Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Yes, I got on my wife's nerves when I tried to breathe with her :lol:

My wife told me "If you do that breathing **** like they do in the movies, I'm gonna punch you in the face"..:lol: ..Women, for the most part, don't want you in there doing that crap..They want you to tell them they're doing great and they want you paying attention..What ever you do don't try to tell stuff like "C'mon babe it's not that bad" or "A couple more easy pushes and you're done"..That foolishness will come back to haunt you..
:lol: at these responses...
My dumb *** squeezed her hand harder when she squeezed mines & told her to stop being a weenie while pushing out our 1st one smh.
Got wiser & Made up for it by sleeping on the floor, wiping her butt (c-section), bathing her..etc on our next 4. Always cherish her *** for pushing out my seeds :smokin
Be supportive without being overly annoying..Do everything she says to do..If she wants you to go outside and capture a unicorn for her, then get your *** outside and find a gotdamn unicorn..But most of all just pay attention to everything going on..Cause after she gives birth she may not remember everything that happened and she'll want you to answer any questions about anything under the sun, so pay attention..Oh and don't forget that this time is about you too..Soak up the whole experience and enjoy it..Congratulations and welcome to the brotherhood..
Yes, I got on my wife's nerves when I tried to breathe with her :lol:

Hold her legs up and push her knees back and encourage her. And then when the baby is born, follow the nurses whenever they take her for their weigh ins and checks and things. You can't breastfed (obviously) but you can still skin to skin, it calms baby down and keeps their temperature regulated. You'll find there is a lot you can do. Going to need your help getting the baby to latch and breastfeed for the first week or so too.
at these responses...
My dumb *** squeezed her hand harder when she squeezed mines & told her to stop being a weenie while pushing out our 1st one smh.
Got wiser & Made up for it by sleeping on the floor, wiping her butt (c-section), bathing her..etc on our next 4. Always cherish her *** for pushing out my seeds
Hold her legs up and push her knees back and encourage her. And then when the baby is born, follow the nurses whenever they take her for their weigh ins and checks and things. You can't breastfed (obviously) but you can still skin to skin, it calms baby down and keeps their temperature regulated. You'll find there is a lot you can do. Going to need your help getting the baby to latch and breastfeed for the first week or so too.

This is exactly what I did for mine. First son born last Wednesday. 8 pounds 4 oz. LOL Anesthesiologists don't make enough money. Wife went from back to back contractions and not being able to handle it to only feeling light pressure and not being in any pain during her pushes after the epidural.
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Mine was 8lbs 0.6oz, then 7 14 24hrs later after her first poop lol. Anesthesiologists make like 230k I think. They're good.
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Fairly new here but wanted to drop in here and represent for the dads... I got 4 kids. A daughter who will be 8 next week and I got TRIPLET boys who just turned 5. Crazier then hell. Spent some time in the nicu with all my kiddos, the boys we got very lucky with in all aspects of pregnancy through birth. If any dads out here on NT have multiples and have questions or want advice , hit me up! Haha

Also Anesthesiologist and CRNA's make some nice cash. They are both well off with out a doubt.
Fairly new here but wanted to drop in here and represent for the dads... I got 4 kids. A daughter who will be 8 next week and I got TRIPLET boys who just turned 5. Crazier then hell. Spent some time in the nicu with all my kiddos, the boys we got very lucky with in all aspects of pregnancy through birth. If any dads out here on NT have multiples and have questions or want advice , hit me up! Haha

Also Anesthesiologist and CRNA's make some nice cash. They are both well off with out a doubt.
Damb bruh. Bet those triplets were off the chain at age 3 :lol:
Anyone in here have to deal with in-laws that invite themselves over to your house without asking or try to find a way to see the baby every single weekend?

Since our daughter has been born, they have been on a new level of annoying.

Example: Last Saturday, my wife receives a text from her mom stating:
Mom: "We're dropping off the car at the dealership and then we'll wait at your place while we wait for the car.

Wife: "We're not home we'll be out for the day."

