Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Help! Have you guys ever had this issue? I use a 30MB/s 16 GB SanDisk ExtremeIII card. Today while I was emptying out the cartridge, at the end of it, I justgrabbed everything that was in the cartridge and manually deleted it using my computer. Usually, I just delete all the images through my camera. Anyways, nowwhen I stick my cartridge in, my Mark II reads that I can only get 22 images off of it. If I rifle through 22 shots, it says Cartridge is Full. How do Ireformat this card? Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Help! Have you guys ever had this issue? I use a 30MB/s 16 GB SanDisk ExtremeIII card. Today while I was emptying out the cartridge, at the end of it, I just grabbed everything that was in the cartridge and manually deleted it using my computer. Usually, I just delete all the images through my camera. Anyways, now when I stick my cartridge in, my Mark II reads that I can only get 22 images off of it. If I rifle through 22 shots, it says Cartridge is Full. How do I reformat this card? Thanks in advance.
Put your card in your compact flash reader. Go to My Computer, right-click on the card, and click "Format..."
it's been way too long. some photos from yesterday's Temple vs. Ball State game.



more on the flickr.
Originally Posted by Pandar

Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Help! Have you guys ever had this issue? I use a 30MB/s 16 GB SanDisk ExtremeIII card. Today while I was emptying out the cartridge, at the end of it, I just grabbed everything that was in the cartridge and manually deleted it using my computer. Usually, I just delete all the images through my camera. Anyways, now when I stick my cartridge in, my Mark II reads that I can only get 22 images off of it. If I rifle through 22 shots, it says Cartridge is Full. How do I reformat this card? Thanks in advance.
Put your card in your compact flash reader. Go to My Computer, right-click on the card, and click "Format..."

He pretty much answer your question .. instead of going back to the computer .. just look for the option in the camera .. it has a format option in it!

It works
Originally Posted by tony23retro

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by budahbro

santi you're really good at that jdm photography but wut else you got brotha?

He means if you have any other pictures that don't involve cars... I think.
I guess, I took it more as he telling me to stop posting car photos. whatevs.

Dope stuff everyone.
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

AirPhilippines - Really liking the first one...
bobbytripledigits - Great shot! I really like the bridge or roof that makes the background.
qksLvrtypeS - How do you like FF? I hope to upgrade to FF eventually, but not for a while.

My second attempt at skate shots. Any C/C is appreciated. Thanks!

Alright....not to be your main critic, but again...I just have a thing for skateboard photography. Good shots since I am assuming you are using a wide/fisheyelens but you should really try to be more conscious about your environments. Skateboard tricks are as gnarly as the obstacle that the person is skating. Akickflip is a kickflip on flat but a kickflip down a 10 stair is even better. So I would say get more of the environment…..and even if you can, try to shootwith a straight lens.

The mag that has been killing as far as covers go as of late is Skateboarder. These are all examples of great shots…..with great a great view of what peopleare skating:





Originally Posted by RiKaN HaVoK

Originally Posted by Pandar

Originally Posted by bobbytripledigits

Help! Have you guys ever had this issue? I use a 30MB/s 16 GB SanDisk ExtremeIII card. Today while I was emptying out the cartridge, at the end of it, I just grabbed everything that was in the cartridge and manually deleted it using my computer. Usually, I just delete all the images through my camera. Anyways, now when I stick my cartridge in, my Mark II reads that I can only get 22 images off of it. If I rifle through 22 shots, it says Cartridge is Full. How do I reformat this card? Thanks in advance.
Put your card in your compact flash reader. Go to My Computer, right-click on the card, and click "Format..."

He pretty much answer your question .. instead of going back to the computer .. just look for the option in the camera .. it has a format option in it!

It works
Yeah if you can't do it on a computer, try formatting it in the camera.
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

AirPhilippines - Really liking the first one...
bobbytripledigits - Great shot! I really like the bridge or roof that makes the background.
qksLvrtypeS - How do you like FF? I hope to upgrade to FF eventually, but not for a while.

My second attempt at skate shots. Any C/C is appreciated. Thanks!

I would suggest increasing the f number so as to have more of the focus on the skater and less focus/ light on the background. Also a high fnumber makes the rays of the sun look better, imo. Nice shots though. And idk if it will work out but maybe cropping out the floor on some of them wouldprovide a nice effect as if the skater is flying or something.
^^^^^You need the ground though. Unless it is a vert shot or transition shot, you need the ground cause you don't want to sell your skate photo as surrealor unreal. You need to sort of explain what is going on.

And some recent photos over the weekend of whatever:





So ive been shooting Nikon for a couple months now n i think im getting better but i know i have ways to go....n e who, i went to the museum yesterday nsnapped a few pics, hope its not tooo many but NT please free to CRITICIZE MY WORK...any tips on how to better focus or w/e would be greatly appreciated, thx




(this guys on a turtles back btw





K, I'm done
Mr Fongstarr - I really appreciate the tips man. I've never looked into skate photography much, but those sound like some helpful hints. I don't thinkits really my thing, but I figured I might as well try it a couple of times! If I try again I will look at other skate photographers shots as examples and takeinto consideration what you said. Thanks!
Originally Posted by RiKaN HaVoK

man whatever happen to that little guy we was all suppose to shoot?
+$%+ that dude that took it last .. dead +$* .. if you still read this .. thats $@!*+@ up what you did my dude!
I had it and sent it to rocafella kidd.. idk what hedid with it.. i really liked the project/ my photo for it
.. we shouldstart a new one
From Friday's Gig. The group I'm covering complained about too much motion/action blur so had to speed up the shutter and shoot first curtain. BOOO








Anyone have any tips for shooting club parties?

If you're shooting them as a job...what medium do you use to give/show the pictures to people?

I know alot of people who just set up galleries on their personal websites for people to view or DL...but my website is not done yet? Any alternatives?
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