Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

20 week anatomy scan is tomorrow fellas…praying everything goes smoothly for everyone in here
Yoooo we just had our anatomy scan today. The baby was active af in there so we’ll have to get some shots we weren’t able to get today at our next appointment. It’s surreal to see all the parts and we got pics to share with friends and fam
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Yoooo we just had our anatomy scan today. The baby was active af in there so we’ll have to get some shots we weren’t able to get today. It’s surreal to see all the parts though

Dope!!! Glad everything went well. Our little man has been pretty active but our tech hooked us up last visit and we got to see him moving and all that good stuff. We have to see the rest of his organs but agreed seeing them move and hearing that heartbeat definitely makes things real
Yall going to get the 5d one where you can see their face? I think 20 weeks was the threshhold, I forget. my first daughter was funny she was always in the womb sitting with her heads in her hand like she was bored or something
Yall going to get the 5d one where you can see their face? I think 20 weeks was the threshhold, I forget. my first daughter was funny she was always in the womb sitting with her heads in her hand like she was bored or something

my son would do something similar, except he always look liked he was squaring up. he would fall asleep with his arms up for the first few weeks after he was born too.
Yeah for sure we’ve did the 3d already and here he is chilling…plan on doing the 4d/5d right at the 34 week mark to try to capture as much as we can before his first day out


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For those of y'all with babies that drink formula, how are y'all doing with the formula shortage? I'm reading crazy stories about parents hunting for formula and it really breaks my heart. I just read about one couple with twins in FL driving around for 4 hours before finding some formula for their infants. I was lucky enough to find some today and stock up for my lil one. I honestly fear for this country. **** keeps getting worse and worse.

Speaking of, I have two unopened cans of formula by the brand boobie. If anyone needs them. I tried to give them away on ig but no takers. They’re literally probably one of the best brands out. But if y’all know anyone in need

Really awesome of you. Are you part of any mommy groups on FB? If so, try posting there.

When I found some formula at BJs, my wife asked me to take some pictures and send it to her so she could post them on the fb mommy group she is a part of. As soon as she posted the pictures, another mom who had been desperate for formula hit her up and asked if we could buy her some Enfamil and she would venmo us the cash. Picked it up for her and my wife delivered it to her today.

Speaking of, I have two unopened cans of formula by the brand boobie. If anyone needs them. I tried to give them away on ig but no takers. They’re literally probably one of the best brands out. But if y’all know anyone in need
we always used the same brand

super convenient...don't gotta fuss with mixing it with water, warming it up, a woman always has it with her...just whip one out and let the kid go to work

I actually thought you were talking about your boobies at first

one time we forgot or ran out of breast milk for one of my kids at daycare and my wifes friend was kind enough to drop off some of her frozen bags of breast milk at daycare cause she lived close by

we always used the same brand

super convenient...don't gotta fuss with mixing it with water, warming it up, a woman always has it with her...just whip one out and let the kid go to work

I actually thought you were talking about your boobies at first

one time we forgot or ran out of breast milk for one of my kids at daycare and my wifes friend was kind enough to drop off some of her frozen bags of breast milk at daycare cause she lived close by

Lol no it’s a fairly new brand but definitely trumps the major ones. This brand was developed by moms in small batches and organic and dosent contain heavy metals like the others.

We used it when I was worried my supply was dropping. Luckily we didn’t have to. But some mothers can’t produce so they have to use formula.

I’ve never been a fan of sharing breastmilk dosent sit well with me from a hygienic standpoint. But to each their own.
my wife gave away tons of breast milk on a fb group when my son was a baby. i always thought it was weird and i was thinking that the other mommy must be desperate to take it from a stranger but i guess you gotta do what you need to for your baby. it was def an interesting experience to meet up with some lady and hand her a big bag of frozen milk pouches. i wonder if they ever turned around and sold the milk.
my wife got it from a good friend, not some random woman...which she would never do

few illnesses can be transmitted through breastmilk 🤷‍♂️

I'd be less concerned about the actual milk than the cleanliness of the pump parts, bottles, and storage. I generally don't trust other people to do the right thing, though.
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