Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Not me, a buddy, he makes beats...

Not me, Marli, my dog...

Atlantic City on a kinda gloomy morning...

Bonus being NT and all (taken with iPhone)


As always more trash on my Flickr & feel free to C/C although thereisn't much to see here. I just haven't shared in a while, soooo... BTW, Kick where you going to restart the toy idea? Should we scrap it? Should Ifind a new toy... just wondering, no big deal. Enjoy everyone.
Originally Posted by lacetrix


Shot with Hasselblad H2 with P45 digital back. One broncolor strobe to left with wide hood and one strobe head bare to the right. Silver reflector in the back.

If this shot is not already a 7up ad. You should really try to send it to them. It that dope.
Actually, my company is shooting for a 7UP campaign haha. My boss is a commercial photographer and I got to shoot this with the setup I help put together.
havent posted in a while.... first time shooting at night with no flash, may notice some camera shake... no tripod so i had to improvise.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Ok here's another try. Almost a year ago, I followed a group of Japanese-American seniors up into central California on a bus for the weekend, as they revisited the Manzanar internment camp they were forced to live in during World War II. It was a very emotional weekend, lots of awesome photography came of it, I've never shown anyone it before. So here's one of the shots as we hiked through the desert in extreme heat. Can't believe our own government, in these people's lifetime, were racist and ignornant enough to uproot this entire generation of American citizens and force them to live out here for years.. ANYWAYS:


%@#!% dope bobby, you got any more from this set?
heres another one.


rikan-for that last wedding i did...i was extremely underpaid...but hey, the wifey did the catering so she got paid ... its all good with me.
so i have this project called a "photo essay" in school that i have to do and i was wondering if yall could give me some ideas
Only a chick can get away with taking booty pics with an SLR. If a guy get's caught up, that is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for my 1st editing program and have come down to Photoshop Elements 6 or 7 and Paint Shop Pro Ultimate X2. Anybody with experience with thetwo? Which one is better in your opinion? I've heard of the CS3 and CS4, but they're way to expensive for me to buy right now.

Originally Posted by mrshadow

so i have this project called a "photo essay" in school that i have to do and i was wondering if yall could give me some ideas
come on guys..its really important
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