Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

My baby had jaundice so they had her under the blue light the last 24 hrs with the mask on. She hated it. They say her "billy" seems good now but now they wnt to keep her nother day for losing weight too fast, dropped from 8lbs to 7lbs overnight and they just want to monitor her

Happened to my baby girl too. Hated to see her under that light but knew it was only s short term discomfort for her. Prayers out to you and your fam.
Bros it's my daughters bday and her mom went in the hospital yesterday for her brain bleeding and she's doing worse and my daughter only knows she's in the hospital. I don't even know what's going on so I have no idea what to tell her. I don't even know what to do.

Damn man [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji] hope she pulls through unscathed
Thanks bro.

I guess it was a stroke also and they want to wake her up in a few more days. ****** crazy. Never heard of that in my life so young and in good shape. They have to balance her blood pressure with the bleeding so she will be out a while more. But her mom seemed pretty happy and said she'll need some rehab type stuff but should be good we hope.
Thanks bro.

I guess it was a stroke also and they want to wake her up in a few more days. ****** crazy. Never heard of that in my life so young and in good shape. They have to balance her blood pressure with the bleeding so she will be out a while more. But her mom seemed pretty happy and said she'll need some rehab type stuff but should be good we hope.
I wish you all the best

Keep Ya head up for ya child my dude . Hope ya lady pulls through
I had the worst relationship with my pops growing up. but ever since my daughter was born, we've really gotten cool with each other. She's 3.5 months now, but for the first 2 months straight, he would come by every night with my mom and my wife and I didn't mind at all

It helped that he gave her a $100 bill every Friday night
Man, atleast you had that incentive of a $100 bill for every visit. lol
Of course, I'm sure the majority of people here have had to deal with it.
All I can say is, be proactive in your desires and tell them how it's going to be.

We set the ground rules early, including prior to the baby being born. No one was to randomly drop by, you call first and if it's all good we'll let you know. We also didn't have more than one visitor per day for the first (meaning, beginning in the 2nd week) few weeks

Their annoyances do come from a good place, though...they care/love you guys and your baby. You are probably more annoyed about this because how tiring it all can be..but one thing I've learned is, anyone offering any form of assistance...use it. meaning, when the parents come and will hold your child or something else, you will actually be getting a break
See, we did talk about about the ground rules on visiting the first couple weeks and they said "okay" but that went out the window the moment our daughter was born. Side note, we invited ONE of her cousins to visit yesterday and she told FIVE other cousins to come along for the visit.

And yeah, I understand that this is all love and they want to help out. But they key thing I'm concerned is my wife's issues with her parents. They really try to play the mind game of making her feel guilty when she says 'no.' I don't understand why they need to do that, in order for them to visit.
some people don't have grandparents, just saying
Don't assume I'm taking them for granted. I appreciate and love that they have so much love and support for the baby. But there were established guidelines that we explained with the grandparents, family, and friends. That went out the window.
It can be a gift and a curse. My parents love to help out, but they want to feel needed. It's to the point where they make us feel guilty for not leaving our kids because my brother and sister are constantly leaving their kids for days at a time, while my wife and I prefer to be with our kids as much as possible and hardly leave them at all. They live an hour away so it's not exactly convenient for us to drop by, but when we do it's never long enough or often enough for them. We've come to realize it will never be enough to make them happy and they'll always play the "poor me" card.
Completely agree.
Moved closer to my moms when my firstborn got here. Even though she got soft in her old age. How you gonna tell on my son acting up, then sneak and let him out of his punishment when I'm not around!? LOL
See, we did talk about about the ground rules on visiting the first couple weeks and they said "okay" but that went out the window the moment our daughter was born. Side note, we invited ONE of her cousins to visit yesterday and she told FIVE other cousins to come along for the visit.:smh:

And yeah, I understand that this is all love and they want to help out. But they key thing I'm concerned is my wife's issues with her parents. They really try to play the mind game of making her feel guilty when she says 'no.' I don't understand why they need to do that, in order for them to visit.

Don't assume I'm taking them for granted. I appreciate and love that they have so much love and support for the baby. But there were established guidelines that we explained with the grandparents, family, and friends. That went out the window.

Completely agree.

