Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Any tips on getting a new born to sleep lol
How old?
Mine is 7 weeks and she doesn’t really sleep more than 2 hrs consecutively. She is really small though (just hit 8lbs this week) and I hear she’ll sleep longer as she puts on weight. Coworkers been telling me that 12 lbs is the magic threshold. Hoping she can start sleeping 4ish hrs straight once we get there.
Anyone hear that story about the daycare workers scaring the young kids with the scary mask?

I’d be throwing hands.
How old?
Mine is 7 weeks and she doesn’t really sleep more than 2 hrs consecutively. She is really small though (just hit 8lbs this week) and I hear she’ll sleep longer as she puts on weight. Coworkers been telling me that 12 lbs is the magic threshold. Hoping she can start sleeping 4ish hrs straight once we get there.
Bet my little man is about to be five weeks he’s almost 9 lbs so hopefully the 12 pound threshold holds true
if you don't have one already, get a sound machine to replicate the white noise that they hear in the womb. a good swaddle helps too, but honestly they wake up frequently at that age, bc they need to be fed so often.
Well he didn’t make it. 38 kids tried out and he made it to the last 15..The cutoff was 12..
"Now you know what to expect next year. Is that something you want to work on for next year?" 🤙

See if he can continue training with the team, I had a similar experience where I just kept practicing with the squad and got a spot eventually
Thanks guys..I asked about him still practicing but they won’t let him for insurance reasons..

But my buddy is gonna coach in a freshman/sophomore Tex league and he offered my son a spot. So that’ll help improve his skills for next year..
playing uber driver to my 20 yr old taking her shopping and all that lady stuff past 3 days. Haven’t spent time with her since she turned 18. Crazy how time flies
the other night, we went out to eat at a burger joint after halloween at the mall. we were all tired and hungry.

on a big table next to us, a bunch of young college kids sat down - 3 guys and 4 girls i think. my daughter kept turning in her seat to look at them, despite my telling her to not, because they were a little bit loud. i caught this one girl giving my daughter real dirty looks but just ignored it. we had a nice meal but when it was time to go, my 3 year old daughter slipped off the chair and hit her head on the table and started crying. the college kids started laughing loudly. my wife jumped up and i pulled her arm and told her they weren't laughing at our daughter (i was lying to diffuse the situation) but my wife was HEATED. she stood in the restaurant doorway waiting for my son and i and when my son went past me, he said "dad, i'm going to give them a piece of my mind" and i cracked a little. i told him to go to his mom and i got right up in the group of kids and asked "why the **** would you laugh at a little kid getting hurt and how about i **** all of you guys up right now?" my wife was tensed up ready to jump in and i told them....if i let her off her leash, they would all be going to the hospital. they all had their heads down and nobody said ****. we walked to the car and my wife stopped to glare at them through the widow and i told her it was one-way glass and they couldn't see her lol. when we got home i asked my wife what if that was our kids at that table and some fat brown dude got in their face and threatened them? she said our kids wouldn't have been that rude. i said what if tho? she said she woulda ****** up anyone that threatened our kids and we laughed at our hypocrisy. ahhhh the joy of having kids. i'm glad nobody shot me - that woulda sucked :lol:
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How old?
Mine is 7 weeks and she doesn’t really sleep more than 2 hrs consecutively. She is really small though (just hit 8lbs this week) and I hear she’ll sleep longer as she puts on weight. Coworkers been telling me that 12 lbs is the magic threshold. Hoping she can start sleeping 4ish hrs straight once we get there.
This worked pretty well for us when our kids were younger and its free
Man I think our little dude is gonna walk at 1. He’s been standing up and trying to stand on his own. I’m more proud that he doesn’t give up when he falls.
the other night, we went out to eat at a burger joint after halloween at the mall. we were all tired and hungry.

on a big table next to us, a bunch of young college kids sat down - 3 guys and 4 girls i think. my daughter kept turning in her seat to look at them, despite my telling her to not, because they were a little bit loud. i caught this one girl giving my daughter real dirty looks but just ignored it. we had a nice meal but when it was time to go, my 3 year old daughter slipped off the chair and hit her head on the table and started crying. the college kids started laughing loudly. my wife jumped up and i pulled her arm and told her they weren't laughing at our daughter but my wife was HEATED. she stood in the restaurant doorway waiting for my son and i and when my son went past me, he said "dad, i'm going to give them a piece of my mind" and i cracked a little. i told him to go to his mom and i got right up in the group of kids and asked "why the **** would you laugh at a little kid getting hurt and how about i **** all of you guys up right now?" my wife was tensed up ready to jump in and i told them....if i let her off her leash, they would all be going to the hospital. they all had their heads down and nobody said ****. we walked to the car and my wife stopped to glare at them through the widow and i told her it was one-way glass and they couldn't see her lol. when we got home i asked my wife what if that was our kids at that table and some fat brown dude got in their face and threatened them? she said our kids wouldn't have been that rude. i said what if tho? she said she woulda ****ed up anyone that threatened our kids and we laughed at our hypocrisy. ahhhh the joy of having kids. i'm glad nobody shot me - that woulda sucked :lol:
braddah lol.. you’re ladies a trooper. the curiosity of a 3 yr old is funny and cherishing.

Ok, maybe everything I was told/heard as a kid was wrong. But I remember hearing a lot of talk about lifting weights at a young age can potentially stunt one’s growth (not that I have ever looked into it as an adult)

Obviously exercise is important for kids too, and maybe it was just a wive’s tail.
#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2
Congrats man! I think the gap will benefit you in so many ways I think. I only have a 9 month old son, but my niece and nephew are a couple years apart, and she loves to play the big sister roll. Comes in handy when your looking to enforce rules. Big sis is more than happy to help you enforce them.
My son turned 9 months last week. Apart from those nights where he’s completely congested, he generally sleeps about 4 hours straight, is up for like 10 mins for a mild feeding, and than back to sleep for another 4.


#2 came out last night.

Big gap between him and his older sis. 6 years.

Anyone with similar stories on how they’ll get along and advice from goin from 1 to 2
my Eldest daughter is the best big sis ever. Like a 2nd mom but more friend type to siblings.
Never show favoritism and treat them the same. In my culture the eldest daughter usually gets spoiled but i didn’t play that ****
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