Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

If Simms could play the 4, which by his scouting report he can, that makes any combination of Randle/Obi/Mitch expendable down the line. Son looked more polished on the offense than they were giving him credit for too. We shall see.

& once again, saying it for the ones in the back. The search for a starting QB, I mean, PG is over.

So, OKC still have to pay Kemba $53.6 mill left. That's how no. 16 pick and a second rounder are worth :lol:
I just can’t put too much into summer league … if you have a pulse you can play in the league …. But I’m not saying anyone can just take minutes on this team ….. but hope they improve
I've taken a pay cut to be back near family before. Sometimes you just need that. Pay was too trash to last long though, Kemba getting something significant.
Bacon is serviceable. Interesting pickup. But yeah, probably won’t play much. Depth.
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Bacon isn't a needle mover but he does give depth. He averaged 10ppg last year so he's not totally useless. His only issue is he's a bad 3 point shooter so as long as he's shooting any other type of shot he can give you a few baskets
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