Official NY Mets 2012 Thread. Time To Face The Yung God, Mets Face Harper For 3 Games.

Jun 23, 2008
Breakout Performers
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New Citi Falls 

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Opening Day just weeks away, lets get it!
[h1]Eric Langill, Mets Bullpen Catcher, Arrested For DUI After Team Outing[/h1]
NEW YORK (WFAN) – A bullpen catcher for the Mets could find himself in trouble with the law — and the team — after being arrested and charged with a DUI on Sunday night, reports

Eric Langill failed a field sobriety test and was charged following a single-car accident in St. Lucie County, according to police reports.

The Mets hold their annual spring training campin Port St. Lucie, Fla.

The incident happened following the club’s weekly outing at a local bowling alley, and general manager Sandy Alderson said that the club is currently looking into the matter.

The 32-year-old was released after posting bond.


I'm not excited at all for the mets season, i know we are going to suck so no reason to get my hopes up. We will not be able to compete in this division. Realistically who would we be compete with for a wildcard?
Originally Posted by nightruans

I'm not excited at all for the mets season, i know we are going to suck so no reason to get my hopes up. We will not be able to compete in this division. Realistically who would we be compete with for a wildcard?
Season is a month away and team is already a mess with injuries....

It's going to be a long season, as usual...
1. We have a thread already
2. Everything that has already happened so far this spring training confirms to me that this will be the worst team in baseball or very close to it
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

1. We have a thread already
2. Everything that has already happened so far this spring training confirms to me that this will be the worst team in baseball or very close to it
They really don't have anything positive going for them. Johan will pitch, but will be traded before the ASB.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

 Everything that has already happened so far this spring training confirms to me that this will be the worst team in baseball or very close to it

The Astros and Orioles will both be more terrible than us. If we're not going to make the playoffs for the next 2 years, why not get a couple of high draft picks?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

1. We have a thread already
2. Everything that has already happened so far this spring training confirms to me that this will be the worst team in baseball or very close to it
They really don't have anything positive going for them. Johan will pitch, but will be traded before the ASB.

Sure, we're not the Royals or the Pirates, but our future isn't an all out mess like the White Sox or Houston. The ownership situation will take at 2-4 years to clear up, by then we'll either have new owners or the Wilpons struck a deal with the victims. 

Niese; Duda, Wright, and Ike are all poised for breakout/bounce-back seasons. David Wright will be traded next off-season, and will bring back a decent pool of prospects for us. The team will be bad, but it's not the '63 Mets. 
for the first time in my life i'm wishing u met fans good luck , i'm softening with age

all jokes aside, sucks to see u guys lose " your guy " with reyes and possibly lose wright also .....
The faith in Duda is astounding to me. Plus, a lot has to go right with David Wright in order to get a "decent pool" of prospects. Look at the guys traded this spring for good prospects. Wright isn't near that value anymore. Not that he can't re-establish some of that value again but it will be tough.

They have the pitching prospects to not be awful the next couple years (if they pan out and Familia doesn't end up in the pen) but they have next to nothing in hitting prospects.
Duda is 6'5 and looked good in the minimal amount he played last year. Power bats are minimal in this league and he hinted that he could possibly be a 25+ homer guy last year. Do you disagree with that?
Power bats aren't minimal in the league, espeically in a corner OF position. Not disagreeing with some of the potential that he showed last year but expecting a breakout year is a little too much to me. More like 17-20 HR's and the average/OBP/SLG taking a dip in his first full season. Next season might be a different story. The kid has a good eye at the plate but let's see the adjustment period in the first full season first.
Originally Posted by Proshares

The faith in Duda is astounding to me. Plus, a lot has to go right with David Wright in order to get a "decent pool" of prospects. Look at the guys traded this spring for good prospects. Wright isn't near that value anymore. Not that he can't re-establish some of that value again but it will be tough.

They have the pitching prospects to not be awful the next couple years (if they pan out and Familia doesn't end up in the pen) but they have next to nothing in hitting prospects.

1. Duda slugged .480 in one of the top 3 worst power parks in baseball, and it was his first "full" year. I'm not expecting 30 HRs, but he'll belt out 17 - 24 times this year and have a 350-@%% OBP.
2. Sandy got Wheeler in exchange for a half year rental. If Wright is a .370 OBP/30 HR/.510 SLG in 2012(which is certainly realistic), we will get a B+ prospect or two in the off-season.
3. You're right our covet in barren for position prospects. I'm not banking on those pitchers to be good, I only expect one of them to be a MLB starter. It's a shame Niewenhieus and Havens can't stay healthy, and Dekker and Valdespin are big question marks. Nimno is nowhere near a MLB player, so he's not even on my radar.
It's realistic but you should calm those expectations a little bit IMO. He dropped the K rate last year by covering up a whole in his swing to the outside part of the plate but lots a lot of power. If he starts slugging again, that OBP might start going down. Beltran was having one of his best seasons at the plate before he got traded.

Wheeler and Harvey will be 1/2 at the major league level. Those two are stud pitchers with great poise.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I hate this team.


i mean i always loved the mets during the losing days, which is 99% of the time, but this takes it to the next level...
Checking in. Win or lose, baseballs back

My boy Ike is due for a monster season.

