Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Picture I took of my Holy Grails . . .
What's a sneaker boutique?
A Free XBOX360 for $1.

sckid20 is back!​
any tips on manual focusing? whenever i try to do it, the "subject" looks good on the camera, but comes out blurry on my computer...
Hella Filthy!
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
^ You using the viewfinder or the screen to focus? I (never having used a nikon d40, althought i've played around with a d50 and d80) would use the viewfinder to focus.. that or if you are using the viewfinder maybe if you wear glasses/contacts or have poor vision, you might have trouble getting accurate focus and you just have to adjust the finder so you know that what you'll end up with rather than what you see...

That's just my immediate guess, but I'll think about and maybe someone else with have some other advice...

^Also what else do you have on manual? because thinks like the fstop and aswell as shutter speed will make your images blurly in varing ways depending on number things... i.e. if you have open up the lense (low fstop like f2. 8)
or if your shutterspeed is below 1/125 then either of those could be the culprit, you gotta explain the whole situation.
^ You using the viewfinder or the screen to focus? I (never having used a nikon d40, althought i've played around with a d50 and d80) would use the viewfinder to focus.. that or if you are using the viewfinder maybe if you wear glasses/contacts or have poor vision, you might have trouble getting accurate focus and you just have to adjust the finder so you know that what you'll end up with rather than what you see...

haha. i think thats why... i have glasses, and yeah i am looking through the viewfinder. i guess its my glasses making it blurry because its making my eye not quite on the viewfinder.
^Also what else do you have on manual? because thinks like the fstop and aswell as shutter speed will make your images blurly in varing ways depending on number things... i.e. if you have open up the lense (low fstop like f2. 8)
or if your shutterspeed is below 1/125 then either of those could be the culprit, you gotta explain the whole situation.

my shutter speed is at 1/125, and the fstop is at 5.6. haha, yeah i think its my glasses. i guess i just need to practice more :b
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
i guess its my glasses making it blurry because its making my eye not quite on the viewfinder.

you should be able to adjust the viewfinder so its accurate at the distance your looking into it from with your glasses on.

the fstop is at 5.6

I assume you know but thats not going to give you a great depth of feild, but I bet its the glasses because the subject should be well in focus just not whole lot else...
wow!very nice pics..good thread
i just broke your neck
Azubuike - Barnes - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Richardson
ebayologist - Thanks for the advice. I heard that lense tubes sometimes can blur the entire image a little bit because the light and such has father and lense to go through to get to the camera. Is this true?

Sleep doesn't exsist in my house
^ you have to adjust for the exposure.. maybe half an f stop or a full but no unless there is something wrong with the tube or lense something will be in focus..
Ill give this thread a little bump. My nephew getting held up to dunk (yes those are og VIIs hes wearing)



I'll sleep when I die.
Randoms from a party

Wouldnt call this a photograph. Its more of a perfectly timed image.
Jyanseezy x Amadeus x alljayevryjay
REFS:BrT MiKE 123,sneaker junkie1, NaLeiNtHeCoFFiN, nikefactory​
^ nice panoramic. must've been hard to stitch people moving together.

and is it just me..or is anyone else sick of macro flower shots..
Just messing around with my digi cam (Canon SD400 & Nikon 4300).

Ever wonder what the top of the Eiffel Tower looked like?

Couple on top of the Eiffel Tower. (Not posing, I just took it behind them lol)

Inside St. Peter's Basilica.

Saint Peter's Square.

Roaming the waters of Venice, Italy.

Vietnamese Ruff Ryders.

Method Man (Rock The Bells, Concord)

Imagine 2000 in Frisco.

Love Parade After Party in Bill Graham Center in Frisco.

La Sagrada Familia (The Holy Familia) in Barcelona, Spain.

Inside the Circus Maximus, Rome, Italy.

Inside St. Peter's Basilica.

Inside the Sistine Chapel.

Eiffel Tower at Night.

I hadda put this up here cuz it's just one of these once in a lifetime moment kinda pics. Got the yack right when it's coming outta the mouth, OOOO YEAH!!!

One of the happiest days of my life. High School Graduation. (2004)

One of the saddest days of my life. I crashed my baby.
I am a beginner and just started doing photography... please let me know
how I did.

but good stuff. I would have some new b/w but I gotta wait on developer cause apparently that stuff goes bad pretty quick...
Nice Jimmy.........

I should have some new photos by tomarrow. Hopefully I can snap some good ones at a skate demo.....
- Fong$tarr

E-mail: [email protected]
Member since: January 26, 2003
As for the lens
flare are you saying I intentionally put that with PS? If so, then no its
the natural sunlight. I hate artificial lens flare, it looks so tacky.

No, I was pretty sure it was real. I didnt know if it was on purpose or not. my comment more a social commentary on alot of peoples artifical and real on purpose use of lens flare. Probably just needed lense hood and didn't have it with you but i've seen people who do that on purpose and it boggles my mind as to why...

I usually just comment on mostly the photos I like, even if my comments seem like criticisms. the photos I'm like eh... or not so much I usually just let be...

know I heavily PSed them but I can't help

Yeah, mostly I just like to know what's Ps'd and whats real, not so much as criticising you for it... Jeff Wall is probably my favorite or one of my favorite photographers and significant part of his work is post production in photoshop so...

I think after get back from the gym in like an hour post some Jeff Wall, would give some insight to all of us. Cause he shoots film but he does alot of post production and I've got a few websites that explain alittle. The official photography post gotta be more than just answering questions and posting pictures. anyhow, until then..
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