Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

Mike D'antoni sucks....

Why the $$%+ did Raja let Ginobli go left????

Oh, yeah I know why...

Cause Raja ain't really that good unless he can hold you....Which is hard to do @ the top of the key....
Mike D'anphony definitely sucks. With the talent he's coached, there's no way his Suns should have zero Finals games under their belt.
^ that's a very "not smart" comment

D'antoni got out coached...when Pop started the hack a shaq, Shaq missed 3 FT's and the spurs went on a quick run, by the time he could get Shaq out,and back in at 2:15, the Spurs were back in reach.

He knows that phoenix is a different team with Shaq in/out....almost polar opposite.

It was great coachin IMO by Pop.

I think this series will go 7, Spurs pull it out.
Well I didn't read all 32 pages of this I'm not sure if it's been said yet or not...but...

Tim Duncan is a beast.

Playoff basketball is Spurs basketball.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I can't wait for USA Basketball this summer to see what EFIL 4 RENNOGAWDNAB has to say after his precious Manu has to suffer through a blowout given to him by players with less heart.


glad to see my nickname for him being used

I've been calling him that for like 2 years now, and I have never seen anyone else ever use it; I've only seen people quote me using it. I'm not saying you never did; just saying i definitely never saw it. I've never seen anyone use it.

It's a nickname that's true as freaking heck, though. Dude's trying to get back on the laker's bandwagon now, but flat-out said "I'm done with the Lakers" a few years ago when we failed to make the playoffs. As soon as he said that, i quoted him as EFIL 4 RENNOGAWDNAB, and I've used it every time since.

*waits for someone... ANYONE... to say something like 'Oh my gosh, people are fighting over who started nicknames.'*

Y'all are too predictable.

*waits for it*

i remember when it first started. if i remember correctly it was about him looking for a new team to root for, i think the knicks.

and someone dropped a bunch of variations of his name, and i used the bandwagoner for life to address him, and you quoted me and laughed.

i just remember little things like that
^ O.K., now that you mention it, I do remember that.

But I'm pretty sure I flipped it backwards, since his name is 'LAKER 4 LIFE' backwards.
CP1708 wrote:

I hope this series goes 7 games, all 7 games go triple OT. Let them exhaust the hell out of each other.

Damn, I was almost one for one.

This was one of the greatest games I've ever seen. I hope this series goes 7 and they all are even better then game one. Great game, both squads.
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