Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

As a big man I am glad they didn't call the foul.

He blocked the ball clean then there was contact.
24 second violation
Man, I even hate D'Antoni's tie.

Huge shot by Finley...

(SA kills me with all this music unnecessary.)
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

What an excellent, EXCELLENT no-call by the refs there.

I'm honestly impressed.

Ginobili practically put the ball into Shaq's outstretched palm and then flailed his arms out and contorted his body all over the place. That's a block.

Thanks, zebras, for not falling for it. *high five*

Couldn't have said it better myself, ska.

Manu's momentum carried him into Shaq, which created the contact.

That was as clean a block as ever.

One freakin' stop right here, and we got a great chance at taking one on the road. C'monnnnnnn.
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