Official NT dad thread: can the dads get love

All this money for school LAWD! :sick:

Not to mention clothes and after school care...... the hell you need 15 glue sticks for!?!?

I haven't popped off in this thread in a while. Honestly, it scares me and gives me anxiety to step back and look at my life as a dad. Anywho..

My son just turned 9 months a few weeks ago. He's massive, cuddly, literally the MOST chill baby I've ever encountered. He's attached to his mom, more so than my daughter was, proabably because he has a crazy good breastmilk supply and she didn't. Plus, who wouldn't want some fatazz tots in their face all day, everyday?

My daughter is 3.5 going on 35. She's starting preschool at Waldorf, which is full blown hippy, cultish, but perfect for her. I can dig it.

Is it me, or are other "millennial" parents just flat out weird? Like, my friends with kids, cool, we get a long, that's why were friends. I don't agree with all their practices, but it's not my house hold. BUT, all of my daughters friends parents are weird af (her mom is in 3+ play groups) All these kids have like ulta feminist, psuedo-prgoressive moms that only give two ****s about other moms. It's like dads don't exist in their world. That's cool, I feel like women deserve it all, but just cause you popped a baby out and breastfed for 18 moms doesn't mean dad doesn't deserve some credit too. So, I say this to say that my daughter has had 3 birthday parties and I do not F with a single parent from any of these groups. To the moms I don't exist and the dads are usually chasing their kids around like a remote control car. I'm just in the corner like, "Yo you like that new Ye album?"

I could be completely wrong, but my daughter private preschool is filled with these young, hippy, wholelistic, crunchy parents, that on the surface I have nothing in common with. Hell, we're the only brown folks in her class. It just feels like i haven't sipped enough of the koolaide yet.
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i’m the one that has been doing the drop-offs and pick-ups since my son started day care at 3 months old. he’s been at fancy schools the whole time and if you look at me and the other parents, i stick out like a sore thumb :lol:
i just try to be cordial and don’t really socialize much at whatever events i go to. last bday party i took my son to, i just left and came back later. my son is starting kindergarten next week and we had a social event for new parents last night and my wife did most of the talking. there was one polynesian dude who is a security guard and his son is gonna be in my son’s class and i spent most the time talking to him.

anyway, i remember posting at all hours when my son was a baby and there were times i thought i’d never get 8 hours of sleep again. next week he’s off to kindergarten. slow down man!
I here you guys to a degree on the other parents thing at parties or whatever

not to say I can't talk or relate to them, and I've never been a social butterfly, but I recall being at a party just thinking I can't wait until my kid is out of preschool and in another school so I don't have to hear a dumb conversation

Overall though, most of the parents seem ok

I really can't wait until all kids are out of daycare and we're paying less for wrap around care

fortunately, my oldest will have wrap around care that will cost less per week than than one day cost at daycare and it's ran by the YMCA which renst a space out at her school so no dealing with a bus to take her somewhere else...since she's in the others will be in automatically when they're old enough, we just have to register them...I was told by the director that there can be a two year waiting list to get in
All this money for school LAWD! :sick:

Not to mention clothes and after school care...... the hell you need 15 glue sticks for!?!?


Bruh.. 15 glue sticks tho :rofl: :rofl:

That’s a lot of arts and crafts b :lol:

Bruh my boy is going to kindergarten next year. This is his last year of being my “little” boy :smh:

He’s going to be a man next fall. I honestly don’t know how to feel. I want to have another one so by the time he’s transitioning I can loop back into having a little one again :lol:

Can’t wait to put my guy in sports soon tho :pimp:
All this money for school LAWD! :sick:

Not to mention clothes and after school care...... the hell you need 15 glue sticks for!?!?


This is my daughter's school tuition this year.

I'm grateful for the free lunch. :lol:

We have to pay for uniforms and books.



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This is my daughter's school tuition this year.

I'm grateful for the free lunch. :lol:

We have to pay for uniforms and books.


Bruh, I try to tell people I know that having kids is NO JOKE :lol:

ESPECIALLY if you live in a major city or a surrounding area. Tuition, child care, before and after care, straight finessing parents :smh:

Paying 1200 a month for child care for my son, when school starts back we have to pay for books and enrollment (about another $500 or something like that)

But as a parent what can you do? :lol: You gotta provide and give your child the best life possible.

I'm debating on if I want to put my lil man in public school or private school. He's in a pre-k program now and I don't know if I want to take him out because I like the security in knowing that I'm paying for a dedicated program to pay close attention to my boys education.

Gotdamn mind trap :smh: :lol:
Fug all of that, your whole household could
Live like the Royal Family on 90% of the earth with $22k, that’s the maid, private school and tutors included... I can’t get with America no more, it took having kids to really push me over the edge.
Just bought Hyena by Jude Angelini and a book called Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say it, and When to Listen
my man Grine Grine i feel your pain :lol:
our tuition doesn’t include lunch and we still have to pay more for after school and summer school :frown:
this is why i don’t post in the sneaker showcase anymore. there’s no sneakers for me to showcase :angry:
my man Grine Grine i feel your pain :lol:
our tuition doesn’t include lunch and we still have to pay more for after school and summer school :frown:
this is why i don’t post in the sneaker showcase anymore. there’s no sneakers for me to showcase :angry:

Wait, so you have to pay for lunch? WOW.

After-care is the biggest finesse in school history.

I don't remember ever having an after-care in school. I remember school being in until 4pm-5pm.
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