I hear you. I had to boot my mom out of the labor room :lol:

Just keep being explicit with them and step in as the voice of your fam
Thanks spitta and fozzy, my daughter is surprisingly well. It's also a lot worse than we thought. She had like 4 and they are expecting no mobility in her arms and legs after the updated mri. Life is going to be different that's for sure. Hoping she wakes up and it's better than they say but yeah...
Not to sully this thread's good vibes, but my girlfriend is a *****. I have to fgure out how to get custody asap, especially before child spport hits because they put you on it automatically and she has to call and tell them to take you off since she's living in and I have the baby on my insurance, but she's of course acting funny about that. Our daughter is freaking gorgeous though, full head of hair, body hair too somehow, came in at 8lbs. Looks exactly like me in the face, especially my nose, has her mom's upper lip and eyebrows, super white skin though. Finally left the hospital and instead of coming back to my house where she is supposed to have officially moved in now, she went to her mom's house for the week talking about she doesn't want to waste gas since she has 2 doctors appointments up there. Won't see them again until the weekend
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Not to sully this thread's good vibes, but my girlfriend is a *****. I have to fgure out how to get custody asap, especially before child spport hits because they put you on it automatically and she has to call and tell them to take you off since she's living in and I have the baby on my insurance, but she's of course acting funny about that. Our daughter is freaking gorgeous though, full head of hair, body hair too somehow, came in at 8lbs. Looks exactly like me in the face, especially my nose, has her mom's upper lip and eyebrows, super white skin though. Finally left the hospital and instead of coming back to my house where she is supposed to have officially moved in now, she went to her mom's house for the week talking about she doesn't want to waste gas since she has 2 doctors appointments up there. Won't see them again until the weekend

Her mom is about to be ALL in her ear pleighboi. You better figure this out quickly and apply some of that advice we gave you pages back.

You need to get that paternity/50% custody motion in the court system my dude. If she gets the drop on you, the court is more likely to believe whatever ******** she tells them.

Mine had the nerve to say I abandoned mine when I drove her dumb *** to the hospital BOTH times, took time off from work and had it all covered on my insurance. Even got her a private room the second time and spent the night until she was released. Had pics to prove it and everything...

BUT she ran to the CS office because I didn't want her and told them that bs before I could contest it and they back charged me for CS. Took 6 racks (tax return) like it was nothing. Walked outta H & R block hyped to get my money, a couple weeks later, I check where's my refund and bruh, I wanted to murk something.

Took me 4 years to prove I was worthy to split time equally, ALL because she set me up. You better listen bruh.
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Well looks like I'm joining this club soon. Gf is 12 weeks. This dr stuff though is a pain especially dealing with insurance. Secretly hoping for a boy but as long as it's healthy we're happy.

Congrats LP!

Dr. Beharie off amar is a good *** dude.

Btw since you hoped for a boy youre 99.9% going to have a girl, enjoy [emoji]128120[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]

i have to look him up. Right now we went to this place off sunset and Merced. We did the official ultrasound and have a due date finally it's June 9. She's 10 weeks now not 12 like expected. Gives me more time to stack some paper :lol: so far everyone of our family members has been saying boy though :smile:
Is there any way to help when shes in labor? Knowin that there isnt anything i can say or do to help makes me feel bad for my chick. All i can do is hold her hand.

Just save your energy.

When her water breaks. The baby ain't gonna be coming out for at least 10+ hours. So just RELAX. Get your rest. Wake up when she needs something. And ask questions, ask what each machine she's hooked up to is and does, what alarms should you listen for, you being attentive shows that you really care. Feed her ice chips.
Man the
Not to sully this thread's good vibes, but my girlfriend is a *****. I have to fgure out how to get custody asap, especially before child spport hits because they put you on it automatically and she has to call and tell them to take you off since she's living in and I have the baby on my insurance, but she's of course acting funny about that. Our daughter is freaking gorgeous though, full head of hair, body hair too somehow, came in at 8lbs. Looks exactly like me in the face, especially my nose, has her mom's upper lip and eyebrows, super white skin though. Finally left the hospital and instead of coming back to my house where she is supposed to have officially moved in now, she went to her mom's house for the week talking about she doesn't want to waste gas since she has 2 doctors appointments up there. Won't see them again until the weekend

Her mom is about to be ALL in her ear pleighboi. You better figure this out quickly and apply some of that advice we gave you pages back.

You need to get that paternity/50% custody motion in the court system my dude. If she gets the drop on you, the court is more likely to believe whatever ******** she tells them.

Mine had the nerve to say I abandoned mine when I drove her dumb *** to the hospital BOTH times, took time off from work and had it all covered on my insurance. Even got her a private room the second time and spent the night until she was released. Had pics to prove it and everything...

BUT she ran to the CS office because I didn't want her and told them that bs before I could contest it and they back charged me for CS. Took 6 racks (tax return) like it was nothing. Walked outta H & R block hyped to get my money, a couple weeks later, I check where's my refund and bruh, I wanted to murk something.

Took me 4 years to prove I was worthy to split time equally, ALL because she set me up. You better listen bruh.

She wouldn't do me like that.

:lol: Nah I'm playing. Good lookin' out. I already called and got Child Support turned off for now. Was incredibly easy actually. Going to file that joint custody paperwork too this Monday. I don't know how much the child support was going to be, but my first run through the calculator said $1764, it asks some weird questions I am not sure how they answer like I think that instead of 0$ they figure a person to make minimum wage for the purpose of calculations and I don't know how to answer a few of the other questions but **** that
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Thanks spitta and fozzy, my daughter is surprisingly well. It's also a lot worse than we thought. She had like 4 and they are expecting no mobility in her arms and legs after the updated mri. Life is going to be different that's for sure. Hoping she wakes up and it's better than they say but yeah...

