Official OVO x JB Thread

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0/Infinite in recent Ndc raffles.
Glad copped pears during the intial snkrs release :nthat:
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Watch none of us in this thread win.
watch all of us eat... 
which of my facts arent straight? alot of these big resellers buying so many pairs at a time are definitely buying as many tracphones as they need. 100 was just the number i used because somebody mention 100 accounts. i mentioned nothing about generating google numbers. i never said that method works so dont bring that ish near me. im merely talking about resellers buying tracphones for their accounts.

just because you are uneducated and refuse to believe that or couldnt ever imagine yourself  or anyone you knowdoing it, doesnt mean jack ish.

know wtf you are talking about before you come at me sounding like a douche.
Know what your talking about before making assanine assumptions and blatant stupid remarks, get real man wake up out of your fantasy.
says the guy asking "how how how", not comming up with an viable answers and just saying "nah this cant b, nah that cant b" lmao.

mr know it all who knows absolutely nothing.
And another on "L" congrats to those who picked up the "W" and f u Nike you cud have email my L lastnite smh
what part of THERE ARE WAYS AROUND THAT dont YOU get? burners/trac phones are super cheap and a great investment for purposes like this. thats just ONE of the ways. im not gonna spell it all out for u in black and white. go do a google search. youd be amazed.

think outside the box. dont come at people about things you are not informed enough about.
People buying 100 tracphones lmao get out of here
I can see one or two Obama phones maybe having a couple friends help you out here and there, there are ways to generate phone numbers yes I.e. Google voice but as stated before that didn't work as I tried... Get your facts straight man before coming at me like a goofy/lame
which of my facts arent straight? alot of these big resellers buying so many pairs at a time are definitely buying as many tracphones as they need. 100 was just the number i used because somebody mention 100 accounts. i mentioned nothing about generating google numbers. i never said that method works so dont bring that ish near me. im merely talking about resellers buying tracphones for their accounts.

just because you are uneducated and refuse to believe that or couldnt ever imagine yourself  or anyone you knowdoing it, doesnt mean jack ish.

know wtf you are talking about before you come at me sounding like a douche.
How many pairs can these resellers really be winning on a raffle though? Even with 100+ entries your chances of copping even ONE pair are still very small. Seems more plausible that resellers are getting most of their stock through back channels.

Say you have 25 people in your reseller "sneaker clan" or whatever. Each one of you enters 100 times using accounts verified via tracfone. That's 2500 entries. I don't have numbers on how many people enter these Nike raffles but I would think it's probably in the 6 digits. You'd be lucky, and I mean really lucky, to get 10 pairs off the raffle across your whole crew. Doesn't seem worth it to me. Maybe I'm overestimating the amount of people who enter these things...
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