Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

yesterday my son turned 9. i remember posting in here when he was a newborn and i would be carrying him all hours of the night. instead of raining gifts down on him, past few years my wife and i have been doing experiences rather than presents for birthdays and christmas. he still got a bunch of lego from the fam but this year, he chose to go in the shark cage and after that, eat a pile of crab legs. my wife and i don’t even eat crab. hell, i don’t even eat any seafood. i like that he’s his own person.

yesterday my son turned 9. i remember posting in here when he was a newborn and i would be carrying him all hours of the night. instead of raining gifts down on him, past few years my wife and i have been doing experiences rather than presents for birthdays and christmas. he still got a bunch of lego from the fam but this year, he chose to go in the shark cage and after that, eat a pile of crab legs. my wife and i don’t even eat crab. hell, i don’t even eat any seafood. i like that he’s his own person.

So you really a stuntman

That aint just some clever name you came up with :lol:
So our daughters first tooth came out the other night. It took some convincing for her to let us pull it out but my wife was able to convince her. She was hyped after and kept saying I hope the tooth fairy brings me $100. I looked at her like you’ll be lucky if she brings you $1 and I ended up sliding her a $5, inflation even hit the tooth fairy :smh:
Found out I’m going to be a dad about 10 weeks ago…strapping in for this ride wish me luck fellas
Congrats to you man. I became a dad a month ago, and what a trip it is. Crazy emotional experience. Wish you the best of luck!
Have y’all discussed Wills in here? I don’t have one, I know I need one. The part that makes me uneasy/unsure is about choosing who would raise our kids if me and wife die. We both have living parents and also siblings but NONE would be fit to raise them. So we’ve just kicked the can down the road and it’s often in the back of my mind. Idk what our best move is.
Have y’all discussed Wills in here? I don’t have one, I know I need one. The part that makes me uneasy/unsure is about choosing who would raise our kids if me and wife die. We both have living parents and also siblings but NONE would be fit to raise them. So we’ve just kicked the can down the road and it’s often in the back of my mind. Idk what our best move is.
Not on the will tip, but I'm fighting with myself with regards to how I feel about my mother driving with my kids. Hampers any kind of extended "babysitting" situation that may arise because I dont want her driving with them and I dont feel comfortable telling a grown person they can't go somewhere cuz they have my kids.
Have y’all discussed Wills in here? I don’t have one, I know I need one. The part that makes me uneasy/unsure is about choosing who would raise our kids if me and wife die. We both have living parents and also siblings but NONE would be fit to raise them. So we’ve just kicked the can down the road and it’s often in the back of my mind. Idk what our best move is.
My parents were a better choice than my siblings. They wouldn’t parent the same as me and my wife, but they did ok with me and I trust they have my kids’ best interests at heart.
Every father should have a will and life insurance.

You want to make sure your kids and your significant other are taken care of.

I've been in the Navy 21 years and when I was younger in the Navy they always told us to get a will before we deployed.

A guy passed and didn't have a will. He never updated his life insurance paperwork and the money went to his ex wife who of course gave nothing to his the child he had with his new wife.

Protect your kids. The process isn't hard at all and get life insurance when you are younger. It's cheaper then.
we are in the process and it has not much to do with finances. my wife set an appointment because she wants to make sure that her parents don’t parent our kids if she and i die early. they’re not really bad people imo but are of the evangelical christian/ donald trump supporter-type and my wife hates how hypocritical and judgemental they are. she doesn’t want that inflicted on the kids. she wants my sister in-law to raise them. pretty sure my brother couldn’t handle that but my sister in-law would do all the parenting and she’s ride or die for the kids and they love her.
Yea we both have had life insurance since they were pretty young

Tbh in the event we both pass, whoever were to raise our kids would be beyond financially set.
So it comes down to their parenting styles and values, and also where they live. Which rules out all our family members 😂 smh.
we in the same boat 206to813 206to813

We have 2 kids and no family, but a sister in OKC. We have close friends but we're scared about that too
Yea a close friend but out of state in Atlanta is our best option but they have 3 young kids of their own (we have 2). Not an easy thing to ask a friend
Hey can someone explain what a living trust is? is it the same as a will?
My dad died in November 2019, so I just went through all this with my sister. Well, still going through the through the ramifications of a living trust compared to a will.

A living trust is almost like a business that represents whoever died. If you have a living trust, it is activated as soon as you die. You can put whoever you want in charge of your living trust. So I'll just use what my dad did. He had a living trust written that explicitly and clearly stated myself and my sister as co-executors to the trust, 50% each.

In the trust, he clearly and explicitly said that everything he owns, all bank accounts and everything in his name goes to the trust.

If you said "I want all my shoes to go to my cousin", that would be a will. A will is your desire on specific things that you want done. A trust is simply "Everything in my name goes to my trust, and these are the executors in charge of that trust", and then you name them. It's really stupid to me, but there are companies that will not deal with individuals after someone's death. They will only deal with that person's trust.

My sister and I obviously sold my dad's house after he died, and the escrow company that represented the sale of the house would not release the funds to me and my sister. They would only release it to my dad's trust. Now, my sister and I have power over the trust, so them releasing the money to his trust essentially got the money to me and my sister. It seems like an unnecessary step to me, but I'm told it's way easier this way when it comes to the law after someone dies.

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