^^ im not crying.. the series isn't over that's why I haven't started yet..
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Criticism coming from like my bathroom wall critisizing me on how I take a $@@#....
To say that you'd have to have an idea who the #*%! I am, which you don't

Doug Collins is an arrogant douche bag who has a woody for the suns... I never said he didnt know basketball......oh wait....he had the greatest player of
all time on the teams he coached and what did he do with him? jack $@@#

Doug Collins only wanted to abolish hack a shaq because he was mad salty it was being done to his Pheonix Suns tonight...

Every single thing Doug Collins says is on point, it's got nothing to do with his coaching record.

You have a problem with him because he's complementary of the Suns when they are doing well, and that includes the past two playoff series when they
eliminated the Lakers.

As a result, you, as a Laker fan, have become opposed to Collins.

You now focus on every good thing he says about the Suns and ignore the fact that he praises any team that is doing well and criticizes any team when they play

You still sound salty about the Suns winning those series, even though you have no reason to be mad anymore since the Lakers are the best team in the league
right now.

This thread has nothing to do with the lakers.... Here we go again....
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

^^ im not crying.. the series isn't over that's why I haven't started yet..

Thats right... It isnt over...

The longer series the better...

Your dude Amare might be the most selfish player in the nba....
Originally Posted by SHUGES

This dude Reggie Evans got the nerve to talk about "I told him to take his hands off my knee. I need my knee". The same Reggie Evans who once grabbed another man's NUTS. What, he thought Kaman didn't need his balls??

- maaaan, everytime i see that dude i burst out in laughter at the thought of that incident.

- reggie 'the hamburgler' evans
Originally Posted by Super Noblekane

Originally Posted by petozham

acidicality wrote:

petozham wrote:

San Antonio Spurs and the referee's sitting on a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G...First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a championship parade, with
the Spurs coming down in a carriage.

i'm not too fond of the spurs either....but why the hell would Stern want the Spurs to be in the Finals??? They only kill ratings.

No clue, but I have no idea how these refs just fall for Manu's BLATANT dramatics, it's a disgraceful sham and they always give him the benefit for
it, $%!+ i don't even blame Manu for doing it, what ever works right? Ska will concur..

The league needs tofine nash for always flopping.... He almost seriously injured parker because he was looking for another offensive foul... If that moron
Doug Collins had a brain he would say something about that instead getting upset like a school broad and complaining about hack a shaq.....

Is this kid serious? This fella right here is saltier than the rim of a margarita glass at El Torito...What has Doug Collins done to you? He's not the
most charming guy out there, but he has insightful and in detailed commentary, I'd take his commentating over Reggie Miller, Jeff Van Gundy and all these
other idiots any day..

And Parker was not even close to being nearly injured, he took a spill, he did his little crutch for 25 seconds (what else is new) then got up and had
instant amnesia about that grimacing pain he was going through while on the floor..

Oh yeah....... Like im gonna take anything serious from a guy who typed a lame song complaining about the refs favoring the spurs.... SMH.....

Doug a douche....

I'll take Van Gundy over him anyday...... Atleast Van Gundy was a winner on the coaching side of things... Atleast you wont find I, my, me, or mine in every sentence Van Gundy says nor will you find him at age 55 dye his hair platinum blonde and demand they show a yearbook style photo when announcing the keys to the game....

As for you taking that spill tony parker had lightly, look at it again when shaq hit him and Nash dumb %%$ was there.... It made the hit even worse.... But ill just let you keep singing that refs and spurs sitting in a tree song that you so cleverly post a few pages back...

Oh yeah cause one sarcastic rearrangement of a melody we used in elementary totally negates any credibility I ever had, because the scale in which we basejudgments off of should totally be from something as so serious as that...

You're such an annoying guy...
As far as you and Collins go, it's really irrelevant, I don't care about Doug Collins and I don't care about you nor what you think of him,so I don't know why you're here blabbing about him when nobody else does neither. Make a Doug Collins thread and vent your little frustrations out overthere, keep this the game thread. One thing I will give you though is yeah Doug is a bit self absorbed and he does seem to always bring himself into thecommentary for what ever reason..

And Parker...I dunno, maybe you have some sort of Spurs goggles on but it's no different than any other time he falls on the floor. He literally stays onthe ground for like 18, 19 seconds then gets up, no problems. Nash tried to take a charge, I wish he wouldn't be so lazy on d sometimes like I wish Ginobliwould stop auditioning for a lead role every time he steps on the court, but it is what it is.

My thing with Nash is, yeah his d is mad sub par, I agree with you guys, but there's a difference between flopping and trying to take a lot ofcharges..Nash has the case of trying to take a lot of charges to cheat from playing defense...Manu is just straight up a flop artist and the Denzel Washingtonof it..He tries to get every advantage on both ends by flailing his head around like he broke out in hives for a second.
Word around the Valley is that if the Suns dont advance, D'Antoni is gone.

Not that this was much of a surprise to hear, but Larry Brown could turn this team as is into a Champion. You wouldnt see any defensive collapses duringswitches, or wide open back door layups, or players that are too soft to push through screens, etc.
^^I just texted Parker and told him to get up quicker next time he gets hacked by Shaq. I hope you can sleep better now. Go Spurs!! Keep doing it for thehaters!
The hack-a-Shaq tactic Popovich utilized was brilliant. It made D'Antoni think twice about inserting Shaq in key situations fearingthat he may be fouled. D'Antoni, for the most part, didn't put Shaq into the game until the two minutes point when the Spurs can no longer use thatstrategy. I find it funny how now that Shaq is with the Suns, people want to change the rules regarding this tactic. If Shaq makes one out of two every time,then it will be considered a success because you still get some points in those possessions. The bigger question is whether the Suns can stop the Spurs on theother end to make them pay for using that type of strategy. Also, what the hell are the Suns doing going to DIAW in the crucial moments of the game
. Anytime he has his back against the basket, 90% of the time he will travel.
Word around the Valley is that if the Suns dont advance, D'Antoni is gone.

Not that this was much of a surprise to hear, but Larry Brown could turn this team as is into a Champion. You wouldnt see any defensive collapses during switches, or wide open back door layups, or players that are too soft to push through screens, etc.
You don't say. Interesting...

If I were in Kerr's position, I'd be seeing what Larry's thoughts are right now.

I can see him making the Suns more accountable defensively and still giving them plenty of room to run.

Plus, he'd actually make in-game decisions to counteract Popovich, unlike D'Antoni.

Larry's coaching of the 03-04 champion Pistons is definitely appreciated.
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