Official Phoenix Suns @ San Antonio Spurs 1st round: GAME 1

niketalk...where being on the staff makes you right all the time. i think people dont say much against u ska, for fear of being banned, if u take it the wrongway. Just "an assumption". Spurs in 6.
can't believe I missed this game, are they showing a replay later on tonight?
i don't want to bring up something that's been beaten like a dead horse in this forum, but Ska defended Fisher's flop against the Warriors in that game where Monta Ellis got an offensive foul while most other Laker fans were admitting it was a terrible call and shoulda been a no-call.
and don't take this as an insult, i'm just bringin it up in the conversation

if i'm wrong correct me-but i remember u said Monta pushed off.
Oh my freaking gosh, guy... are you kidding me right now? You're a Warriors fan, so clearly you have a biased view of who flopped and whofouled.

But instead of realizing that you're a Warriors fan defending your Warrior star, you choose instead to think that I am completely wrong for saying that Ithought Fisher had NOT committed a foul?

I admitted THEN that Fisher flops, and I'll say it every time someone asks (which SHOULDN'T be that often, because no one cares about my opinionaccording to rock4light).

But just because I didn't think Fisher flopped that ONE TIME doesn't mean that I don't think he flops. What, now I have to think that Fisher ALWAYSflops ALL of the time in order to satisfy you guys?
I searched Bowen and spurs in Yuku and found this in the first page.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

- anyone who's not team-oriented, wanting to just be the man and get shine

I'm not naming names; no way.

As for the 'thuggery' comments, I'll say this: 'hood' types have never really bothered me, because that's what I grew up around. Just because someone has a grip of tats and was arrested at a club where it was discovered they had a gun and some weed, I've never really been bothered by that. 90% of the dudes I knew that had guns had them more for status, like getting in an argument and you pull a heater out and everyone quiets down.

The weed? There's a ton of athletes that get judged for smoking weed, and the people judging them know damn well they toke, too.
I don't but it ain't hurting me, so I've never really been bothered by it.

And 9 times out of 10, some dude that gets caught with weed or caught with a gun (or both) and has a ton of tats and argues with every-damn-body, people are going to label him a 'thug' and a 'problem', and I've just... never had a problem with him.

As an example, you guys are all talking about JR Smith. Me? I have more of a problem with Bowen than I do Smith; Bowen has almost ended careers. I'd want him out of the league before Smith if had a choice.

But dirty guys aren't even my first choice; 'me-first, team second' types would be my first, cats that think 'This game is way too easy for me to need a solid team; by myself, I have what it takes to take a team somewhere.'

No you don't. I wish I could take everyone in the NBA with that type of mindset, and send them to the NBDL.

P.S. On everything, I am neither confirming or denying any guesses y'all make, and I'm not arguing with anyone that thinks they know of any names I'm thinking of.

It's instances of you bringing up spurs players like bowen and manu in particular and hating (yes I said it) on them any chance possible.
I'm not going to go through every single spurs post to find you discrediting them but don't act like you don't do it. I don't know why I'm even bothering arguing. I'm actually pretty certain you flat out hate the spurs, you can keep denying it but dont' act like it doesn't bias what you say.
You guys are unreal.


That means I HATE the Suns and Spurs now, right?

And ONE REPLY WHERE I MENTIONED BOWEN... IN A THREAD ABOUT DIRTY PLAYERS... means I hate the Spurs?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! LOOK how many other people namedBowen! I guess they ALL hate the Spurs too, huh?
Enlightened Thought:
^ska is actually one of the few ppl on s&t who share their opinions in an nonbelligerent manner.
To be fair to Ska, people are always aiming for his head.
so whatever he says is always magnified x10.
Alright, I'll try and prove you wrong, f it this mavs game isn't interesting anyways. Here's from a Bowen Suspension post, your first post.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I think it is PERFECT that his streak ends in a suspension, and a suspension for playing dirty.

Out of a thousand things you have done wrong, Stern... I applaud you on this one.

Good job, guy.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Everyone thought the Suns would blow us out.

I know, the Suns have the defensive presence of a frozen snail, but still, everyone thought they would embarrass us, and the exact opposite happened.

The Spurs defense will be anchored by the same two things that has anchored it for 4 or 5 years now: the lethal combination of Big Stoneface + an entire roster of floppers (except Finley). How can you score against a team flying into the second row every other second?

