Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Obi should play more, n Randle should focus on passing instead of shooting, n deny Trae…It’s not that hard
-Didnt once try Obi at the 5
-Didnt once attack Trae on mismatches
-Played Frank for the most meaningless seconds ever
-Kept Bullock in the game even though he bricks everything and doesnt make Trae work

List goes on man.
It’s a shame ‘cause I’ve been here for years and appreciate a lot of y’all.

But every once in a while this tread turns, and ****** be going crazy.Way too overly dramatic, in here.

And I mean you can be sarcastic about it, but the truth of the matter is that people went from hating Randle, to discussing max deals to hating him again in a few months. It’s not about being mean, it’s about not overreacting emotionally to a basketball game and keeping it in perspective. It’s not about protecting players, it’s about having a fruitful discussion in here and ****** not just going off on hyperbole. That’s where we’re at right now. Just arguing for the sake of argumentation.

And the god damn series is 2-1.

Not trying to hear this
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