Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

So what's that now, THREE people in this thread that don't like the album?

Pretty sure it's safe to say that at this point in time and forever, OB4CL2 > BP3. It isn't even up for debate, IMO.

Dude's sn is named after a Jay song what do you expect
got my disc today, whole thing looks mad bummy
.....adds to the effect though i guess

still playin the @+$% out this disc, tryna get to grips with some of the verses....

Deck aint lost a step ...his first few bars setting it up as always

I used to scramble hard radio strapped to the handle bars/
50 deep in the lobby large rockin camoflouge/
Dark Caesar holdin my nuts /
play the building front 5th of henny throw a lil snow in the blunt/....

i was gone type it all them i realised that @+$% is looooong
Tight Album, Like the first one its gonna have to grow on me, has a LOT of replay in it left, Ghost does his thing, wanted the god to make a second appearance,surprised he didnt, Kiss came through, only thing is I cant listen to it w/o a spliff......Dont compare it to the first one though
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Nas is a jerk for not being on da album...what a idiot.

I bet Nas can't even talk that street +%*@ any more...

Raekwon will be talking about chopping up a brick and this N will come in and start rhyming about Obama or some other +%*@...
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Nas is a jerk for not being on da album...what a idiot.
I bet Nas can't even talk that street +%*@ any more...

Raekwon will be talking about chopping up a brick and this N will come in and start rhyming about Obama or some other +%*@...
This is probably true going off his last two albums but I'm sure he could go back to it. He just doesn't want to.

If they were planning on a Verbal intercourse 2 I'm sure Nas could've provided something along the lines of Queens Get The Money as far a dope versegoes.

But as usual he dusted. Rae aint playing smart, he been trying to release this for like what 3 years? I woulda got the verse from Nas back then
Scram Jones did Broken Safety & Kiss The Ring?
2 of the best beats on the joint. and of course Al spazzed. I thought it was only one Dilla joint uphere
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is why Ghostface will always be my favorite wu tang member
his verse
one of my favorite cuts from the CD. idk tho i just cant get into this CD...outof all the Wu members i usually only like meth and ghost, the others are boring to me
I understand if someone doesn't like the Wu sound, but if you like the Wu I don't understand how you don't like this album. I havebeen bumping itnon-stop and it is not getting old. Best album I have heard in years.
Can't wait for tomorrow...gonna copp this and BP3 right after class...still haven't heard either
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