.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tizoni

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by tizoni

when i fall asleep there are sometimes where i wake up awake but i cannot move my body and my eyes are still shut, meanwhile im hearing whispers and in order for me to be able to move again i have to say a prayer.
 anybody else experience this?

it all started like 9 years ago when me and my fam stayed in a one berdroom apartment (i was 9) and i look over where my mom was sleeping and i see a shadow of a person on the wall right over her, while i look at the shadow i become completely paralized and i couldnt move
maybe i was just young and it was all in my head? but i remember in order to get into the parking area of the apartment complex you had to go through an alley, at night if you look into the alley youd see flashes of red and white lights floating around. i want to go back and check it out again...

Sounds alot like what you're experiencing.

hmmm ive experienced seeing shadows in my room talking to me, being paralyzed and felt like i was floating on top of my bed like an alien obduction,,,
Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:
  • Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position
  • Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
  • Increased stress
  • Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes
  • A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.
 it all makes sense now!!!
thank you CaponeCartel, i always wondered if there was an explanation for all of this
Sleep paralysis is quite common, i don't get it as much as I used to thank goodness.
I've never had it before.
Hopefully never will.
And even though I'm heavily interested in paranormal phenomenon,
I can honestly say I've never seen anything worth talking about.
I think that witch over mexico has been debunked already. I think there are pulleys or ropes that they used to use to transport items to and from different points in the mountain, or was it balloons?
Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by tizoni

when i fall asleep there are sometimes where i wake up awake but i cannot move my body and my eyes are still shut, meanwhile im hearing whispers and in order for me to be able to move again i have to say a prayer.
 anybody else experience this?

it all started like 9 years ago when me and my fam stayed in a one berdroom apartment (i was 9) and i look over where my mom was sleeping and i see a shadow of a person on the wall right over her, while i look at the shadow i become completely paralized and i couldnt move
maybe i was just young and it was all in my head? but i remember in order to get into the parking area of the apartment complex you had to go through an alley, at night if you look into the alley youd see flashes of red and white lights floating around. i want to go back and check it out again...

Sounds alot like what you're experiencing.
this happens to me a lot nowadays
i remember once this happened to me and i saw a small troll looking thing walking towards me very slowly

it almost looked like the pokemon drowzee or an elf but evil and scary looking
i couldnt do anything but lay there, i tried screaming but i couldnt
i prayed and it disappeared
ive been seeing shadow people also
ill be walking to the bus stop in the mornin around 6 and its still dark
i see black figures run besideand infornt of me and they just sort of dissapear

anyone remember the thread i made about me having premonitions?
im spooked out just thinking about this stuff
even christopher columbus said he saw objects in the sky

From "The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus." Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land. Contributed by Thon
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

even christopher columbus said he saw objects in the sky

From "The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus." Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land. Contributed by Thon
Him & his crew also saw various USO's
There's a place not far from where i live that apparently is an abandoned haunted house where exorcisms were performed. Friends were telling me we gotta walk 5 minutes in or so through a field to get to this house. Im very interested in ghosts and wanna know weather they are real or not. Me and a few friends are gonna go check this place out. If i see a ghost i will be happy, then i can finally believe in them, cause that only way thats happening is if i see one. I dont just wanna hear noises either. I wanna see one.
Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by rpjgator

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Originally Posted by mrgrapes85

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever

Twice I seen This Run pass my Window

& the other at a friends house & he seen it also

it moves pretty quick ..but says while something passing by .real faint words tho


yeah crazy when seen in real life

Ufo's is nothing to me ..seen alot of them

now i got a video cam ima have some footage next

somebody did got a alien on film tho ..it was going to release in a doc.

but never came out yet ...Heard the footage was
ghost hunters on sci fi debunked that pic btw

How so.
it was a shadow of a person in a diff room...if i find the ep ill show u but ghost hunters on sci fi debunked it they recreated it i believe
sorry for the long post, in advance.

I saw a few pages ago people were talking about ghost animals, and i definitely had an experience with that.

About 3 years we(my mom and I) had to put down my childhood dog. One night we came home, and she ran to the door and her hips just gave out and it was obvious she was in a lot of pain(she was about 12 years old). Anyways, since it was around 8 or 9 PM the vet was closed so we had to keep her comforted for the night. So I built her a bed out of blankets in my moms room and carried her and she didn't move until the next day when we brought her to the vet. So after we put her down, we spent the rest of the day just recalling memories we had with the dog(Like I said, i had her from when I was 5 until I was 17). Around the same time(8 or 9) of the day we put her down, I was walking into the kitchen and I glanced into my moms room, and exactly where I had put my dog for the night I saw a shadow just laying there, I can't really explain it but it looked like a round ball of shadow like 4 ft wide and a couple feet tall. It wasn't one of those things I caught out of the corner of my eye either, I looked straight at it and turned away before i could think about it, and when I turned back it was gone. After that experience for the next month or so we would feel warm spots on the floor wherever the dog used to lay, but all of the experiences were somewhat comforting.