I look for the Spurs to get hot early, getting under the skin of some Lakers by flopping (Kwame, Walton, Cook). Then Kobe will go around these flopping floppers, and Fisher will begin flopping right back.

Here's evidence of ska calling Fisher a flopper. Including evidence I quoted from my last post can you now see why people think you hate on the spurs?
"niketalk...where being on the staff makes you right all the time. i think people dont say much against u ska, for fear of being banned, if u take it thewrong way. Just "an assumption". Spurs in 6. "


loudmouths always run all forums, ska, jdiddy, zodogg, fresh

i think in some way ska tells himself how much more rational he is than zodogg, fresh, etc. but i don't think anyone else thinks so

and i'm a real lakers fan, not some half-assed apologizer like ska. everytime ska talks about the lakers he's always qualifying it. oh i like thelakers, but i'm not like all these other crazy lakers fans. jeezus christ.

I can see why people would think that I REALLY DON'T LIKE BOWEN'S DIRTY PLAY, and that I really think the Spurs flop a lot.

I can see where people would think THAT, because that's exactly what I said.

Anything past that, I can't see how anyone could assume anything further..

I only brought that up because someone mentioned that, and I remembered that instance. I'm a Warriors fan, but just like you're aLaker fan,there's going to be a slight bias, but personally I don't think I'm that biased by saying it should have been a no-call at all. It wasn'tFisher's fault the ref called it, but he flopped...and I remembered your initial reaction to it in the game thread.

What, now I have to think that Fisher ALWAYS flops ALL of the time in order to satisfy you guys?

I really think you're making assumptions as well. Never in my post did I mention that "Ska doesn't think fisher flops all the time.
as a regular reader of this forum, it has become way too dominated by a moderator shaping where the conversation goes in most of the important threads
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

. This post went from being a game thread to an argument about Ska?

seems like a bunch of posters with low post counts are really goin hard.
yea, i sorta joined in as well though
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Go Knicks!

Forget the Spurs.

C'mon, Knicks! It's not reasonable to fathom you lose EVERY damn game, so how about grabbing this one before going on another losing streak?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Hmmm... with the refs right in front of him... a member of the Phoenix Suns sets a pick... against a notoriously dirty player... with the refs right in front of him... in the middle of the court, with no one around... except for a referee, who's right in front of him... and then he acts like he got kicked in his groin... and then appears to be fine when he reaches the Suns bench, where there were no refs.

The Suns stay working the refs, and this was just another example of their tactics; it's just that this time, their tactic was against a player that actually does have a dirty rep.
Lakers aren't exactly the most innocent at that themselves in the league just off the strength of Sasha and Fish alone. lol.

Where did say the Lakers were innocent of that? Nowhere. And why would I say anything about the Lakers when this is a thread about a single play involving a Sun and a Spur? How do the Lakers fit into that equation? They don't, so I never said anything about us being innocent of the kind of trickery Amare tried to pull.

But the Suns are the absolute worst team n the league at trying to play the refs, flopping, etc., with the Spurs being the second worst, so Sasha + Fisher have nothing on the Suns, or the Spurs. The Suns have Bell, Nash, D'Anphony, and Amare, who are all REGULARS at whining to the refs and trying to bait refs into calls. And Diaw gets caught up in it from time to time as well, and now, for the first time in his career, Shaq is even learning the trickery that is 'deceptive floor antics'. And the Spurs have Ginobili, the absolute worst in the league at trying to use the refs, Duncan, and Bowen, all regulars at baiting the refs. Factor in Pop, and Oberto, who both do their share of baiting, and you have the second worst team at baiting.
One more I found.
^ You obviously know how to use the search feature*, so I'm going to ask you to do me a favor real quick: do a search for the Knicks + ska. See what kindof things I've said about the Knicks recently

With the results you'll find, I guess we can all assume that I also hate the Knicks, too, huh?



What the hell do you expect?

Some OTHER Laker fan talks crap about the Spurs and y'all don't give a hot crap; I do it and you want my head on a platter because I hate the Spurs.

I don't.

Trash talk.

No more; no less... JUST like with the Knicks.

