I thought Odd future was okay before this interview. Tyler came off dumb as %$%! and his homeboy was mad corny. You can tell they just decided to rap one day and called it a day. They will fall off as fast as they came up.
I thought Odd future was okay before this interview. Tyler came off dumb as %$%! and his homeboy was mad corny. You can tell they just decided to rap one day and called it a day. They will fall off as fast as they came up.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I thought Odd future was okay before this interview. Tyler came off dumb as #!%* and his homeboy was mad corny. You can tell they just decided to rap one day and called it a day. They will fall off as fast as they came up.

His "homeboy" can actually rap pretty well. Not as good as Earl but Hodgy is really good.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

I thought Odd future was okay before this interview. Tyler came off dumb as #!%* and his homeboy was mad corny. You can tell they just decided to rap one day and called it a day. They will fall off as fast as they came up.

His "homeboy" can actually rap pretty well. Not as good as Earl but Hodgy is really good.
My brother got a detention while being in detention for writing "@%!% Steve Harvey' on a piece of paper he had in front of him
Dumb $#$
My brother got a detention while being in detention for writing "@%!% Steve Harvey' on a piece of paper he had in front of him
Dumb $#$
Syd is sexy is a really really strange way. She looks like a boy in pictures. In person she's actually kinda pretty.
Syd is sexy is a really really strange way. She looks like a boy in pictures. In person she's actually kinda pretty.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by vezon

How does everyone in this group have talent though? +!*+ is just mind bending
i asked myself the same thing. amazing

this. they're like 8 deep. everyone is stupid talented at what they do. you can really be mad.

and everything is DIY. thats really impressive
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