Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by Nako XL
Earl is the only one with standout rap talent in that posse and he's in juvie. Some of Tyler's beats are great, some suck, but he's solid for the most part. Good rap voice, but he isnt too great an mc. The rest are just bored teenagers saying %*$% for pure shock value.
I can't help but feel like they're just a fad right now tho. People are on them because everyone's talking about them. Not because they're particularly great.
The Earl tape is good. I like Tyler and what I've heard of Frank Ocean is cool, but I can't give an honest opinion yet. Everything else they've done is kinda mediocre.
I've seen them live though, and theyre incredible. they literally incite riots.
No offense dude but it seems like you haven't really heard enough of their material to make these opinions... not trying to call you out or something but I feel Tyler is a good mc, just listen to "Super Market" on the Domo Genesis tape to get an idea of how creative he can be...
Also, I have no idea how you can think Hodgy Beats is mediocore if you've listened to the MellowHype tapes...