Official Parks and Recreation Season 4 Thread vol. Vote Knope in 2012

LOL I found it hilarious how Ron had a secret escape backpack if Tammy 1 appeared. LOL. Yes, that beard was pretty beastly. Show is off to a great start.

And yes, April Ludgate. Yum.
April is lookin
this season.
Episode was hilarious. Looking forward to the rest of the season, and like everyone has said, April

My man Aziz & Swanson man. funniest dudes on TV

April def. looks better this season
That was one of the finer half hours of tv i've seen in a while. Matter fact that whole 8-9 block was dope.
Hilarious episode.. I really wish Tammy 2 would have participated in the showdown, but it makes sense since she was too afraid of Tammy 1. The C-story stunk... Chris is OK to me, I get tired of his act at times, it's funnier when he's in normal situations and he gets to play off others.. when they isolate him with just one person or alone it's a bit much.
Patricia Clarkson was perfect.. the transition for Tammy 1 turning Ron into a push-over compared to Tammy 2 turning him into a sex maniac was well done. Tom's story was good too, they could only have Entertainment 720 be this wild and crazy venture for so long until they would run out of money, bringing in Ben made sense too.

My highlights:

Bringing in Roy Hibbert and then him boosting up Jean-Ralphio for the dunk

All of Tammy 1's jobs in Ron's hometown, she delivered him

I loved April's affection towards Tammy 1, she really is what April aspires to be so that was hilarious

I envy the writers and producers who got to set up the Entertainment 720 office, the party switch was brilliant

April immediately spitting out the alcohol and collapsing to the ground

Great episode.. only complaints would be giving Chris and Ann their own side story anymore, they're dull to me, even with Chris' eccentricities, I was pissed everytime they cut away for their story.
Casting Patricia Clarkson was sooo good, I know I keep saying that but it's true.

Ron without the stache just isn't Ron.

great episode, wish Tammy 2 squared off with Tammy 1 and Tammy mom
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