OFFICIAL Philadelphia Eagles 2010 offseason thread: Marlin Jackson signed

Mar 30, 2007

soo our season is over (and couldn't have ended in a worse way

soooooooooooooo now we have to look forward to next year (our schedule looks pretty rough with the Packers, Vikes, Texans, Colts, Falcons, Jaguars, Titans, 49ers, Lions and Bears going along with our usual NFC east games)

the draft is coming up and as usual, we will have a good amount of picks

and we have a number of issues to deal with:
1) who will be here next year out of mcnabb, vick and kolb or do we shock everyone and keep all 3.. which i highly highly doubt (personally, i think mcnabb is gone if we get something decent in return.. yes, i saw what andy reid said.. and vick can be had for a 3rd or 4th)

2) westbrook (again.. sadly, i think he is gone.. due to his large salary next year)

3) what do we do on defense?!?!?

i know we have a fair amount of eagles fans on here and i didn't see topic for this yet..
First note of importance is we lost Heckert to Cleveland. Basically he was tired of deferring to AR it seems like and this is a big loss for our organization.

1) who will be here next year out of mcnabb, vick and kolb or do we shock everyone and keep all 3.. which i highly highly doubt (personally, i think mcnabb is gone if we get something decent in return.. yes, i saw what andy reid said.. and vick can be had for a 3rd or 4th)

2) westbrook (again.. sadly, i think he is gone.. due to his large salary next year)

3) what do we do on defense?!?!?
1) Reid gave McNabb a public vote of confidence and I believe him. Andy Reid has been maybe overly loyal to Donovan over the years. The realquestion is whether either of the two or both need to go. Philly is a city based on instant gratification and the Reid/McNabb tandem has been successful butultimately results are based on Super Bowl wins and the Eagles have none in this era.

I question whether Vick can be a full-time QB. He showed flashes of potential and should only get better, so we must consider moving McNabb while he still hassubstantial value. Plus we invested a second-round pick on Kolb so at some point he needs to play. Both starts he threw for over 300 yards - just saying. Wewere such a Jekyll and Hyde team this year much like the Arizona Cardinals. I would like to see more consistency out of the Eagles. McDermott should only getbetter as a DC with experience.

McNabb finally had legit playmakers and Philly still ends up getting trounced by Dallas in the WC round. Part of the blame lies largely on AR. His offensivescheme and playcalling is so darn predictable. We had no semblance of a run game and it showed when the Cowboys didn't even respect the possibility. Reidhas been prone to falling in love with the pass and even more in the playoffs. The only thing holding back letting go of Andy is who would be a betterreplacement?

2) McCoy will certainly be the feature back starting from now. I'm tired of seeing plays called for Leonard Weaver. He's good for a change of pace orto catch the D off guard, but you can't force it to a guy like him. Weaver does nothing special or I should rephrase: nothing better than Westbrook orMcCoy could have done with the football (2 crucial turnovers). I don't know if that means the end of the road for Brian Westbrook, but ideally he wouldcome back with a paycut.

You know AR/Philly will use a pick or two on O-line depth. Typical but I don't have a problem with it.

3) Our LB core needs stability. We started like six different MLB throughout the season. There's definitely talent there - Spoon, Gocong, Jordan, Fokou,etc. The return of Stewart Bradley should be a big boost in consistency and leadership.

Two more points: our defense is predicated on pressure and exotic blitzes so I suggest looking into adding/improving D-line depth. It's a deep class forpass rushers so we don't have to commit a first or second-rounder necessarily. Helps that Morgan and Dunlap also just declared moving other guys furtherdown the board. At DT we could target a local guy like Jared Odrick.

