Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Middle man turned 4 today , he got here so fast … first grey in my beard noticed too |l

I was able to be there everyday of his born life unlike my oldest. Feels good 😊

Damn. Barely bleeding its in there so good. I KNOW that gunna be sore when it gets disinfected and stitched.

Builds character doe 💪🏾 my sons first trip he was like 20 months old lolol. Crazy lil joker went Rey Mysterio off the back of a couch onto hardwood 😑
Do y’all feel like you’re missing out on life by having a kid or do y’all feel like you would be missing out on life by not having a kid?
Do y’all feel like you’re missing out on life by having a kid or do y’all feel like you would be missing out on life by not having a kid?
I would definitely feel empty If I died Without having a kid. I totally get those that feel like their life would have been wasted by having a kid, though. That's just not me.

5 year old daughter.. currently at ER waiting room with wife. I’ve got my son at the house.

Hopefully it heals nice and clean with very little scarring or lasting marks.
Do y’all feel like you’re missing out on life by having a kid or do y’all feel like you would be missing out on life by not having a kid?
I have two girls and they are my world, woman I know is 43 and she is unable to have kids. I think she really misses out, but she has nieces and nephews that kind of feel that void. I didn't follow up on it, but she can't carry to term.
Yeah they got it out. Opted not to stitch at this time since it was in her arm for so long. Wife will close it up in a couple days with stevia trips. Taking a course of antibiotics now. Here is the gash. It was in the fat only and did not go into muscle.

Are you able to go to the ultrasounds? Last year my girlfriend was pregnant. I didn’t go to any untrasound visits due to covid
I wasn’t able to go because I had work. She had a check up on the 6th and this time I wasn’t able to go because of new covid rules. They’ll let her know when I’m able to go, just sucks.
Do y’all feel like you’re missing out on life by having a kid or do y’all feel like you would be missing out on life by not having a kid?
i started out my family later in life after living the whole time thinking i never wanted to get married and for sure didn’t want kids. without a doubt, in my case, my life has been infinitely enriched by having kids in it. of course there are challenges but even the hard times can be good times.

i have a recording saved somewhere of a song my son made up and sang on his little cheap game device thingy when he was like 2 or 3 years old. he was singing about how much he loved me. i have the lyrics burned into my brain and i play it back in my head on rough days.
Do y’all feel like you’re missing out on life by having a kid or do y’all feel like you would be missing out on life by not having a kid?
There is no greater feeling than getting a hug/kiss/I love you verses any trip/party/sporting event in the world.
but that’s just me and it’s all relative to every person.

If y’all don’t remember I won move away orders(full custody 100%) in dec of my youngest son , his mother was trying to appeal it. There was a 3-6 month window for her to follow through with appealing. It finally got closed this am with my appeal lawyer sending me the message That the bm didn’t file the appeal. :pimp:

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Nothing like your kids man. Honestly damn a spouse. No one will give you unconditional love, untainted love and honesty like your kids. My days are usually trash since the military likes to pull you a million different ways. But when I pick my crumbsnatchers up I forget about all the tomfoolery of work. Especially my youngest, as soon as he sees me he starts screaming and kicking me and tries to eat my face. (He’s still learning to kiss lol) . And my oldest his first words when I get him are usually “hi mommy I just missed you all day”
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