.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

i believe in ghosts. i've slept in a haunted house before where crazy !+*@ happened. getting teary eyed just typing this
Originally Posted by socluis90

i believe in ghosts. i've slept in a haunted house before where crazy !+*@ happened. getting teary eyed just typing this

duuuu, how you not gonna tell us some stories??
i like to think we have a "friendly" ghost in our house

whenever someone is sick, she always lets us know shes there as if saying every things going to be allright

i know it sounds dumb, but we really do witness this kinds of stuff when someone is really sick in our family
I've always been very interested in these type of things ever since I was a kid. I always felt there were other things(aliens, ghosts, etc.) out there.

I remember once I was outside my house with my brothers and cousins and they said look up in the sky there are ufos. I looked up to where they were pointing at and I could see them very high up where they might have even outside of earth but still visible. It was 5 of them and they were flying a a V shape. The shape looked like that of a missle or plane but their color looked to be white and really only could see the outlines. It was definately something I had never seen before.

Another time about 15 years ago in Mexico in those small villages with not many people we went there for vacation. Earlier on that day my cousins who lived there were telling me about this legend their of a I guess a half man/half horse used to be seen there. That night everyone went to a party at around 10 pm but I had fallen asleep around 7 pm in one of the rooms so no one bothered to wake me up and left me there. Only the older people stayed but they were doing their own thing. Each room there is in its own building so it is usually one room per building and no windows. So to go to another room you have to go outside and then go to another building, Anyway the room I fell asleep in was not the room I had been sleeping in but the room where my cousins who lived there stayed in. I woke up around 3-4am and everyone was back from the party as they were asleep noe next to me and was uncomfortable so I decided to go back to the room where I had always slept in everytime I went to Mexico. I put me shoes on and opened the door and as I closed the door and saw about 100 feet away from me was the half man/half horse that I was told about earlier that day. I was scared so I ran to the other building and tried to open the door but it was tight and looked back and the creature was now about 10 feet away. Suddenly the door opened and got in and was sweating and couldn't believe that I had seen that.

Another time about 10 years ago in Mexico again there was about 12 of us sharing one room with 3 beds. It was all family from everywhere. My brother was making fun of these type of things (paranormal, ghosts, etc) and was acting as if he was a one of them by putting sheets over himself acting like a ghost and other crazy stuff. The door happened to be opened when he was doing that but he was inside the building mocking them. All of a sudden a little man went running across the door dressed in all white. It was like a dwarf or gnome or maybe something else. Only me and one cousin saw it as everyone else was laughing at what my brother was doing. We told them but they didn't believe us and were saying it was just my brother but it wasn't him since he was inside the room and the thing that ran across was outside. It had to be something else.
Last time I told this story I cried.

WHen my god father was a kid and living in Mexico him and his two brothers would do daily chores well one was to go feed their animals up in the plains of the mountains.
All three had to share one donkey they were real small so they fit on it.
Well one day coming back from feeding the animals they came across an old man who tagged along with them.
They kept smacking the donkey trying to make to make it go faster.
The old mad told them not to be so mean and just tap the donkey.
My god father complained of being thirsty.
The old man said come here. And dug a whole in the ground and pulled water out of it.
The thing is that it was during the dry season.
My god father till this day says he thinks he saw God that day.
When my grandmother passed away i was staying in the heights in NYC i had a dream that her and my dead grandfather visited me
and told me what i needed to do with my life and how to approach it and when i went to touch them i woke up in a depp sweat my cousin
told me i had been asleep for 24 hours.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

When my grandmother passed away i was staying in the heights in NYC i had a dream that her and my dead grandfather visited me
and told me what i needed to do with my life and how to approach it and when i went to touch them i woke up in a depp sweat my cousin
told me i had been asleep for 24 hours.
Your granpa told you to drop out of high school?
One night, I was in my room, trying to go to sleep, my gf just broke up with me so I'm really salty. I heard a lot of noise in my brother's room, lots of people talking loud, but I was not able to understand what they were saying. So, I get out of the bed, real mad, and enter my brother's room to tell him and his friends to shut the $+!# up. Well, there was nobody in that room, my brother wasn't even home... Needless to say that I didn't sleep a lot that night

I don't know why, but I often heard noise in my brother's room, people talking you know but fortunately, since I got his room and he got mine, i never heard/saw anything.
^ i moved to Staten island to live with my brother after my dad had a series of bad health problems my junior year in texas in 2006 but
i got into some trouble and never finished school because of that.

my grandmother passed in 08 . and i had this dream prolly in march of 08 2 months after she passed away
Originally Posted by ebpo