Safety help would be a nice luxury. Macho and Mikell are decent but I would prefer Nate Allen or Darrell Stuckey back there.
i def think we are going to go D heavy in the draft (unless an amazing prospect drops).. i see our 1st and 2nd round picks being a CB, DE or S whatever is thebest player when our pick comes up

i have no clue what we do at linebacker.. hopefully stewart can come back full strength.. hopefully this off-season will allow the guys to learn one specificposition, rather then switching things up every week (i know injuries played a major role in this.. but still, it has to be hard having to think abouteverything rather than just instinctively running to the play)
I was just about to make this.

But anyways, Let McCoy be full-time RB. Get rid of Westbrook. We were like 7-1 without him this year.

Need better Linebackers...

And idk about Sheldon Brown right about now, got crapped on in pretty much every game we played against the Cowboys this year.
Get rid of Westbrook

Not to sure what we are gonna do about our QB situation

And yea Sheldon Brown at some points in the year looked solid but then other times he just looked awful

We need to improve our linebacking core

But honestly winning 6 straight then losing 2 straight to Dallas is the worse possible way to end the season
The defense needs WORK! The D line gets no pressure on the QBand the linebackers looked terrible all season. Mikell also looked lost out there without Dawkins by his side. Dont get me started on the pass happy offense. Idoubt it will happen, but I actually hope they will bring Vick back for one more year. He was the best red zone threat that the Eagles have had in years.
McNabb should be given his last chance next season. If things start rocky then throw Kolb in, I think we kinda discredit the fact that Donovan has played hisbutt off and wheeled us to all these playoff apperances in the last decade. Do yall think Kolb is ready to do that week 1 next season?

We can't have the opportunity at a winning a Super Bowl and quieting the critics unless we actually MAKE the playoffs first that's why I don'tthink it's right to give up on McNabb right now while we still have a loaded roster on offense.

I think Vick is as good as gone. I didn't see much this season showing that he could start immediately for this team, but he could for some of the badteams in the league (Bills, 49ers, Seahawks or Jags)? I mean why not

Westbrook should just be a RB's coach now, he's done. Plus hearing from him after the concussions he sounded real worried about his health afterfootball. We need a brusier to replace him, I don't know who we could target in the draft but I'd take a shot at Larry Johnson if he's available.

We have so much money invested in the O-Line already all we really need is for those fools to stay healthy for a calendar year. I'd definitely try to finda better backup Center than Nick Cole, he was garbage

On the defensive side we have holes everywhere. I think we shouldn't have let Lito Sheppard go last season and it showed this year when Hobbs found himselfon IR early in the season. I think Sheldon needs to take the Troy Vincent route and head over to Safety and try to work Macho Harris into a CB. Our D-Line istoo small, besides Trent Cole everyone else could be replaced IMO.

Our Linebackers were awful this season, mainly due to health issues and no consistent MLB. I think we definitely need to draft a LB first chance we get .

On the coaching side, I wouldn't mind getting rid of our OC Marty Morningwhig. He made zero adjustments against Dallas and that's unacceptable to me.McDermott did as good as he could with all those reserves on defense plus the loss of JJ was huge. He should fare better next season.
if kurt warner really does retire at the end of this season and the cards are desperate enough for a QB that they offer a 1st for mcnabb,

would you guys be willing to do that trade?
As much as I have loved Donovan McNabb on the team, and as much as I have respected him as a player, I think it is time for him to go...

In our great teams that have taken us to the NFC Championship game, and that team that took us to the Super Bowl...we have had great defenses counter balanceDonovan in tough games that he would struggle mightily for us on the offense. As a football player, he just has never been accurate, at times lackadaisicalwhen it comes to clock management *see last drive in the Super Bowl*, and now that he's getting older his footspeed has diminished somewhat...

I think this is Kevin Kolb's team next season. The guy has had some impressive games in the past, and I think the experience he has had will benefit him ina starting role situation similar to what Aaron Rodgers went through early in his career. I think Kolb can win games for us, although I do believe we have toworry about our O-line depth and focus on a running game to support Kevin Kolb next season...

