.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

Mannnnnn stuff like this has happened to me and my brother our whole lives. We got unexplained for daysssssss. Sorry if any of these are long reads.
-Our TV use to turn on by itself all the time at our old house in San Jose. Like, we would turn it off then walk up the hall towards our bedrooms and it would turn on by itself. This was back in the 80's, old school Zenith!!!! So we'd walk back into the living room and turn it off again. And i'd be damned if the sucker didn't turn back on AGAIN!! Ran and told mom to go turn it off. hahhahahhaha

-Back in 98' when we were 15 we went to our first rave in Oakland, and we copped some Silver Dolphins from the tambourine man. When we got home and tried to lay down and rest we ended up seeing the EXACT SAME HALLUCINATIONS throughout the night without saying a single word to one another. (Long Story) 

-We use to work for a youth corps at Shoreline Park in Mountain View, building trails and doing landscaping. The spot that we had our orientation at was the Rengstorff House (Google it). So the lady giving us our orientation is telling the history of the house and about all the weird stuff that happens there when all of the sudden the door leading to the courtyard behind us slams shut hella hard. And by slammed shut I mean SLAMMED SHUT! Like Brock Lesnar x Incredible Hulk collabo SLAM! We were all inside of the dining room and we immediately opened it and checked outside but nobody was there. There was no wind, no nothing. Calm, hot summer day. Two of our bosses also had a crazy experience there too. On Fridays they usually had to stay a little later after work to do paperwork and stuff in the office upstairs. They said it was like 6:30 when they left and as they were leaving  they realized they forgot to turn off the compters. And like 30 seconds later when they got back upstairs of the House every single piece of furniture (Desks, Chairs, Book Cases),desk, garbage cans, pictures, EVERYTHING was flipped upside down. He said they bounced out hella fast. Came back the next morning when other people were already there to help organize the stuff again.

-We seen 2 lights in the sky near our house in Mountain View back when we were 16. Less than 2 miles away from Moffett Field and NASA Ames Research Center. We were at the crib with our mom watching TV and my mom said she was going to go take a nap. Almost two minutes after that we hear our mom scream for us to come to her room. And in my head i was thinking maybe someone was trying to break in through her window but when we got to her room she was standing by the window staring up in the sky and was like "What is that!!" They were two very distinctive bright white lights up in the sky. One stayed completely still and the other one was doing loopty loops all around the other one. We watched it doing this for almost 5 minutes. Then all of the sudden it just stopped at what looked like 200 feet below the other one, in mid air, and started to go straight up towards the sky when it suddenly imploded/disappeared and then simultaneously reappeared like 3-400 feet above it and kept going straight up. Kinda hard to explain but there's no way anybody can convince me that it was anything man made. It was 6pm, clear blue skies, no clouds. Our mom doesn't even like to bring it up. 

Tons more but these are a few that stick out for me.
Thanks for the links man. I love checking this thread out when I have time
in that indonesian alien video, why was no one scared of it, and dude proceeded to sing? fake.

one of the comments in the youtube vid was:
So a being evolved to the point of being capable of Inter-stellar travel still walks around on all fours and acts like an animal? I don't see it happening.

but those moon shots are always something interesting.
On 10-19-2010 i saw a bright light make these smoke/cloud rings in the sky above SF. I was in the SOMA near 10th and Harrison and something caught my eye. I looked up to see this perfect ring in the sky, and as I'm looking at it I start to see another one of these rings start to form right next to it. When it got back to the beginning of the circle it would just completely disappeared. It ended up making 4 PERFECT rings in total and the light disappeared. All four of em' stayed right next to each other and drifted together. One of my friends who i had told about what i saw said that it was probably F22 Raptors doing practice runs that they were gonna have flying over AT&T Park for the Giants vs. Phillies game. But this was no plane! Two of my friends saw it with me and neither or them said it was a plane. We all were trying to see what it was that was making the rings, hoping to see a plane or something to help explain it, but all there was was this little bright light.
The link above to the pyramid UFO in China is almost exactly what I saw. Except the light made the rings parallel to ground. Needless to say I was a little bit shook. So I started to look for other videos and stuff afterwards and........voila! 


Skip to 13:29. Those lights look like what I saw except I only saw one of em'. And at 14:02...... thats what I saw that the little light made. I ain't crazy, fools can say whatever they want but I know what I saw wasn't no plane, helicopter, swamp gas, hologram or anything that I know of. I searched everywhere for any UFO sightings on that day in SF and came up with nothing. 



skip to :42 
whoever doesnt believe in aliens. you guys are bent... figure we can't be the only living thing in this universe. earth is just in one glaxay, compare the the millions of galaxies out there, there has to be other life its just impossible not to believe there isnt any. and for the government to not reveal it is smart/stupid, because i think it'll cause a panic to everyone. then people would be wilin 24/7 supposely having an alien sighting and %@*.
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