Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

Past couple days my daughter has been throwing fits when I try to put her to sleep...The moment my wife holds her she stops immediately.

:stoneface: :smh:

Mine is kind of this way, but we found out she has bad reflux so she tantrums sometimes no matter who has her. But my wife just throw her on the tit calms her down, she got used to even falling asleep with it in her mouth. She is so spoiled. She won't sleep without touching somebody, if you try to wait til she falls asleep then put her down or then get up and leave, cries immediately.
Bruh, she's gotta see, smell, hear or feel u more. Used to lay my infants close to my chest so they can feel my heartbeat. Also used to talk to them straight up. They had no idea wth I was talking bout but they knew I was dad
Yeah, I think a big reason is that she's home with my wife and I'm at work. My time with her is when I get home and in the evening. She's even slept on my chest or stomach an entire night.

I think it's just part of the growing process. She's grown out of her newborn clothes and cried until i fed her while standing up. Crazy stuff.
Exactly. But my girlfriend has huge boobs and obviously softer skin so when I do skin to skin, she isn't nearly as comfortable
Mine is kind of this way, but we found out she has bad reflux so she tantrums sometimes no matter who has her. But my wife just throw her on the tit calms her down, she got used to even falling asleep with it in her mouth. She is so spoiled. She won't sleep without touching somebody, if you try to wait til she falls asleep then put her down or then get up and leave, cries immediately.
I think my wife has spoiled her too by always holding her and not letting her sleep in the bassinet
Ya that's tough sledding for down the road

Both me and my wife can get our son down and we're religious to a sleep and now a nap routine

12 weeks today
we can keep Sky up all day with no naps and she will not go sleep until bout 9-10pm

idk when we will get her on a schedule
My sons a18 months. We've been up since 11pm every night. I just let him tire himself out. Then I know we will have a good nights sleep.

Sky used to be good with tiring herself out in a reasonable time frame. used to fall asleep standing up laying on my chest, now that she walking unless she dead tired she sometimes will stay up past midnight and often it's just cause when I lay her down her legs are cold and she takes that as reason to get back up or lay down for a split second
on the weekends, my boy usually sleeps in past 8. feels good man. there was a time when he was a baby that i thought that we'd be waking up before 6am for the rest of our lives :lol:
i remember when she was sleepin' through the night no problem, then all of a sudden she squirms and rolls and twists and flops all over the bed so periodically we wake up and search for her pacifier to ensure she keeps sleeping

And speaking of pacifiers, my wife is conviced it is time she gets weaned off of it now, also same way with bottles, but I think its much too soon to worry about weaning her on em. What's a good age/when did y'all finally kick the bottles and pacifiers to the curb?
with my son the paci had to go after he hit 1, mainly because my child's mom didn't like that it was my 'go to' to get him to be quiet :lol: she basically weaned my son and I off the paci together

the bottle I really don't remember we just gradually started using sippy cups
my boy didn't much like pacifiers anyway. we bought so many and the one he favored the most was the wubbanub. that was good because we'd tuck the animal part under his shirt so that the pacifier could stay by his face. he used that up until about 6 months i think. he was also breastfed and he stopped the bottle before 1 year old and drank the tittymilk from a cup 8)
i'm thinkin she'll move from bottle to cup, the paci idk when she'll be done with that but now i feel is too soon
took my 5 year old son to the ER today. Dude got a gash above his eye brow after tripping and falling into the sharp edge of a desk. 6 stitches :smh: any other dad out there have to witness their kid getting stitches?
took my 5 year old son to the ER today. Dude got a gash above his eye brow after tripping and falling into the sharp edge of a desk. 6 stitches :smh: any other dad out there have to witness their kid getting stitches?

That sounds brutal! My nephew just gashed his eye climbing up the bleachers at school and needed stitches. I'm sure it's only a matter of time with my wild kids...
I watch my daughter walk around and nearly tip over so much it scares me that'll happen. I know that bill was high, cost me 700 to get stitches for myself last year.
I don't know about y'all kids but my son has a habit of falling into anything that will get him dirty, oil patch, puddle, mud....I'm starting to believe he does it purposely :lol: he does this fake *** cry when it happens :rofl:
took my 5 year old son to the ER today. Dude got a gash above his eye brow after tripping and falling into the sharp edge of a desk. 6 stitches :smh: any other dad out there have to witness their kid getting stitches?

My oldest son jumped of the couch and hit our old glass coffee table head first on the way down. Easily the scariest moment of my life since my wife had just left to go to the store. He ended up getting the liquid stitches though.

Anyway, great thread here and props to all the NT dads. Here's my three:

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^ I was hoping for liquid stitches but he looked like he just fought a title fight vs cotto :lol:

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decided to keep him home today, just to get some rest. But it looks like the whole school district is closed due to terrorist threats :smh:

Sick people in this world can't even let little kids learn/play in peace.
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