Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

He let me take a pic for Fathers Day


Oh wow, that is a grown man, i remember when you post his little league football pics
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Ricky Smiley had a similar sentiment a few years back. Went on to say how most people (was directed at men though) will end a long term relationship and then begin to treat the other person like a dog after they break up. Still have to treat people like people. Treat then with love and respect. It's not that hard when you realize everyone deserves that level of respect for the most part.

that’s an interesting take for sure. my good friend has an 8 year old that he’s encouraging to be a fighter. the kid is badass at bjj (wins tournaments against bigger kids) and he has good hands. all the makings of an up and coming mma fighter. his mom and dad love him to death and he really enjoys fighting and he’s good at it and hungry for wins. maybe it’ll change over time?
that’s an interesting take for sure. my good friend has an 8 year old that he’s encouraging to be a fighter. the kid is badass at bjj (wins tournaments against bigger kids) and he has good hands. all the makings of an up and coming mma fighter. his mom and dad love him to death and he really enjoys fighting and he’s good at it and hungry for wins. maybe it’ll change over time?

I had a few amateur mma fights but started very late. I remember before I had Kids I was thinking i'd have them training from a young age but now that I have them not so sure. I will definitely have them doing martial arts. There's alot you can learn from it. Discipline, hard work, confidence, facing fears, knowing your physical capabilities, etc. But competing in mma you learn that theres another side to the sport that not much people talk about. Injuries are a part of the game, no way around it. I had a few knee injuries,concussions, 4 surgeries in my left eye and some I don't even remember. The worse part is none of my injuries happened in fights, all in the training room. My kids will mostly train BJJ some boxing/kickboxing but I'll only have them compete in Jiu jitsu if they want to. Not MMA
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i had my son in judo when he was 6. he used to hate getting pinned/trapped. he would cry and rage. my thinking was that he needed to “toughen up”. he’s a sensitive kid and all of his teachers remark how he has a good heart. i took him out of judo and stopped forcing him to be something he isn’t. we will work on his weaknesses as he gets older but we focus on encouraging his strengths. being a parent is such a privilege.
Piggy backing off the fools wilding thread…

so my sons preschool had a module about pride week. His teacher objected and the admin forced the module to be taught.

he has gay uncles and aunts but he’s 4 so he doesn’t think about it on that level. I have nothing against gay people, pride week etc but I did share with the director that I agreed with the teacher and didn’t understand the need to teach a whole week module on things these kids don’t grasp.

apparently other parents chimed in against too but I guess it’s just the current climate?
Piggy backing off the fools wilding thread…

so my sons preschool had a module about pride week. His teacher objected and the admin forced the module to be taught.

he has gay uncles and aunts but he’s 4 so he doesn’t think about it on that level. I have nothing against gay people, pride week etc but I did share with the director that I agreed with the teacher and didn’t understand the need to teach a whole week module on things these kids don’t grasp.

apparently other parents chimed in against too but I guess it’s just the current climate?
4 yrs old… sheesh.. the agenda is real
Random. But this parenting stuff is fulfilling and rewarding as hell. My kids are 16 years apart (first one was born when I was 17) but doing everything again a second time around, being a bit older and more mature mentally, and in a better place financially has been such a blessing.

I appreciated it the first time around, but doing it again in my mid 30’s and really being able to soak it all in. It’s life changing.
Piggy backing off the fools wilding thread…

so my sons preschool had a module about pride week. His teacher objected and the admin forced the module to be taught.

he has gay uncles and aunts but he’s 4 so he doesn’t think about it on that level. I have nothing against gay people, pride week etc but I did share with the director that I agreed with the teacher and didn’t understand the need to teach a whole week module on things these kids don’t grasp.

apparently other parents chimed in against too but I guess it’s just the current climate?
My mom has a daycare and when I was there I became friends with one of the other kids. His parents were gay but my mom just told me “he has 2 moms, some people do” and that was it, and i never questioned it. We drifted apart when we were like 5-6 and it literally took me until I was like 20 and one day it just randomly popped in my head what was going on :lol:
It was probably like 2 am and I was about to fall asleep and my brain was like “did you know armandos parents were lesbians?”
Piggy backing off the fools wilding thread…

so my sons preschool had a module about pride week. His teacher objected and the admin forced the module to be taught.

he has gay uncles and aunts but he’s 4 so he doesn’t think about it on that level. I have nothing against gay people, pride week etc but I did share with the director that I agreed with the teacher and didn’t understand the need to teach a whole week module on things these kids don’t grasp.

apparently other parents chimed in against too but I guess it’s just the current climate?
Yeah, it's interesting how school districts are focusing on wanting the kids to be cognitive and aware of the LBGQTIA community. When I was living in South Orange County, a lot of the conservative parents were outraged about teaching that to their young kids.
Taking her home to meet her sisters for the first time.


