Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

We still won't win ****. But if y'all happy with 40-50 wins--cool.

Like I said, on paper--we have a solid team. Let's see if Fournier plays well. Lets see if Kemba plays well. Let's see if our young guys improve. Let's see if Randle takes the next step.

Until that stuff actually manifests on the court, I'm apprehensive.
What would you have done different if you had control over our moves and draft picks??

Rose, Wes and Perry improved our team from last season through free agents and drafting and put us in a position to sign more talent next summer and/or trade for a disgruntled star down the line while not throwing out awful contracts. Seems like some fans just want us to be a legit title contender overnight and go after every star player.
What would you have done different if you had control over our moves and draft picks??

Rose, Wes and Perry improved our team from last season through free agents and drafting and put us in a position to sign more talent next summer and/or trade for a disgruntled star down the line while not throwing out awful contracts. Seems like some fans just want us to be a legit title contender overnight and go after every star player.

Not saying we missed out of a signing or made a misstep. I'm saying, we need a box-office player to win. Randle isn't that guy.

I'm not going to be giddy over a few signings that's not going to take us into the NBA Finals.
we need a box-office player to win.

We were a 42 win team on 72 game schedule and literally swapped out our 2 worst starters, 1 of the Starters was the worst starting PG in the NBA. We replaced them with Kemba and Fournier how can we not be a 50 win team even if Randle doesn’t match what he did last year?!?
We were a 42 win team on 72 game schedule and literally swapped out our 2 worst starters, 1 of the Starters was the worst starting PG in the NBA. We replaced them with Kemba and Fournier how can we not be a 50 win team even if Randle doesn’t match what he did last year?!?

Not sure if Randle can match what he did last year. The tape is out on him. The Atlanta series exposed a lot of holes in his game.

We also vastly overachieved and caught a lot of lucky breaks. Let's be real. We did make some solid signings, but let's see how the team chemistry is.
Not saying we missed out of a signing or made a misstep. I'm saying, we need a box-office player to win.
Who’s leaving this summer? What “box office player” has requested to be traded or is a free agent? Dame hasn’t requested anything yet, kawhi staying home in LA and would clash with thibs playing him 80 games a season, Westbrook been had a return home to LA in mind for years, Beal wants to stay in Washington, Spida hasn’t requested a trade and Utah won’t move until he does. So who was available? We have a solid team to build upon
We're pretty much a 2010s Bulls level team right now.

We're (hopefully) going to be a consistent fixture in the playoffs for years to come.

As we continue to make the postseason, our younger players develop.

If everything works out, a franchise changing player will want to sign with us based on our progress.

It isn't going to happen in one shot. We have to do this season by season.
We still won't win ****. But if y'all happy with 40-50 wins--cool.

Like I said, on paper--we have a solid team. Let's see if Fournier plays well. Lets see if Kemba plays well. Let's see if our young guys improve. Let's see if Randle takes the next step.

Until that stuff actually manifests on the court, I'm apprehensive.
What available FA would bring NY a chip or win **** as you say next year? This team will advance father than last year all things being equal health injury etc..
We still won't win ****. But if y'all happy with 40-50 wins--cool.

Like I said, on paper--we have a solid team. Let's see if Fournier plays well. Lets see if Kemba plays well. Let's see if our young guys improve. Let's see if Randle takes the next step.

Until that stuff actually manifests on the court, I'm apprehensive.
Again, you are making any sense ....

Whether you have a elite FA, they have to be healthy and/or play well.


Have superstars ... either their superstars have gotten injured or they havent played well.

So again, you cam be apprehensive all you want .. but unlike those teams .. when they superstars go down, they really have nothing going for themselves ...

Nets have had Kyrie and KD 2 years and have yet to win.
Again, the point I'm trying to make is that a lot of you guys are excited for no real reason. Let's see how the season plays out. We've seen how Knicks teams in the past were built well on paper and then struggled.

I wont get excited until I see something tangible.
No real reason?

MF did you not see Elfrid Payton play for 2 years????? Im happy just on the fact he is gone ....
We still won't win ****. But if y'all happy with 40-50 wins--cool.

Like I said, on paper--we have a solid team. Let's see if Fournier plays well. Lets see if Kemba plays well. Let's see if our young guys improve. Let's see if Randle takes the next step.

Until that stuff actually manifests on the court, I'm apprehensive.
you can't really expect more than what's feasible

we'd all like a kevin durant type on this team, but that ain't possible right now. these moves the knicks made are setting up the franchise for the future with both young up and. coming talent as well as increasingly talented veterans
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