Goddamn man, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Man the
She wouldn't do me like that.

:lol: Nah I'm playing. Good lookin' out. I already called and got Child Support turned off for now. Was incredibly easy actually. Going to file that joint custody paperwork too this Monday. I don't know how much the child support was going to be, but my first run through the calculator said $1764, it asks some weird questions I am not sure how they answer like I think that instead of 0$ they figure a person to make minimum wage for the purpose of calculations and I don't know how to answer a few of the other questions but **** that

If you're working OT, stop for a few months until your hearing because they will calculate that as your regular pay. Trust me. I got done dirty at first. Was shelling out 2K a month in cs, spousal and benefits for the first year and change. They typically look at your last 3 months of pay and do some wizardry. (multiply by 4 then divide by 50 or 52 for your weekly income)

Just take your last three months of proof of pay and if they ask for more, play dumb.
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Anybody's kids had a stomach flu recently? My 17 month old has been fighting what seems like a stomach bug for more than 4 days (started Tuesday evening) now with no real sign of improvement. Pediatrician put her on anti-nausea medication yesterday and it's kept her from vomiting anything that she eats or drinks, which isn't much. She's on the edge of dehydration and we're doing what we can to keep her from IV intervention, but I keep waiting for her to turn the corner. I've experienced 24+ hour stomach bugs but nothing like this. Should I be concerned it's lasting so long? FYI- no fever at all, but zero energy and wants to be held constantly.

Tried the pedialyte popsicles cuz she usually loves ice pops. She ate half of one and threw it up instantly. Now I think she's afraid to try again. We keep putting some in her water cup to melt and add some flavor, but I think it surprised her in a bad way that it wasn't her water and now she will hardly drink. Ended up talking to our pediatrician this afternoon, who suggested we go to the ER at Children's Hospital, so we are here now getting IV intervention and running all the tests to rule out anything else. Send prayers, fellas

Thank you. They released us after a bag of fluids were administered and all rests came back clear. Hopefully she's feeling better ASAP!

Thank you.  She seems alot better today.  I even got a few smiles and babbling, which hadn't happened in several days while she was down and out.  No real appetite yet, but the doc assured us that when she is hungry she will eat, so we just keep offering her food and drink and let her decide when she's ready.

Wanted to provide an update and ask for prayers. After a slight improvement last week, my daughter's symptoms returned so we checked back into ER Sunday and they admitted her into the hospital for further observation and testing. After a myriad of tests and scans the docs concluded that her intestines are twisted, causing intermittent blockages that are resulting in her symptoms. Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, so please pray my baby does well and the surgeon gets a good night's rest!
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Thanks spitta and fozzy, my daughter is surprisingly well. It's also a lot worse than we thought. She had like 4 and they are expecting no mobility in her arms and legs after the updated mri. Life is going to be different that's for sure. Hoping she wakes up and it's better than they say but yeah...

Goddamn man, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Appreciate it

Went up there yesterday and was talking to her and she was eased up on the sedatives so she was trying to open her eyes. Good thing is she will be 100% mentally and be able to talk fine. She also was moving her arms. Her sister just texted me saying she's doing a little therapy now and the doc told me yesterday the breathing tube might come out and start pushing her through rehab already. They still don't know what caused this which is scary to me.

Edit. She's lifting her legs on command and has control of her fingers so far!
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Thanks spitta and fozzy, my daughter is surprisingly well. It's also a lot worse than we thought. She had like 4 and they are expecting no mobility in her arms and legs after the updated mri. Life is going to be different that's for sure. Hoping she wakes up and it's better than they say but yeah...

Goddamn man, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Appreciate it

Went up there yesterday and was talking to her and she was eased up on the sedatives so she was trying to open her eyes. Good thing is she will be 100% mentally and be able to talk fine. She also was moving her arms. Her sister just texted me saying she's doing a little therapy now and the doc told me yesterday the breathing tube might come out and start pushing her through rehab already. They still don't know what caused this which is scary to me.

Edit. She's lifting her legs on command and has control of her fingers so far!

Glad to hear she's recovering
in December 2008 My step mother had a stroke, and even though she's recovered 100% she will never have to ease of life she had before. Its a constant lifelong battle. Some days easier than others
Yeah I'm braced for the worst still. For some reason my family got **** on these past 5 years. Me, my daughter and now her mom have all had very serious trauma to the brain. Me and my daughter are perfectly fine now, that's how I've been keeping my cool. I know they tell you the worst so you don't get your hopes up but it's anyone's guess as to what actually happens when they get you up.
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