Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

a few random shots in jamaica. sorry for the huge sizes >.>

What if your family tree is a stump?

Gotcha. Yeah I don't know why people would want to have a lens
flare on purpose. But I could see it depending on the picture. For
instance if you were taking pictures in a forest or something it would
look good.

I've never heard of Jeff Wall, but from some of the pics on google. His
style seems to be up my alley. But still post some more of his work
and take us to school.

I really enjoy your comments and critiques and also the History you
bring to this post. Really appreciated.

Peace. [email protected]
i just recently purchased a Canon Powershot A630 (which I really enjoy the quality)and I've been taking random shots around my house and my neighborhood and my travels, but alas, the installation CD that came with the Canon will not install, it constantly says "The screen resolution to execute Digital Camera Solution Disk is not sufficient" can anybody tell me what the problem is or what it could be? Thanks in advance...

but i was able to get some pics of the camera tell me what you think, I am complete newb/novice/wet behind the ears/ ect,ect when it comes to photos and angles and anything else that deals with photography

for the transformer lovers, including me

spider-man always gets love
home of the chicken wings w/mambo sauce and fries​
I think the photography post should be more than just showing our work and answering random questions/little tutorials... (No better way to start then with Jeff Wall)

Jeff Wall is probably one of the biggest art photographers just a little insight to give you guys an idea this dude gets anywhere from 50 to 100k a print... mind you his prints are huge and a lot of them are in light boxes that can't be cheap to build. Basically dude is a multi-millionaire from taking pictures...

He is more a psuedo documentary photographer rather than actually documentary that have really almost cinematic productions to them. He uses a camera with a negative size that naturally allow for huge prints but he is really well known for lacing images together both by hand and with photoshop.

He uses a view camera usually an 8x10 but also a 4x5 (the negatives are 8inx10in or 4inx5in).
looks like that.

He is also really well known for using light boxes called cibachrome photographs. like so.


Picture for Women, 1979, 80in x 56in
This photograph isn't my favorite jeff wall photograph but it really shows the guys technical talent. that camera shown didn't take the picture...there is no mirror... to get an image that size you'd need two negatives. so basically the there are two cameras on the other side and then wall fitted the two images together. and in 1979 they didn't have photoshop so dude did it by hand...

A very popular idea in contemporary photography that wall is well known for is having his photography make allusions to famous paintings. this one makes clear allusion to Manet's Bar In Folies-Bergere...


A Sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai), 1993
This my favorite Jeff Wall photograph. It's over 100 photographs (film) and scanned interlaced together. Also it makes an allusion to Katsushika Hokusai's (the japanese print maker) Ejiri in Suruga Province (most you probably know Hokusai best by his print "The Great Wave")...


Restoration, 1993 46in x 192in
This like the panoramic of panoramics. the end all be all... its panoramic of the resotration of panoramic painting. I wish I could find a bigger image cause this thing is huge... like 16 feet wide. used panoramic camera that shoots 180 degrees.


A View From An Apartment, 2004
This one of his most recent works. I wish I could find the a place where this image is broken down, but literally Wall would take pictures of this apartment that these two women lived in and then laced the images together to make it look super hectic...

That's just like a taste of his work. His key works are in a solo show on display at the Art Institute of Chicago until Sept. 29th. And then I think it will be at the SF Moma for quite bit. Looking at them in this post is somewhat disservice to his work you really have to see it in person to see the scale and detail of his work.
April 23 1848
Rebecca died of typhoid.

^ Yeah, I watched documentary on Jeff Wall in a photo class. It showed like his pre-during-post production and it was crazy. aside from that it was dubbed in english with probably the most annoying french english speaking dude ever, it was really great...

His work is really completely different when you see the scale of it in person and when you realize how much dude does to get the photos he does. its not like take a picture develop it and print it dude spends crazy time lacing images together...
^^what is that shot called? what cameras usually have that feature? not really looking for those big cameras like my brother carries around though.
sarcasm is hard to tell online

lookin for AM90 infareds 10-11
Thank you. I'm pretty surprised that it came out that well since I'm still new to photography. Experimenting helps to get the results that I'm looking for.
What if your family tree is a stump?
I pick up the camer once every few months...I have a question though, my problem is that I take a picture, look at it then delete it off my camera if I don't like it. Do yall just keep taking pictures and sort it out when you get home? I mean I have wild room on the memory card and all that, but I end up coming home with like 10 pictures on it because I just kept deleting them. "Naw that's wack..."


Due to the fact that fiscally I'm extremely grandiose at this juncture, I can now be referred to as J.R. Paperstacks
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I got money schemes that come to me in my dreams...
Do yall just keep taking pictures and sort it out when you get home?

Well I shoot film so its alittle different. But in this photography composition class I was taught always make contact sheets and view images in real life, i.e. printed. If you have decent printer and you buy some semi or glossy paper you can but like 35 thumbnails on a sheet like 35mm film and really understand the compositions quite well, far better than looking at a computer screen because it back lit and the scale. Really you shouldnt need a photo full frame to tell if well composed infact most photographers would say that actually skews your ability to tell composition because it brings other factors more into play like color or light some of which can be fixed in post production... and with them all there you can really tell a difference between one vs. the next type thing instead of one at a time on the view screen.

But with digital you should shoot like its going out of style, your average dslr and all point and shoots and even 35mm film werent built really compose the single perfect shot. Its more about shooting alot and picking what you like.

view cameras and medium format are more for composing single shots or very few and getting what you need. inpart because the cost of film but also because they have waist level view finders or huge ground glass plates
I don't ever really delete based on the angle or whatever of the picture. Some of my favorite pictures have been from shots I wasn't expecting to be nice. Had I deleted them based on the tiny LCD screen where you can't see the details, I'd never have those shots. Just my view on things.



And this is similar to the last one I posted up. I don't know why, but I love this type of shot.
prettydirt.jpg is in FULL effect. check it out every week for new updates
^ Yeah, those types of photos make me want to cringe... not a fan from an "art" standpoint. They remind me of some mixtape covers, and I love mixtapes and mixtape covers their use of photoshop is one I admire but at the same time have absolutely whatsoever no intention of ever using anything close to the style they use... I once read somewhere the dude who did the early Dipset Mixtapes was a RISD grad and I find that hard to believe but I still liked them for what they were. But honestly thats what images like that strike me as its like low art vs high art. Like its an interesting technique but I'd much rather see the orginal image. To me its like women I'd much rather have a cute girl with barely an makeup then a bad broad with tons of makeup who may or may not be still hot without the makeup.

Conceptually I really like this image. Not at all how its excuted but the idea is great...

Also I like this 1st image but the 2nd one kills it for me, aside from being overexposed my first question in a critique. would be this is digital? already knowing the answer myself. I would assume the dude wants these to go together but they're completely different values, basically different colors and it's b/w...

by created uniform contrast/color casts in simple portraiture before he does wild over the top photoshops... Thats like beginner mistake right there on his portfolio site... It would be like someone has a graphic design porfolio and had like blatant kerning or leading issues in one of their peices. something relatively easy to fix but most graphic designers would think twice about the person for letting something that simple slide.
I know squat about Photography Im a real novice but i like looking at this thread and taking flicks thought id post some....




sun that just dont even out - HOVA
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