All I ask is that no one hits the panic button and promotes any of our young pitchers (Harvey, Familia, Wheeler) too early. Nothing sooner than a September call up.
Another Mets thread? It's cool. I bookmarked this one. Can't wait for opening day...
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I hate this team.


i mean i always loved the mets during the losing days, which is 99% of the time, but this takes it to the next level...
Seriously. Still sickens me that they let Reyes walk. Would've much rather they traded him last year.
Only a few weeks til Opening Day, can't wait for $5 tickets and getting thrashed this summer.
The Madoff case was settled, $162 million due. Even though that's a huge number, from what I've read so far the thought is that the Wilpons should be able to hold onto ownership of the Mets. @*$%.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

The Madoff case was settled, $162 million due. Even though that's a huge number, from what I've read so far the thought is that the Wilpons should be able to hold onto ownership of the Mets. @*$%.

Way to ruin my Monday bruh. 

I guess that means more minor-league teams will be abolished. 
Feels bad man, feels bad

Fred Wilpon won Monday morning just as clearly as 16 college basketball teams won over the weekend, and yet he should not bother grabbing any scissors, climbing any ladders or cutting down any nets.

The owner of the New York Mets made a smart deal, finally, when he avoided a trial and settled with the trustee representing Bernie Madoff's victims. The headlines say Wilpon, Saul Katz and partners accepted a bill for $162 million, but the actual payoff should end up considerably south of that.

Believe it or not, the agreement allows Mets owners to pursue the $178 million they claimed they lost with Madoff in other accounts, and to apply whatever they recover to their tab. They might end up paying as little as $29 million, and, oh yeah, they don't have to cough up a dime for three years.

This deal is so good, in fact, it sounds like Madoff arranged it from behind bars.

But after dodging an inevitable series of embarrassing courtroom disclosures, a possible judgment of $300 million and change and the likely surrender of his ballclub -- never mind the tattered remains of his good name -- in the event of a defeat, Wilpon needs to understand something:

He's still a net loser in every conceivable way.

The Mets are a big-market joke with small-market bottom lines, and Wilpon's dreadful decisions in business and baseball are to blame. His fan base wants him out, and even the Mets' loyal, good-natured customers were hoping for some outcome before a judge and jury that left them with a new rich guy in charge.

So when Mario Cuomo, the Kissinger of this case, told reporters outside federal court in Manhattan that this resolution would allow Mets owners to "return to normalcy," no season-ticket holder was seen popping open a bottle of chilled champagne.

For Mets fans, normalcy is a team in the world's biggest, noisiest marketplace that slashes payroll by more than $50 million. Normalcy is a team that can't afford to keep Jose Reyes while sharing a city with the Dream Team Yankees. Normalcy is a team that can't keep its employees out of trouble or its fragile players out of the tub.

Normalcy is a team staring at its fourth straight losing season and a projected plunge into last place.

In the immediate wake of his "victory," Wilpon said his first order of business was to return to his spring training base in Port St. Lucie, Fla., for an attempt "to bring the New York Mets back to the prominence that our fans deserve and the city of New York deserves."

Prominence? Mets fans would settle for mere relevance and competence first.

Even on the day he was successful in showing he wasn't "willfully blind" to Madoff's staggering fraud, Wilpon inspired no faith in his ownership. "Stick with us," he said outside the courthouse when asked for his message to the fans.

"We'll be there. We have done it before, twice, in the 33 years. We will do it again."

Actually, the Mets have done it once on Wilpon's watch, in 1986, unless he's suggesting the five-game loss to the Yanks in the 2000 World Series counts as a triumph just for showing up. Derek Jeter was the MVP of that Series, and in the weeks that followed another all-world shortstop, Alex Rodriguez, made it clear he wanted to level the playing field for his favorite childhood team, the Mets. But instead of making a legitimate bid for the free agent, and showing some Steinbrennerian stomach for the fight, Wilpon took a pass and tried to win a losing battle for public support by painting A-Rod as a perk-obsessed jerk.

Yes, that absurd non-courtship says it all about Wilpon's time in charge.

So does a night at David Wright's locker last May, after his boss ripped the third baseman, Carlos Beltran, Reyes and the entire team in The New Yorker. Wright is among the more agreeable and approachable athletes you could ever meet, another Mr. Met without the big head.

Only that night, when questioned for 15 minutes and 32 seconds about Wilpon's published comment that he isn't a superstar, Wright refused to speak the owner's given name. When told by a reporter halfway through the session that he'd yet to say the word "Fred," Wright went on and on without, you know, saying the word "Fred."

The issue wasn't whether Wright qualifies as a true superstar (he doesn't). But after scrambling from one team charity event to the next, after serving as a credible voice and face for a laughingstock franchise, Wright deserved better from Wilpon, as in a lot.

Same goes for the fans who kept showing up at cavernous Citi Field, a beautiful gathering place that, of course, traumatized the home team's sluggers. Even when Wilpon got it right, he got it wrong.

Somehow the Mets came up with the money to scale down the fences, this as they owe $65 million to Bank of America and the Bank of Bud Selig. The commissioner didn't give his longtime friend, Wilpon, the Frank McCourt treatment, and it looks like Selig's patience paid off.

In the end the trustee for Madoff's victims, Irving Picard, settled for an infield single, leaving his counsel, David Sheehan, to congratulate Wilpon and Katz and to describe them as partners in compensating those who had been robbed. The language of this blood sport had changed considerably, allowing Wilpon to feel like a guy with a 10-game lead in the NL East. "Now I guess I can smile," he said. "Maybe I can take a day off."

He shouldn't bask in the moment for too long. The winner of this settlement remains a net loser at the ballpark, where Fred Wilpon has been a lousy steward of the New York Mets.

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