Mom: We'll just drop off a gift from your aunt and your package.

Wife: We're not home.

Mom: We're picking up the car at 4pm, what time will you guys be home?
So WTF, they try to invite themselves over to our home and expected to stay around till 4PM without even asking or giving us details?

So fast forward to this past Wednesday, her Dad tries to tell my wife, why she didn't text mom back, because they were waiting around. DF are you serious? You guys were told that we wouldn't be home and you're trying to make us feel guilty by saying you guys waited around? **** with that.

Even tonight, her Dad called and tried buttering her up at the start of the conversation and then tried treat us to dinner to see the baby. She said no because I was at home resting and had a long day at work. And then he tried to emphasize he needed to give us the spare key to her car, for fear of the panic button going off by accident with a dying battery. She said no, again. Then he sarcastically made a comment about how they needed to schedule an appt. to come over.

Sorry for this rant, but guys don't even ask me if they can come over and when I decide that they can't, they get upset at my wife. Speak to me and tell me why you're upset. Don't bite your tongue like everything is 'okay'.

I'm really scared that me or my wife may lash out and let them hear it. I'm sick of having to deal with their demands and their expectations of having the option to come over to OUR HOME any time they want.

Side note, they were on a similar level of annoying when we were planning our wedding too.
Of course, I'm sure the majority of people here have had to deal with it.
All I can say is, be proactive in your desires and tell them how it's going to be.

We set the ground rules early, including prior to the baby being born. No one was to randomly drop by, you call first and if it's all good we'll let you know. We also didn't have more than one visitor per day for the first (meaning, beginning in the 2nd week) few weeks

Their annoyances do come from a good place, though...they care/love you guys and your baby. You are probably more annoyed about this because how tiring it all can be..but one thing I've learned is, anyone offering any form of assistance...use it. meaning, when the parents come and will hold your child or something else, you will actually be getting a break
Anyone in here have to deal with in-laws that invite themselves over to your house without asking or try to find a way to see the baby every single weekend?

Since our daughter has been born, they have been on a new level of annoying.

I had the worst relationship with my pops growing up. but ever since my daughter was born, we've really gotten cool with each other. She's 3.5 months now, but for the first 2 months straight, he would come by every night with my mom and my wife and I didn't mind at all :lol:

It helped that he gave her a $100 bill every Friday night :lol:
It can be a gift and a curse. My parents love to help out, but they want to feel needed. It's to the point where they make us feel guilty for not leaving our kids because my brother and sister are constantly leaving their kids for days at a time, while my wife and I prefer to be with our kids as much as possible and hardly leave them at all. They live an hour away so it's not exactly convenient for us to drop by, but when we do it's never long enough or often enough for them. We've come to realize it will never be enough to make them happy and they'll always play the "poor me" card.
Bros it's my daughters bday and her mom went in the hospital yesterday for her brain bleeding and she's doing worse and my daughter only knows she's in the hospital. I don't even know what's going on so I have no idea what to tell her. I don't even know what to do.
Thank you man. Her whole fam is coming up and in town today. So that's cool my daughter gets to see everyone on her bday. Just not under ideal circumstances. I hate playing the brain damage waiting game. My whole ******* family now has been in a god damn coma.

Please don't anyone make a thread for it. I just felt like telling the guys with families.
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No idea. massive headache and puking and sweating then the ambulance picked her up and she's out now. It could be just something less serious or maybe a stroke they said. But she's 27 and in good shape. Haven't been to the hospital. I got the kids now for the party but I'm going over to her moms in a second to see what they know. We aren't together. Just raise a kid together so I get the news a little delayed.

Thanks all. been down this road before so I know how quickly stuff can turn for the better I guess you could say. Hoping for that.
My baby had jaundice so they had her under the blue light the last 24 hrs with the mask on. She hated it. They say her "billy" seems good now but now they wnt to keep her nother day for losing weight too fast, dropped from 8lbs to 7lbs overnight and they just want to monitor her
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