Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

I been looking forward to get the girls into martial arts but I want to give them a good base. Wrestling is king so I found the best youth program I could get and let them loose. I could only get my two oldest (6 and 7) in the program is for 8 year olds and up but I had them do a test class and the coach said sign them up. My 5 and 1 year old are doing swim classes until they can get to wrestling. The girls love it. It's hard work but they don't even realize it they are having fun. Let's see if they stick too it. Wrestling shoes are fly I might get me a pair too.


My son wrestles he loves it. He quit football to focus on wrestling.
My wife and I were talking about what age would our daughter need a phone. My mom was a SAHM while I grew up and cell phones weren’t really a thing for us. I didn’t get mine till I started driving my junior year of hs. I graduated in ‘05. My wife wants to get our daughter one of those phones that she can only use programmed numbers and just call and text us. She felt 8 would be good just depending on how our work schedules are at thay tome. Luckily it’s still a few years away.
we are taking it a step at a time. some of the other parents at my son's school sent out this agreement to not give our kids smart phones until the 7th grade and we didn't sign it. my son had very minimal screen time before the age of 5. he doesn't play video games. we watch 2 movies tops in a week and rn you can sub an episode of obi wan for a movie. he has a watch that can text/call and it's limited to my wife and i and very restricted functionality during school hours. it's just OUR personal choice because all parents do what they think is best for this kids with the resources they have available. i know my daughter has had way more screen time than my son since she has to stay at home with my wife sometimes and my wife is a bank exec - she'll put on moana or paw patrol if she has an important meeting. we hate that she will cry if she asks for a movie and we tell her no. being quietly glued to the tv and getting fussy when there's no tv really says something.
My wife and I were talking about what age would our daughter need a phone. My mom was a SAHM while I grew up and cell phones weren’t really a thing for us. I didn’t get mine till I started driving my junior year of hs. I graduated in ‘05. My wife wants to get our daughter one of those phones that she can only use programmed numbers and just call and text us. She felt 8 would be good just depending on how our work schedules are at thay tome. Luckily it’s still a few years away.
For what it's worth, my son's mom and I got him one at 6 grade. He's in 8th grade now and we heavily monitor his usage. His phone and his phone plan are linked to a parenting app on her phone, where anything he downloads 1st goes to her parenting app and she can can basically check his phone's history anytime she wants from her phone.

we are taking it a step at a time. some of the other parents at my son's school sent out this agreement to not give our kids smart phones until the 7th grade and we didn't sign it. my son had very minimal screen time before the age of 5. he doesn't play video games. we watch 2 movies tops in a week and rn you can sub an episode of obi wan for a movie. he has a watch that can text/call and it's limited to my wife and i and very restricted functionality during school hours. it's just OUR personal choice because all parents do what they think is best for this kids with the resources they have available. i know my daughter has had way more screen time than my son since she has to stay at home with my wife sometimes and my wife is a bank exec - she'll put on moana or paw patrol if she has an important meeting. we hate that she will cry if she asks for a movie and we tell her no. being quietly glued to the tv and getting fussy when there's no tv really says something.
HMU about that watch. Sounds like something I’d be into so the kids could contact us in case of an emergency at school.
For what it's worth, my son's mom and I got him one at 6 grade. He's in 8th grade now and we heavily monitor his usage. His phone and his phone plan are linked to a parenting app on her phone, where anything he downloads 1st goes to her parenting app and she can can basically check his phone's history anytime she wants from her phone.


what app?
I’ve been off work for a week and been spending a lot of family time,

My 8 and a half month old is getting into EVERYTHING 😭 she is really becoming a handful. I feel like she has really hit another stage of development this past week…

Oh, and baby girl wants to stand SO bad lol
Also, does anyone have any tips/words of experience with a dog that hates the baby?

We have a 6 year old border collie mix who is great with people but never really been around kids much, she’s been jealous of our daughter since she was born, but now that she’s crawling around and really becoming mobile, the dog does NOT like it. She has growled at the baby several times and showed her teeth once or twice. When the baby will still be a decent distance from the dog, the dog will get up and move to a different spot and do anything to avoid the baby.

Will it get any better ?
Also, does anyone have any tips/words of experience with a dog that hates the baby?

We have a 6 year old border collie mix who is great with people but never really been around kids much, she’s been jealous of our daughter since she was born, but now that she’s crawling around and really becoming mobile, the dog does NOT like it. She has growled at the baby several times and showed her teeth once or twice. When the baby will still be a decent distance from the dog, the dog will get up and move to a different spot and do anything to avoid the baby.

Will it get any better ?
I’m the wrong person to answer but get rid of the dog. May have been easier if you started transitioning the dog. For example have her lay on moms belly when she was pregnant or when first born wrap baby’s used blanket around dog. Or something like that. We got rid of our dog when my son was born because she was getting out of control. But I’d be very nervous about the dog being around the baby showing aggression. Dog might be slick when you turn your head. I always fear the worst so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
I definitely agree that the baby > the dog. The dog does show signs of liking/being interested in the baby at times too, but now that the baby is more mobile is what the dog doesn’t seem to like :-/. We really thought the dog would be excited for the baby.
I definitely agree that the baby > the dog. The dog does show signs of liking/being interested in the baby at times too, but now that the baby is more mobile is what the dog doesn’t seem to like :-/. We really thought the dog would be excited for the baby.
Tough situation. Maybe talk to a professional dog training place about it. I know it will be hard as hell to get rid of your dog, so this idea might be the way to go...BUT if the dog is growling at her/showing teeth need to get on that ASAP
Maybe I missed it somewhere else but what are y’all’s thoughts on Nick Cannon?

I shouldn’t care but I think he’s being very selfish and irresponsible. Frankly I’m disgusted by his actions and the women willingly participating

Only people that will be suffering will be those kids who won’t have their dad with them every day.
I got mixed feelings about Nick. Like why he having all those kids. And it's crazy the women cool with it.

But I still think he can be a great father to all his kids even not seeing them everyday. I'm sure he probably don't see his kids with Mariah everyday since they not together. But I wonder will the kids really have a bond considering all the different factors.

My cousin got like 6 kids & some of them rarely know each other because him & the kids mom be beefing
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I got mixed feelings about Nick. Like why he having all those kids. And it's crazy the women cool with it.

But I still think he can be a great father to all his kids even not seeing them everyday. I'm sure he probably don't see his kids with Mariah everyday since they not together. But I wonder will the kids really have a bond considering all the different factors.

My cousin got like 6 kids & some of them rarely know each other because him & the kids mom be beefing
Even if he dosent see them everyday, how is effective parenting happening? You know how important fathers are. It’s not about the money or anything. The man cannot physically be in more than one place at a time. I feel it’s only a matter of time before the moms start bugging out and keeping the kids from him.
Nick cannon been around kids his whole life. I think he likes having kids around. Homie should Buy a neighborhood block and provide shelter/food/transpo/security and a lil Gucci here and there. Might pull it off ..

heard his kiddo passed away. I’d be mourning sleeping at the cemetery no social media
It’s crazy teens these days don’t seem interested in learning how to drive. A lot of the kids I know said “why there’s Uber/Lyft!”
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