Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

don't see us coming back from 14 on the road, gotta play close to perfect but with how this team looked in the 2nd.. good lord.
Randle went from averaging 38 10 in like 55 percent shooting vs the Hawks in the regular season to this pathetic monstrosity.

Not a max player, he’s proving it.
Randle doesn't make quick decisions.

When he should drive right off the catch, he takes 4+ dribbles.

When he should take a quick shot since he has daylight, he waits for the defender to close space.

When he does get an opening, he passes out of the shot.
We got Trae out herre looking like he's unstoppable. He is NOT one of those caliber type players.
I got a feeling this series is going to go in the way of trading a game a piece until game 7.
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