One night, I was in my room, trying to go to sleep, my gf just broke up with me so I'm really salty. I heard a lot of noise in my brother's room, lots of people talking loud, but I was not able to understand what they were saying. So, I get out of the bed, real mad, and enter my brother's room to tell him and his friends to shut the $+!# up. Well, there was nobody in that room, my brother wasn't even home... Needless to say that I didn't sleep a lot that night

I don't know why, but I often heard noise in my brother's room, people talking you know but fortunately, since I got his room and he got mine, i never heard/saw anything.
dang son...
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by ebpo

One night, I was in my room, trying to go to sleep, my gf just broke up with me so I'm really salty. I heard a lot of noise in my brother's room, lots of people talking loud, but I was not able to understand what they were saying. So, I get out of the bed, real mad, and enter my brother's room to tell him and his friends to shut the $+!# up. Well, there was nobody in that room, my brother wasn't even home... Needless to say that I didn't sleep a lot that night

I don't know why, but I often heard noise in my brother's room, people talking you know but fortunately, since I got his room and he got mine, i never heard/saw anything.
dang son...
I guess whatever it was, it's gone now (at least, I hope
)! We also had things like the bathroom's door locked with the light on with nobody inside, my brother's TV on in the morning although he had set the "sleep mode"...
believe it or not...
i had gone to mexico for the summer,people told me there was this crazy old lady that lived in the village.one day im walking late at night talking on the phone when suddenly i look and see and old lady on top of a roof. im like this crazy@#%*&, out of no where she disappears and i look up in the sky and see her flying. i ran home as fast as i could and didnt sleep at all that night. the next day i told my aunt who lived there and told me that other people had seen that before. yall might think im lying but its some true scary #@%&, no lie!!!
Originally Posted by 23ma24

believe it or not...
i had gone to mexico for the summer,people told me there was this crazy old lady that lived in the village.one day im walking late at night talking on the phone when suddenly i look and see and old lady on top of a roof. im like this crazy@#%*&, out of no where she disappears and i look up in the sky and see her flying. i ran home as fast as i could and didnt sleep at all that night. the next day i told my aunt who lived there and told me that other people had seen that before. yall might think im lying but its some true scary #@%&, no lie!!!

that aswang creature had me shook when i would go visit family in the phillippines especially in the province area where theres mad trees. no joke sometimes i couldnt sleep even if there was 6 people in the same room as me. i was like 13 btw.
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by socluis90

i believe in ghosts. i've slept in a haunted house before where crazy !+*@ happened. getting teary eyed just typing this

duuuu, how you not gonna tell us some stories??
my bad i had to eat. anyways ill keep it short.

i stayed in one of my cousin's cousins room who commited suicide in guatemala. i guess the guy was into black magic before he died. anyways we get stuck having to sleep in this room just for the night. i wasn't aware of any of this til the end. things that happened:

1.one of those wheel of fortune toys when off on its own twice and started spinning and talking.
2. door kept opening hard by itself even after putting stuff in the way so it wouldn't open.
3. pictures fell over twice
4. just felt creepy overall. (hard to explain) and i didn't sleep the whole night.
Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by socluis90

i believe in ghosts. i've slept in a haunted house before where crazy !+*@ happened. getting teary eyed just typing this

duuuu, how you not gonna tell us some stories??
my bad i had to eat. anyways ill keep it short.

i stayed in one of my cousin's cousins room who commited suicide in guatemala. i guess the guy was into black magic before he died. anyways we get stuck having to sleep in this room just for the night. i wasn't aware of any of this til the end. things that happened:

1.one of those wheel of fortune toys when off on its own twice and started spinning and talking.
2. door kept opening hard by itself even after putting stuff in the way so it wouldn't open.
3. pictures fell over twice
4. just felt creepy overall. (hard to explain) and i didn't sleep the whole night.
man, that's intense.
Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Skinny wall of text below but it's pretty worth the red.


Interesting read. I don't know how accurate it is, but it sounds less about the gas and more about demon spirits.
the only paranormal things ive ever experienced was that last year when i was up in charlottesville virginia the sky was on fire

i tried to record it with my phone and i couldnt cuz my phone sucks an it was at night.

it looked like the area of sky behind the cloud was on fire. weird and i felt so stupid knowin that nobody would ever believe me. nobody was outside but me at the time as i was coming from the store.

it wasnt fallin or floating the fire was stationary just burning behind a cloud.
A great coast2coast audio series on the intersections of Aliens, angels/djinn, and shamanism...
One reason he is "good" is because he so stresses how little we understand these dimensional frequencies and portals, and who or what travel between them

1rst vid
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