Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

I know this is out of topic but I can't find any photoshop thread and I don't want to crowd the main page just for a simple question. How would I makethe black parts in this photo transparent? I want the effect as if I "punched a hole" in the black part so i can "see through" it (for thelack of a better explanation). Thanks!

click layer to make it the current layer
use the rectangular marquee tool and select one box
while holding shift, select the other box
press del
Haven't posted anything in here for awhile been so busy. Here's a pic i got of my nephew today, so hard to take pictures of him indoors since he'salways moving, don't like using flash. Also a few pictures from the LA auto show.




i have a canon rebel xti what is a good fish eye lense or panoramic and my second question is im going to be traveling over seas to japan and china and mycountry bangladesh do you guys think i could pick up lenses their cheaper?
^ There's the Sigma 15mm f/2.8 and Canon 15mm f/2.8 fisheye lenses. Having a crop body like the XTi limits both lenses' full potential obviouslybecause of the cropped image it produces. If you decide to get one, please do not OD with it's use. Fisheyes are specialty lenses and are fun when usedcorrectly. Taking photos of just random things will lead to the loss of its 'wow' effect. In fact, they can just be plain annoying if overused.

As for buying lenses overseas, I have no idea whether they'd be cheaper. Japan is probably going to be more expensive just like with anything over there.Personally, I'd avoid it just for the simple fact that it complicates warranty issues. In other words, if you decide to buy it overseas, bring it back hereto the US and accidentally damage it here, you might end up frustrated trying to get them to honor the warranty. Don't quote me on the actual warrantycoverage because I've never had to send any of my gear to Canon but I'd prefer to buy all my lenses here in the US just to keep things simple.
Originally Posted by Rap Sizzle

^ There's the Sigma 15mm f/2.8 and Canon 15mm f/2.8 fisheye lenses. Having a crop body like the XTi limits both lenses' full potential obviously because of the cropped image it produces. If you decide to get one, please do not OD with it's use. Fisheyes are specialty lenses and are fun when used correctly. Taking photos of just random things will lead to the loss of its 'wow' effect. In fact, they can just be plain annoying if overused.

As for buying lenses overseas, I have no idea whether they'd be cheaper. Japan is probably going to be more expensive just like with anything over there. Personally, I'd avoid it just for the simple fact that it complicates warranty issues. In other words, if you decide to buy it overseas, bring it back here to the US and accidentally damage it here, you might end up frustrated trying to get them to honor the warranty. Don't quote me on the actual warranty coverage because I've never had to send any of my gear to Canon but I'd prefer to buy all my lenses here in the US just to keep things simple.
true, really good looks famo, im just looking into the fish eye for taking pics of cars and maybe some people but i really like my 18-55 so i wontover due it just something cool to have
What are your guys' opinions/thoughts on Leica? Looking into purchasing a point and shoot camera from them.

click layer to make it the current layer
use the rectangular marquee tool and select one box
while holding shift, select the other box
press del

Or, just set the layer blending mode to screen and it ignores the black parts - so the layers behind will show through.
does anyone know of a framing software? ie: burnt edges or picture framing. i need to use something a little simpler than photoshop
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