*A note on that real quick: FINALLY, someone is actually backing up what they're saying with proof. I'm sure a lot of you had your 'OOOOOH! GOT'EM!' faces on when this dude brought these replies of mine up, but that thing is, THAT is less frustrating than someone who just spouts off at themouth without any sort of proof of what they're saying. Someone saying 'Well it sure sounds like you hate the Spurs right here' and then posts areply is WAAAY less frustrating than someone who says 'Well you hate the Spurs. I know it. Because I remember. I think you said once... that you... Idon't completely remember... but I know I'm right. You hate the Spurs.'

rayisonit- *warned* for trolling

I'll just sit back and wait for someone to say 'See, that's what you do! You just ban people who disagree with you!'

Now, is anyone going to realize that a warning isn't a ban? Nope.

And is anyone going to realize that rayisonit is one person, and that I haven't said anything about the otherhalf-dozen people disagreeing with me? Nope.

Is anyone going to see things objectively? Nope.

Also, is anyone going to realize that rayisonit has not said ONE THING in this thread about the game? Nope.
where should i say it in a separate

ska is overmoderating the sports & training forum thread?

you can go ahead and just ban me i never post anyways and will probably never come back here for sports threads.
All I know is, this was a great game and its a damn shame the thread has become stupid bickering back and forth over nothing important.

Spurs in 7 is the prediction....

But I wouldn't mind the suns winning either. I think NO might be able to take them out...

I don't know but I am going to make sure I watch every game.
where should i say it in a separate

ska is overmoderating the sports & training forum thread?

you can go ahead and just ban me i never post anyways and will probably never come back here for sports threads.
You have an issue with me? (And it sounds like you do)

[email protected]
just read this:
You're a Warriors fan, so clearly you have a biased view of who flopped and who fouled.
Sure...but when other Laker fans are admitting it should have been a no-call, as well as 99% of non-W/Laker fans, that's saying somethingabout how bad that call was. It's over with though, and %+## happens. Trust me, if you were a Warrior fan you would feel the exact same way I did. Iconsider myself pretty unbiased when it comes to sports, even though I'm a big fan of my teams. So thinkin it was a no-call isn't really from a biasedview. If we got the ball and missed a shot, I would feel a better sense of "completeness" to teh game.
It's unrelated to this post but just had to reiterate that.

....but yeah this was such a great game and it's turned into a mess, and unfortunately i joined in on it as well.

There aren't enough Suns or Spurs fans to keep these threads from being purely about those two teams.
this game was fun to watch and exemplified what playoff basketball is supposed to look like, HUGE shot after HUGE shot. havent read through the thread but itseems it took a wrong turn somewhere from this page atleast.
I also said that it should have been a no-call.

I said that I thought... PERSONALLY... that Monta committed a foul, but that if I were a ref, I wouldn't have called it, not in that situation. In themiddle of the 1sst quarter? Maybe. Right there, then? No, and I said that.
lol...i feel sorry for ska. hella heads trying to instigate !+%$.

this is what i mean by belligerent posters. you guys attack the poster instead of their ideas. well i say lock this now that the game is over.

manu is good, there will be those who dislike him or disagree...whatevs.

spurs lead series 1-0.
I repeat (to KanyeWestJayZ4life): You obviously know how to use the search feature, so I'm going to ask you to do me a favor real quick: do a search forthe Knicks + ska. See what kind of things I've said about the Knicks recently

With the results you'll find, I guess we can all assume that I also hate the Knicks, too, huh?

What happened?

It's o.k. to come back and say 'Yeah, I see that you've clown the Knicks, too. Maybe you don't hate the Spurs. Maybe you are just talkingtrash, like you have with the Knicks. My fault.'

I promise, your junk won't shrink for admitting you were wrong, man.
I hope you get paid for what you do SKA because this %!!! is ridiculous. People going ape %!!! because someone doesnt like another person's team or certain players on that team. Get the %@@% over it, we all have teams that wehate. I hate the Suns, Cavs, and Mavs. Im sure certain posters in this thread have certain players or teams they hate also. You guys realize you are jumpingon this mans back for being a fan of his team. "SKA, you should have though this was a foul on fisher because every other Laker fan thought thesame". WHO CARES.........My god

Hey, I realize the game screwed you guys over in the playoff standings, but jesus, just talk about the damn game.Warrior fans find a way to bring themselvesinto every damn thread.
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