slept in the bed with us, i would wake up to change the diapers (and the little band aid for the first week) in addition to doing everything else that you mentioned. if my son was fussy, i would carry him and walk the hallways in our building until he fell asleep. i slept better at my desk at work for than at home. i know it can get crazy but it'll get better. i thought i would never have good sleep again but my son sleeps like a rock now. no naps in his kindergarten so lil' man can be exhausted after school. the other day he slept from about 5pm until 7am :lol:
hey tdogg2k tdogg2k it'll get better eventually. i felt like a zombie for the first 3 months. even though my son slept in the bed with us, i would wake up to change the diapers (and the little band aid for the first week) in addition to doing everything else that you mentioned. if my son was fussy, i would carry him and walk the hallways in our building until he fell asleep. i slept better at my desk at work for than at home. i know it can get crazy but it'll get better. i thought i would never have good sleep again but my son sleeps like a rock now. no naps in his kindergarten so lil' man can be exhausted after school. the other day he slept from about 5pm until 7am :lol:
Man that straight pre k to kindergarten is no joke on there sleeping patterns. My son went from getting a 2-3 hour daily nap at daycare to zero rest at school. Little man is zonked by like 430 PM. He needs to get to bed earlier at night though. BM is a space cadet when trying to hear that
raised 2 kids off gerber gentle. gets hellq expensive buying a 35 dollar tub a week but both my kids are healthy as oxes. i think it mqy have contributed to some excezma related stuff but nutrituonally its great
i think we also used gerber gentle, luckily i found some lady who would buy me tubs at costco and sell them to me for $20 each.
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