Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

Sexton isn't a superstar obviously but if we're gonna keep waiting for lightning in a bottle to sign/trade someone like Lillard or some **** we're gonna have dudes like Elfraud starting forever. We don't need an elite PG. a guy like Sexton can give you 20-25ppg nightly.

We finished 4th with a bum at PG. Imagine how many more games you win with someone like Sexton pulling the defense away from guys like Randle and RJ.
Problem is Sexton ain’t a PG tho, the Knicks would still be looking for somebody to effectively play that role even with yo on the squad…His ideal role is a super 6th man off the bench on a good team

The reason he’s in trade rumors is cuz the Cavs drafted and developing somebody who plays PG better than him (Garland)
agreed. sexton isn't a proper, distributing type of point guard. he's not there for the assists
he can be a very good addition to the team, but knicks need a guard who can do both
don’t even wanna think about what kind of offer it’d take to get him

no thanks

as long as we keep Randle and RJ, i couldnt care less about what we give up.

both 2021 FRPs
and probably Mitch

i wouldn't be too opposed to that tbh. id rather keep one of IQ, Obi, or Mitch, but we'd probably have to give up all 3. considering our cap situation, we'd be able to fill those roles easily and build around Dame, RJ, and Randle.
Everyone who wants Dame, why does his style of play much more attractive than sexton in terms of making other better or defensively?
Dame is a PG you'd want going against Kyrie or Curry. If its just an offer, some teams may offer more established players, but well keep assets if he request a trade to us. I would like to keep IQ though. If Dame lands here, Im sure Melo is on the roster too

Obi / Knox / IQ/ both 2021 first round picks, not even sure if that would be enough

Mitch - Randle - SF - RJ - Dame

Stay pat this year, and sign Lavine next season
Mitch - Randle - RJ - Lavine - Dame
Also warming up to the idea of Sexton. I think this team really trusts RJ and Randles play making where they don’t necessarily need a playmaking 1. I’d still want one other playmaker next to Sexton and RJ, I just don’t know who. Someone has to get Mitch involved man, he’s missed on wide open alley oops atleast 2-3x a game.
as long as we keep Randle and RJ, i couldnt care less about what we give up.

both 2021 FRPs
and probably Mitch

i wouldn't be too opposed to that tbh. id rather keep one of IQ, Obi, or Mitch, but we'd probably have to give up all 3. considering our cap situation, we'd be able to fill those roles easily and build around Dame, RJ, and Randle.
you’re fooling yourself if you think that package is sniffing dame
Hed have to say I only want to go to NY and the Blazers would have to be respectful enough to actually grant him that wish with other teams with much better packages. Too many stars would have to align and we know that won’t happen.
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