Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

knicks picking up mitch’s option instead of extending him just tells me he’ll be very much available during trade season
knicks picking up mitch’s option instead of extending him just tells me he’ll be very much available during trade season

right on. the extension is what i meant to convey on the previous page about mitch. i get the feeling knicks suits believe he's damaged goods. plus he got a new agent for this year - his sixth - so that's another factor
Says a lot about these young guys that the first 7-8 min of the second quarter the offense was terrible and they still played their *** off defensively to prevent themselves from falling in a hole
If McBride can be good for 10 points off the bench consistently that's massive considering the guard depth we already have with Burks, Rose, Quickley, Fournier, and Kemba.
This dude Grimes about to get ZERO minutes ....

Don't seem to have the charisma as Theo either ....

Seldom needs to take Travis with him to Panama ....
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