Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by RetroAirs23

wont happen again. but what yal think?


I wouldn't bother posting stuff like that.

Basically they're technically poor pictures taken with a phone (which always bugs me - I don't care how many MP you have - it's still a crappycamera) and of not very interesting subjects. If they were interesting but taken on a cellphone that would be better - but even if those were shot with a D3 orsomething they wouldn't be good.


Don't worry though - the positive of what I said is that it's not the camera that makes a good picture - I took some of my best on my old point andshoot.
Yeah, and you're the first person who's mentioned it. Did it about a week ago now but obviously I kept my whole profile the same so it still looks likeme.

Just always regretted the fact that I used my name and now that it's the name I use professionally a few people were googling me for another reason andwere asking me about NT. I've got a reasonably high profile at the moment nationally in my profession so I wanted to change it - Meth and the Yuku peoplewere really helpful in getting it all sorted out.

Changed it so I can say dumb stuff on the internet without it affecting me in real life!
lol i knew something was up with the name, but i couldnt remember what it used to be before so i thought i was imagining things.
Originally Posted by BayEST

Shot with the Hasselblad


Your uncle Joe right? I heard through the grape vine that his department closed down a while ago. Sucks......tell him I said what's up...if he remembersme.

Just took this........a non-fisheye....yeah.

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Quick Newb question?

Nikon D60 or Canon Xs or Canon XTi?

I'm leanin towards the D60 right now, tho.
Save some money and go for the D40.
Sup everybody...since i see yall have a lot of knowledge here. Might as well give it a shot and ask if anybody knows how much this camera is worth? Ive"heard" it's worth a good bit but the number i heard sounded crazy. so please help me out. Also - can somebody make my mountain picture lookbetter? Thanks.
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Sup everybody...since i see yall have a lot of knowledge here. Might as well give it a shot and ask if anybody knows how much this camera is worth? Ive "heard" it's worth a good bit but the number i heard sounded crazy. so please help me out. Also - can somebody make my mountain picture look better? Thanks.
Funny you ask, cause I found that camera in my crib about a month ago. It takes some DOPE photos. Real vintage like. (Just check flickr and type in Honeywell Pentax) I came in here when I found mine and someone inhere (I forgot his name) said there's a group on Flickr for them.

But to answer your question, I've seen $250 the most.
Too much blue on that second picture NIMO... and try not to cut his foot off next time...

Nike logo looks dope.
man I'm on a blackout .. posting from my darn phone ... ugh ...

I thought today was suppose to be portrait day? So where are they ..

Hey irps .. I believe thats a animal portrait ... that counts, however the idea of this thing is to give a task for us to do just t find an excuse to go do it.. like motivation to go out and snap away ...
here are my portraits. im not really into the portrait phase of photography, but this is the best i could come up with.
I liked these pictures a lot - nice angle and everything - this one is much better as the white balance looks better - the other one is a bit cold. The onlything really wrong is that you cut his foot off - it's hard to see sometimes when you're concentrating on the face - but if you were really shootingfor Nike they wouldn't be happy!
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