Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

At what age did you guys get your girls ears pierced?

my little one 8 months today but I’m still indifferent cause I don’t want her in pain.
I’ll let my daughter make that decision when she’s ready. She’s 7 now and has not expressed a desire in doing it. She has some stick on ones that she uses when she plays dress up, but otherwise not interested.
Dads the Christmas stress is almost over
Hiding gifts for weeks
Trying to be extra quiet so they don't hear us wrapping them
Tip toeing around while they are sleep just to put the presents under the tree
My favorite time of year
Merry Christmas NT Dads
I'll never forget when we were little, one Xmas Eve we got to stay at my dad's house since he was off work (parents divorced) we woke up, saw Santa came and there were cookie crumbs all over the dad was "mad" bc he had to vacuum up the brother and I thought it was hilarious. Now that I have 2 kids, I have done the same thing the last few oldest son thought it was hilarious last year... Just a little tradition I kept going.

You guys have a great Christmas with your kids. All the dad's are appreciated out there.
Be sure to post pics tomorrow, gents!!!

Here's what my son is 'unwrapping' tomorrow morning:


And here is what's underneath:


I took the cymbals off and put a bookshelf in front of it to make it not look like a drumset the last couple weeks.

Checking in for the first time 🔥

Had my baby girl 12:05 am December 26 and no sleep since. I have a new found respect for all parents and especially women. It’s already been an adventure to say the least but cot damn it’s been amazing
Congrats! You never truly understand all that comes with kids until you have them. Now wait until you have more than one, that’s when **** gets really real. :lol:
Congrats! You never truly understand all that comes with kids until you have them. Now wait until you have more than one, that’s when **** gets really real. :lol:
can't even fathom that right now
and for folks with twins or more bless your soul
My daughter was and still is a breeze… Never gave us a problem, she was the perfect baby

My son came two years later and kid was a nightmare… For first 10 months, awake at 5am everyday, spit up and cried non stop… If he was the first kid, I probably would’ve stopped there :lol:

He’s two years old now and he’s the complete opposite… He has changed into a brand new kid lol
got a hoop for xmas for my boys. lowered it a bit and thought i was shawn kemp. dented the rim.. ****..

jape jape … congrats :nthat:
How was it assembling that thing? They make it look so easy in the YT videos, but I struggled with every step. Probably easier with another set of capable hands. My kids were no help and my wife wasn’t having it.
How was it assembling that thing? They make it look so easy in the YT videos, but I struggled with every step. Probably easier with another set of capable hands. My kids were no help and my wife wasn’t having it.
i was high asf assembling. maybe 2 hrs.
a qr code/vid came with it which made it easier. What’s annoying is HOA wanting us to push it back when street light come on.. **** i miss the city life
i was high asf assembling. maybe 2 hrs.
a qr code/vid came with it which made it easier. What’s annoying is HOA wanting us to push it back when street light come on.. **** i miss the city life
It looks like you telling them stories. 😂

"One time a guy was standing like right here and I dunked right on him." 😂

Good times. 🤙

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