🔥 wife is going to have our second daughter any day now.

Can’t wait to see her two years old sister’s face when they meet for the first time. Kind of nice that it won’t be at the hospital either.
anyone have any children with significant speech or language delay?

my youngest is nearly 3 and a half and his speech level on a scale of 1 to 100, he's at 1

he has been doing speech therapy...all of this started way later than it should have due to COVID

I don't think he had his first appointment until early fall of last year when he was already past two and a half

despite doing that on a regular basis, reading to him, trying to work on speech one on one with him I see no improvement

I'll try to make him ask for something when he wants it or say please but most of the time he just keeps crying and saying no...can't even pronounce the word please at this stage

initially we thought it was his hearing since he had ear infection after ear infection until he got tubes put it but when they check his hearing it was fine...he wasn't born premature nor had any issues w/ breast feeding

for awhile we were saying things like he's a behind cause he's the third child, he has two big sisters to do all the talking for him, etc.

he'll listen and react if I ask him to tell or do thing so he understands what we are saying

the situation is just increasingly becoming frustrating especially now that he is going to be entering his first year of preschool next month

he can't really make friends at daycare cause he's nowhere near the level of communication so he will follow his big sister around but she'll be going to kindergarten starting next month

after his three year appointment they put a request in for him to be seen by early intervention and they scheduled the earliest appointment which was 10 months out! :emoji_astonished::emoji_anguished::emoji_disappointed:

they did get him in not too long ago when there was a cancellation but I guess it was more like a preliminary appointment that wasn't very helpful...still has the original appointment in December

for sometime now I've been convinced hat it is something cognitive or maybe autism...there's some reason he's at the stage he's at

any help or insight is appreciated
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anyone have any children with significant speech or language delay?

my youngest is nearly 3 and a half and his speech level on a scale of 1 to 100, he's at 1

he has been doing speech therapy...all of this started way later than it should have due to COVID

I don't think he had his first appointment until early fall of last year when he was already past two and a half

despite doing that on a regular basis, reading to him, trying to work on speech one on one with him I see no improvement

I'll try to make him ask for something when he wants it or say please but most of the time he just keeps crying and saying no...can't even pronounce the work please at this stage

initially we thought it was his hearing since he had ear infection after ear infection until he got tubes put it but when they check his hearing it was fine...he was born premature nor had any issues w/ breast feeding

for awhile we were saying things like he's a behind cause he's the third child, he has two big sisters to do all the talking for him, etc.

he'll listen and react if I ask him to tell or do thing so he understands what we are saying

the situation is just increasingly becoming frustrating especially now that he is going to be entering his first year of preschool next month

he can't really make friends at daycare cause he's nowhere near the level of communication so he follow his big sister around but she'll be going to kindergarten starting next month

after his three year appointment they put a request in for him to be seen by early intervention and they scheduled the earliest appointment which was 10 months out! :emoji_astonished::emoji_anguished::emoji_disappointed:

they did get him in not too long ago when there was a cancellation but I guess it was more like a preliminary appointment that wasn't very helpful...still has the original appointment in December

for sometime now I've been convinced hat it is something cognitive or maybe autism...there's some reason he's at the stage he's at

any help or insight is appreciated

yeah my son was barely speaking at 3. We had him evaluated for all types of stuff..started off with hearing test and that sort of thing. They did say he was on the spectrum (imo everybody is on the spectrum) but they said it wasn't a learning disability. He also has a "tounge tie" which i didn't even think was a real thing. We looked into and declined the procedure. His dentist just recommended it to be reevaluated though. I guess it's making his gums super sensitive.

We got him enrolled in school a littler earlier because of the speech thing. He has been doing speech therapy for 3 years. They just recommended him to continue when the next school year starts. He was a little slow on picking up the reading as well but he has done great with books we let him pick and read. (Dogman, Captain underpants etc.) He's 7 now and he still has a slight speech impediment. He does realize when he isn't saying things "wrong" and tries to correct himself.

My daughter who is 3 now is light years ahead of him as far as speaking. She can't pronounce her "L's, W's and R's" correctly though.

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Every kid has their own pace. Hopefully like mine, all he needs is a little more kid interaction and 1 on 1 with teachers everything should fall in place. Good luck to you....
That kid interaction is huge, when my daughter got into mommy and me she did great. When I would be able to go I’d just sit back and let her do her thing. I wanted her to be ready when she did go into school and not depend on me or my wife to be there. She was doing great and then COVID happened but even now when we take her where other kids are at she has no problems interacting.

This weekend we did our gender reveal and we got blessed with a boy coming 1/10/22. I’m pumped having my girl and now a little man.
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