Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

If Franks defense is so great you put him in last possession, don’t he warrant to get a few more minutes throughout the game ? Not saying he needs 25mins but 12-18min could make a difference
I'd give Quickley more minutes alongside Rose. The defense focused so much on Rose that if Quick and Burks are on the floor together they should get wide open shots
If Franks defense is so great you put him in last possession, don’t he warrant to get a few more minutes throughout the game ? Not saying he needs 25mins but 12-18min could make a difference
yeah I truly don't understand that line of thinking from thibs

dude is perfectly content watching payton get smoked for 15-20 minutes a game but when he wants to see a stand, throws frank in
I get u normally don’t want to make drastic changes to the lineup especially in the playoffs but what will it take to make that switch, going down 0-3 (god forbid) in the first round?
Definitely want to see Elf on the bench but also we should use the small line up more to chase these guys off the 3 point line better. None of the Atlanta bigs are that phyisical that it couldnt work in spurts. I think it will free up the lane for Randle to got to work.
There's is nothing positive he does in his 4-minute stints. The team played 60+ games together already, they know the offense. Elfrid doesnt need to be in there. Start Quick or Frank.
As much as I hate seeing elf on the floor, I’ve come to terms with the fact he’ll be starting until he’s off the team....
The last few pages are full of hot takes ..... this was never going to be a cake walk .... most playoff series aren’t ..... the season ain’t done , and who the Knicks could get is funny to me

Game 2 Wednesday will tell a lot ... the knicks can win in Atlanta but they just have to make adjustments on trae and get the Knicks star player off to a better start
The media is literally gobbling Trae's nut sack bc dude won a single playoff game against the Knicks. I hope the team is motivated to come out and bury these guys next game. A win is a win so I'll be happy if we win by 1 but I want them to make a statement and come out with a punch to the face early. Not this "score 7 points the first 5 min" nonsense from game 1
Y’all in here looking bitter AF 😂

Hair jokes & empty physical threats cuz son had the torch all night & put beloved Frankie on skates to ice it.
This guy can't even shush right. He's shushing his nose

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