Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

These dudes are Diet Golden State...

Amazing how quick they put a string of baskets together.

How are we STILL not hunting Trae defensively FOUR games in.
These dudes are Diet Golden State...

Amazing how quick they put a string of baskets together.

How are we STILL not hunting Trae defensively FOUR games in.

unless Bullock post the ball ain’t going to happen; Bullock too streaky for that to happen
Randle needs to wake tf up

DRose keep doing what you doin but you may have to Level Up in the 4th if Randle still sleep

Noel needs to make his presence felt like Gibson been doing

RJ needs to get it going but he even younger than Randle so even more pressure on Julius to step up. Can he handle it?

All of the above happen and Knicks will have a chance
NYK is not play off ready. Good luck to the Hawks vs the Sixers. Don't give Randle the max as he is not a max player who can perform under pressure; trade him if he refuses under 20M. Retain Rose, give him a raise as he is the only one that deserves it. Get some consistent scorers and closers either via trade or draft pick. And after all that, perhaps NYK will be ready for the playoffs in 2022.
At least he's finally attacking the paint. Keep it up and he's bound to convert something or draw some fouls.
That and 1 they have Hunter was a travel, his feet were down before he got his shot off.

Randle gotta go to the bench. Obi playing better.
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