Andy Reid has been successful for a very long time, so it's not like the guy doesn't know how to coach a winning team. But his willingness to dependalmost solely on the pass has been disappointing to say the absolute least since a good tough running game eats up clock and keeps our defense off the fieldlonger...

I think we need more depth at cornerback, linebacker, and defensive line. I saw Sheldon Brown get taken advantage of too many times to believe anothercornerback wouldn't help this team succeed next season.....I think we also need another run stopping defensive lineman with strong pass rushing abilitysimilar to Mike Patterson and Trent Cole but plays def. tackle.

Brian Westbrook sadly is not the player he once was...and he hasn't been on the field due to concussions and other injuries which plague a rb's career.I respect and appreciate Westbrook for bringing so much versatility to our offense, but sadly, other players get put into position to succeed and I think McCoywill have a breakout season if he stays healthy and stays hungry.

Our safety position needs to be addressed as well. But to me, I think Macho Harris needs to work on his coverage because he's a good tackler..not a greattackler..but he gets the job done..but still a little bit of competition at that position won't hurt..

But there are some good things to think about...knowing Brent Celek is a very dependable TE whom I believe should have made the Pro Bowl. DeSean Jackson,although young and at times immature, will continue to be a problem for defenses next year and I think Maclin is showing traces of being a good second optionwith the ball, and I have been extremely impressed with Jason Avant's playmaking abilities this season...all things to consider moving forward...
so what players do you guys think we will target in the draft (we have a plethora of picks)?

1st Round (24th overall)
2nd Round
3rd Round
3rd Round - From Seattle
4th Round
5th Round
5th Round - From New Orleans
6th Round - From Indianapolis
TBD - From New York Jets in Lito Sheppard trade (i think this will be a 4th.. not sure though)

and who knows if we will get a compensatory pick for dawkins
so what do you guys think happens with mcnabb now that the teams most likely to want to trade for him are out of the playoffs? (min and zona.. also heard rumors about the browns and 9ers; browns make some sense since hecket is now there.. but i don't get the 9ers)
John Clayton reported today on Mike and Mike that Donovan has a chance of leaving town if Favre retires...the mindset being Tavaris Jackson isn't their type of starting QB and Brad Childress used to the offensive coordinator for he and McNabb have some familiarity with each other...

If Donovan were to leave through a trade, I think we'll get a 2nd round pick for him. I'm not exactly thrilled to hear the rumors of Donovan leaving, but the NFL is a business and I think our window of opportunity with him as our starter has all but slam shut....should be another interesting off season.
There not going to trade McNabb even if they have Kolb. I may be wrong but didn't the Broncos at one point have Elway and a young Maddox they drafted in the first round? They let Maddox go and kept Elway and he came through eventually. So don't just dump McNabb because you think the answer to your problems is on the bench.
Ppl also seem to forget the the whole oline never played together all year. We were supposed to have the Andrews bros on the right side and Shawn never played and Stacey never completely recovered from his acl surgery.Herremens didn't play until halfway in the season,peters was playing hurt most of the year and jj got hurt late.
Keep westbrook but he's gong to have to renagotiate that 7mil roster bonus.say what you want about him but he affects the way teams defend them. Everything else on o is fine for the most part.
On d, I was thinking about if they could sign peppers if he isn't franchised. Bradley will be a boost coming back. So it would be Gocong, Stewart and Witherspoon. Secondary idk about Brown, teams especially dallas would target him and sign a safety in FA.
For the Vikings...

Kolb > McNabb

McNabb would be nice as a stop-gap, but I'm kind of through with those. 2006 was Brad Johnson, 2008 was Gus Frerotte, 2009 was Brett Favre. Now, if Favre comes back, that would be great too, but I hope we cover both ends. Maybe retain Favre as well as go after the future.

Favre & Kolb? Sounds nice to me. However, I don't think Philadelphia will let Kolb go unless it's for a very valuable commodity(s).
soooooooooooooo does anyone get why we released witherspoon?

especially with bradley and gaither coming off of injuries and trotter still being pretty old
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