Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

GG. I only didn't like seeing Burks come down 3 consecutive possessions toward the end and Chuck em up.
And 2 straight possessions offensive fouls on IQ. But it's a learning process. I'll take the W.

Lots of continuity going on.

My favorite part was when Rose gave that one extra pass at the end. Smooth **** :pimp:
No Mitch or Noel on D and we still was clamping on D! Under 100 points for the opponent. I even saw RJ lock up Beal on a possession. It's preseason, but I think when we get our big men back, the defense is gonna get real scary

Offensively, the ball movement and activity is dope to see. Our PGs know how to command a team and an offense, plus they all can play off ball as the 2. The versatility is crazy! Kemba is healthy and gonna cook as the starter, and having DRose, IQ and Burks makes the ball handler interchangeable in the bench lineup. Obi looks good out there. Happy for Knox getting a shot...I'd like to see him earn time this season. Feel like he should get 1 more shot at this...hopefully tonight was a good sign
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