About 4 years ago my great-uncle passed away from an ATV accident at his cabin and ever since then a few of my family members have had experiences. My mom's cousin took her family to his cabin a couple years later and her and her husband were turning all of the power and heat and everything on in the cabin when they both heard my uncle's voice say "I didn't know you guys were coming up here this weekend!". It wasn't one of those things where only one of them heard it either, they both heard it and turned to look at each other.

Whenever my uncle used to go fishing he would always smoke swisher sweets, it was just one of his good luck charms or something.  It wasn't just like a random thing either, it was something that only he was known for; actually me and my grandpa went out on his boat with Swisher Sweets to sprinkle his ashes in his favorite lake.  But anyways, I had a pack of grape swisher sweets and for reasons I can't discuss on NT I really needed to find them one night, and after like an hour of looking I gave up. The next morning when I woke up, the pack of Swisher Sweets was laying on top of my clothes from the night before

Time for work, but I'm gonna backtrack and read all the posts in this thread.
I've also heard of many witch stories from family members in Mexico as well. Many locals there talk about them too.
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

sorry for the long post, in advance.

I saw a few pages ago people were talking about ghost animals, and i definitely had an experience with that.

About 3 years we(my mom and I) had to put down my childhood dog. One night we came home, and she ran to the door and her hips just gave out and it was obvious she was in a lot of pain(she was about 12 years old). Anyways, since it was around 8 or 9 PM the vet was closed so we had to keep her comforted for the night. So I built her a bed out of blankets in my moms room and carried her and she didn't move until the next day when we brought her to the vet. So after we put her down, we spent the rest of the day just recalling memories we had with the dog(Like I said, i had her from when I was 5 until I was 17). Around the same time(8 or 9) of the day we put her down, I was walking into the kitchen and I glanced into my moms room, and exactly where I had put my dog for the night I saw a shadow just laying there, I can't really explain it but it looked like a round ball of shadow like 4 ft wide and a couple feet tall. It wasn't one of those things I caught out of the corner of my eye either, I looked straight at it and turned away before i could think about it, and when I turned back it was gone. After that experience for the next month or so we would feel warm spots on the floor wherever the dog used to lay, but all of the experiences were somewhat comforting.

About 4 years ago my great-uncle passed away from an ATV accident at his cabin and ever since then a few of my family members have had experiences. My mom's cousin took her family to his cabin a couple years later and her and her husband were turning all of the power and heat and everything on in the cabin when they both heard my uncle's voice say "I didn't know you guys were coming up here this weekend!". It wasn't one of those things where only one of them heard it either, they both heard it and turned to look at each other.

Whenever my uncle used to go fishing he would always smoke swisher sweets, it was just one of his good luck charms or something.  It wasn't just like a random thing either, it was something that only he was known for; actually me and my grandpa went out on his boat with Swisher Sweets to sprinkle his ashes in his favorite lake.  But anyways, I had a pack of grape swisher sweets and for reasons I can't discuss on NT I really needed to find them one night, and after like an hour of looking I gave up. The next morning when I woke up, the pack of Swisher Sweets was laying on top of my clothes from the night before

Time for work, but I'm gonna backtrack and read all the posts in this thread.
no problem bro, it's all good lol long stories are welcome.
just went through this post..........i agree whoever thinks we are the ONLY ones out there is crazy. but damn, im all shook from some of the videos of ghosts/demons/paranomal activity..........smh
anyone here has their own personal pics/vids of something unexplained?

imma look thru old family pics/vids this whole week, u never know what u could see
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

I think that witch over mexico has been debunked already. I think there are pulleys or ropes that they used to use to transport items to and from different points in the mountain, or was it balloons?

Yeah they were balloons. Almost had me going too. I would be extra shook if I saw anybody flying on a damn broom though.
My Mom told me this story a while ago. Happened to her when she was really young living in El Salvador.

One night my Mom was woken up because someone sat on her bed. She looked up and saw a dark  figure. It got her shook so she closed her eyes hoping the dark figure would go away. After about 5 minutes she opens her eyes and the dark figure has a huge smile on it's face. My Mom got scared and yelled. Her Dad went to see what was wrong and told her she was dreaming. My Mom tells me there was no way was she dreaming. She says she saw a demon or the devil that night.
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